What went so right?

What went so right?

dirt cheap compared to cable, which, atleast during the daytime would offer the same selection of shows but riddled with commercials

good marketing

Someone else here on Sup Forums put it best: they turned into HBO before HBO could turn into them.

Daredevil, Stranger Things

Mad Men

Otherwise the selection's pretty weak

THIS, Netflix doesn't need an infrastructure to maintain

netflix is already on the decline. it will only get worse as they put more and more money & effort into their "original series" and spend less on acquiring rights to already-existing movies. does anyone even still use netflix to get DVDs in the mail?

what went so right?

if they were in trouble they would increase their monthly fee, they're not

>no x265 rips
Stupid fucking idiots making file sizes waaay too small to see a benifit over x264 shits me

sure business-wise they are fine but already the culture is turning away from them. it will take a little while but decline in profits will follow

All the Star Treks.

Lots of epic shows, that's what went right.

Shrunken content, more competition, capped audience size

aren't they?

it's like $10 a month now compared to $8 a couple years back

they need more big hit shows

>smartphone and mobile market

besides even if they do fall eventually like hbo someone else will come along Amazon?

They were the first to capitalize on a streaming service, offering it at a vastly reduced cost at a time when people were sickened by how expensive cable had become

>they would increase their monthly fee, they're not

They literally are though. Not that user, not saying they're in trouble, but its pretty well known theyre increasing it from 8-10 as we speak.

When the price-hike was announced a while back, I was reminded that I'm on the HD plan (as opposed to SD and UHD plans), and was thus reminded that there were separate plans for the quality of your streaming. Mark my words, one day in the near future, there will be a strictly TV plan, a strictly movie plan, a strictly Netflix Original Programming plan, and finally a mesh of these that will be at least 50% more expensive than what we are paying now. I also wouldn't be surprised if there was "The Anime Plan" etc for like $1/month.

Outside the USA there's practically nothing to watch.
You have to use a good VPN that means more money cost on top of the subscription.
And even then the movie selection is actually being reduced with the passage of time.
I decided to cancel my subscription.

Sorry but piracy is still more economic and there's far more content.

there are some folks making it right.

That would be stupid of them, since they'd just be following in cables footsteps, the same failures that got their customers to begin with

I wish they picked more cancelled good shows. I love what they did with the killing and Continuum

>living outside of the greatest country in the world has let downs

no shit, idiot

Normies got a hold of "Binge Watching" something popularized by neckbeards and losers on here

Normies take over everything. We are all abound to become normie.

Embrace it

netlix is literally normie tier.