Sup Sup Forumstards

Sup Sup Forumstards.

My IQ is 163. For those of you unfamiliar with IQ, this means I have "genius-level" intelligence.

I also have synaesthesia, and absolute pitch. Things as diverse as math, music, and art come naturally to me and I get straight A's without studying much at all. I also am able to understand music at a deeper level than most people.

While most people my age spend their free time listening to mainstream music, I spend my free time listening to works such as Jerry Garcia Band's Cats Under the Stars, Frank Turner's Sleep Is for the Week and Love Ire & Song.

All this and I'm an 18 year old still in high school.

Ask me anything. Please no mean comments

Other urls found in this thread:

gay bait m8

Age 17: 153
Now 25yo: Prob. 15 or something.

goes to /b to brag
"no mean comments"

You don't see many geniuses on the internet. It's a honor really.

Stop posting this, man.

Hahaha fucking tard
I got my dick sucked this morning by my Asian girlfriend you antisocial fuck boy have fun suck nigger dick for A's

No questions?????

Fucking iphone

Why do you think we give a fuck?

but can you remove kebab?

How much nigger dick do you suck?

You aren't special no matter how much your mommy tells you. Have fun in the real world where smug cunts like you are just laughed off.

Can you please stop posting this?

Nice bait. Never seen this horse shit before.

kek, this shit again

never gets old - really

rolling for noodz

Do you think your brilliane allowed you to realize you were a faggot at a younger age than most queers?

How many of those points will disappear when you finish your transition, OP?

Please no mean comments

>IQ of 163
>straight A's

have you ever touched a girl before OP?

Clever boy, you.*Auidence cheers*

>be me
>high IQ
>used to sleep in school
>wake up
>take test
>go back to sleep
Everything is easy
>90-100% every time
>teachers hated me
>go home
>drink brews
>fuck skeezers

Fast forward

>be me
>30 years old
>make 60k a year
>but i have to work relatively hard

I dun goofd

Gtfo Lilia.


Put on some makeup and a pretty dress and heals. Do it.


I like your dress.

shut the fuck up

What field of study interests you?

you're a faggot, m'kay

Why are you pretending you are a boy?


I'm really happy for you, please listen to this piece of advice from a 21 year old who was in a very similar situation as you: It is okay to be proud, it is okay to believe that you are above everyone else (you are), but stay humble and remain a student, if you get drunk on ego someone with half your talent will eventually overtake you through hard work.

What do you Think of claude debussy

What flavor of fountain drinks do You enjoy

And you're humble. Don't forget humble.

Can I have a pic of your feet?

Where are you from?

This died quickly

This post proves u are to daft to relize I.Q scores are messure of knowledge and that's about it.u might have a high knowledge base.but fails to prove u can't think out side the box ur even come up with abstract thinking or new ideas.

You should fuck this guy
And make smart/lazy ass babies


Also with u I.Q level and ur As why u still in high school at 18

did she died?

I don't give a shit you fat oaf

I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark and say no to that one, just a hunch.

My understanding is that OP is female.

alright cool now tits or gtfo bch show me u reading harry potter while fingering yourself
Further reading that you may find somewhat valuable.

>My understanding is that OP i̶s̶ ̶f̶e̶m̶a̶l̶e̶ a trap

if your so smart why did you get AIDS?

I highly doubt you have that IQ, on official scales there is nothing high than 140. I'm at 132. Listen to some Igor Stravinsky, Hiatus Kaiyote, or Peter Brötzmann, then come back to talk music. I can guarantee I know more about music than you do.

>genius level IQ
>posting on Sup Forums

No one posting on this cesspool of a board has genius level IQ.

2 bad your nasty ass trap hair is disgusting and everyone makes fun of u

i bet you have no friends and want to kill yourself

just kill yourself op

I was diagnosed with schizophrenia at a young age due to my intelligence kid. Shut the fuck up about your gay "I'm so smart" bs. True geniuses teeter between the line of what's real and isn't. Go read a fuck book u "intellectual" child

Mind yourself; even in the year 2017, some incredibly smart people visit this board. Frequent it, maybe not... but pop in from time to time to see what it looks like, absolutely.

Besides, having a 160 IQ in high school doesn't mean much.

heres OP's faggot ass

youre nasty as f OP

I can agree with the teetering firsthand.

>on Sup Forums


Double chin ass

from 0 to 10, how much are you a nigger faggot ?

Shit keeps me up at night and distracted in the day. Can barely talk to others without asking myself I'm talking at all. Sucks ass to see the world for what it is.

Can you explain how Einsten's theory of relativity is irrelevant in the EM Drive’s resonance chamber?

This is pasta. I know this as I've seen it several other times.

But if it weren't, I would tell you to go use your advantages for all they're worth. This is a place mostly for people who don't have them, and will copy/paste tall tales such as this not so much to convince us they do, but to guarantee replies. This is no different from the whole "reply or your mother dies" shtick people use to get attention around here.

Those among us who have actually made the grade should leave now. You know what they say about staring too long into the abyss...

Bet that big thumb is good for sticking up man ass you gay fuck

So you think you know a lot about music, but I'm willing to bet you're just too ignorant to know what you don't know. I don't doubt you listen to some underground shit, but I doubt you have even the slightest clue about any theory. Could be wrong, but if be willing to bet that you're overestimating your knowledge.

Does your massive intellect help in your battle with HIV?

Go back to r9k, where your orbiters lie



So what if I'm gay? Not like I'd be interested an underage neck beard like you.

I remember her, I had pics of her feet.

Shitty b8, btw.

>nigger faggot

IQ tests are outdated, and high IQ's aren't impressive anyway. Intelligence is a choice. It's just a willingness to learn.
Everyone who is truly stupid is just not willing to learn. It's easy as fuck to be smart and people just choose not to.

Anyway, hit me up with your SAT score. Mine was 2200. First try.


SAT tests are outdated, and high SAT scores aren't impressive anyway. Studying is a choice. It's just a willingness to put time into learning.
Everyone who is truly stupid is just not willing to learn. It's easy as fuck to be smart and people just choose not to.

Anyway, hit me up with your CarFax score. Mine was 127%. First try.


Try harder.

How do you start a chainsaw on a cold day?

Go back to writing your 2000 word essay on "why my intellect is superior to others" you faggot.

OP is obvious copy pasta, but who's the chick in the main pic? Face and hair looks like a guy, but that hand is unmistakably female

Need to know so I can fap to those hands more

post pic related or GTFO!

Dude I fucking suck at essays. I'm lucky if they are 300 words. An idiot could write 2000 words, a genius would rack themselves over getting the point across in 100.

I'm not saying SAT scores are better judges of intelligence than IQ tests, faggot. I'm just curious.

>This bait every day
>different picture
>IQ keeps going up every time
>gender changes each day

Wew lad... you tried so hard for days that I finally replied so 2/10

>IQ tests can't measure higher than 160
>I knew many people who didn't study and got straight A's; fuck I didn't study for my ACT and got a 28, while high
>Jerry Garcia sucks
>I made the dean's list without studying
>I have social skills, you don't

Sup OP. I have autism
>autistic screeching

Everything is relative! in the case or morals there are no absolutes. Einstein was a genius and i have high hopes for OP

>Implying that a fucking number can determinate your intelligence
Are you seriously retarded?

Same here i have advanced autism Level 9

I'm not the one you asked in the first place, but i scored 1910 first try, but whatevs. qualifies me for some scholarship opportunities.

Can someone please tell me who owns that amazing hand? I need to fap

I only have level 5. I keep my autism in check by venting it at Sup Forums.

Trips for truth.

these your tits?

Hey OP, do you think much of quantum mechanics or theoretical physics at all?

Trips to the rescue.

Has massive IQ yet doesn't realise IQ tests are not an accurate analysis of a persons intelligence as there is no viable measurement. OP's bait is flawed.