Feels thread/Mood gifs

Feels thread/Mood gifs

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in the mood to cry OP


Whats going on Sup Forumsro?

life in general, not a whole lot has been happening for me

tired enough to reply to my own post on accident, that about sums it up

today was just another day of lonely insignificance




Got some feels stuff for you guys.






Today I went to the hospital to see a friend. Yesterday night this friend and her bf used a needle to Iv some drugs. The bf died because a air bubble got caught in his lungs. It's called a pulmonary embolism I think.. anyways I remember hearing her say that she couldn't get the sound of the bf screaming out of her mind. Like fuck .. I want to be supportive and help but I feel like I died a little inside today. What do b?


>be me, 10 years old
>have a cool older brother
>he'd do all sorts of crazy shit
>he had one hell of a sense of humor and I was along for the ride
>he was chill
>like REALLY chill
>he and I were at the same school
>he was one of the fucking top achievers
>he'd treat me to some ice cream and soda anytime he had some money
>he's made of cash
>but mom and dad didn't like his shit
>big bro was smart but his laidback personality makes him pretty lazy at times
>his grades were above average but he ain't no einstein
>he got a lot of shit for this
>Mom and Dad would always push him to be the best
>pressuring him into quizbees and contest he didn't want to and shit
>he lets them
>he doesn't voice his opinion, he doesn't fight back
>he'd get a mouthful of swearing from mom and sometimes dad would get the belt
>he hides it all behind a fucking smile
>i watched my big bro die slowly inside everyday
>he'd get more slower
>unmotivated to do anything
>one day he just stopped talking to me
>really fucked me up

Fast forward, years later
>big bro was in his late 20s
>he's moved out by then
>he refuses to make any contact with us
>he didn't even say goodbye

fuck I hate this i just want him back and laugh at the stupid shit all over again

Somebody post the fucking grifter


If somebody wants to come over and talk about anything, feel free to join us. If it's funny, feels, or just daily life, it's always cool to have someone to talk to.

Come user, you don't have to be alone tonight.

Sigh... fuck. Been drinking but story time cause this got me.

I used to have two cats. The first one, I got when I was about thirteen. He didn't have a name when we got him, we got him from some weirdo family on Craigslist. He was huge. Not fat, just big. Came up to my knees, and I'm 6'. Named him Bigga. The first time I met Bigga, his owners didn't even have a cage, so they had him between two laundry baskets they'd tied together. Fuck it, whatever, My mom was a champ, so she got him home.

He busted through one of the baskets and made her drive a little more complicated. But he was cuddly and awesome. No fear of people. I came home from school that day and he was just chilling in the living room. No other cat we'd had was like that. They would all hide for days when we first brought 'em in... not Bigga.

One of my favorite memories with him was the time my friend's dog followed me home without me knowing. I opened the screen door and he went wooshing past me, straight into my home... into Bigga's home. Big mistake. Bigga straight kicked his ass. Jumped on him and just started biting and kicking and scratching like a mad cat. It was glorious. The dog was in such a huge scramble to get out he broke the screen door.

this one kicks the shit out of me every time I read it

"Don't be sad that it's over, but happy that it happened."

I've had my cats for almost 2 years now.
Crazy to me that I'll probably have them when I'm in my 30's.
Even crazier that one day I won't have em.

A few years later, we got the second cat, a goofy fuzzball we ended up naming "Twitches" because he was a scaredy cat, a real paranoid little guy. He was afraid of everything. Stuffed animals, people, his own food. We didn't know why. His owners told us they had to get rid of them because they had a baby and it would stuff crayons into his ears. While hilarious, I can see where that might be traumatizing for a kitty.

Well, Bigga didn't like him too much. Bigga didn't like anyone marching in on his territory. So every day, he would hunt Twitches down and kick his ass at least a few times. Just to let him know who's in charge. Their fights would always end with Bigga pinning Mip down and biting on his neck. And Bigga, he's not the listening sort. Yelling, spraying him, nothing would get him off unless I physically removed him.

They went on like that for about a year before they finally came to terms with one another, but I didn't want to give either of them up because they were my best buddies.

Fast forward a few years. I was 18, and my family was moving down south, to Florida. I was expected to give up the cats because it would be a hassle to get them down there or something. No, fuck that. I threw them in the car and drove them down there like a boss. Had to stop several times because they hated cars and needed to shit and other problems but I'd do anything for my best buddies.

Well, we'd been together pretty much all our lives. About a year later down there in Florida, Bigga got sick. We didn't know what with. His hair started falling out in huge patches, he was scratching a lot but no fleas, he would throw up every now and then. He still seemed his usual clingy, aggressive self though. Even though I was broke, I marched him down to a vet, because I wanted him to get better. Well, they kept him overnight, and never found out what was wrong with him.

The lady that took care of him cave him a shot of something called cortisone and sent him on home. I paid through the nose for all this. My bank account was down to the double digits. Didn't care, loved my buddy. That night, Bigga was in trouble. He couldn't eat, he was constantly thirsty to the point that he was licking a dry faucet. I was freaking out, but the clinic was closed. Stayed up all night with the faucet running so he could keep drinking. He felt so weak and over the course of the night, I could suddenly feel his bones through his skin.

I took him back the next day. Turns out he was allergic to the stuff. Oh, they could treat him. They could have done something, but... It would cost money. A lot of money. Way more than I had. I took him home to see if he'd get better. I called around, clinic after clinic. The prices were all about the same. Nobody would just treat him for free. I uncovered the true face of the monster. A bunch of people supposed to take care of beloved pets, and all they cared about was money.

I couldn't watch Bigga suffer, and he was only getting worse and worse. He could barely open his eyes. He couldn't breathe. I didn't know if he would eventually recover, but I just couldn't watch this anymore. It felt like I was torturing him for my own sake to keep him around, so I took him to the humane society. On the drive there, I held his paw. I couldn't stop myself from crying.

post some pics of your dick

I came to appreciate Twitches all the more now knowing that the possibility of losing him was all too real. I'd never even really thought about death before, never taken it seriously. Even when my grandparents died, because they were abusive and I hardly knew them, it had no impact. But losing Bigga was a big hit. I was a loner, and he was the closest I'd ever been to another living being.

Well, fast forward two years. Twitches started losing a little hair. Started scratching.

Whatever Bigga had, Twitches caught it too. I took him to a vet, like I did Bigga. Again, they didn't know what was wrong. So I took him to another. Each time I could afford it, another.

Nothing. Nobody knew. Nobody cared. Take your cat and get out. I get it. So from then on, I spent as much time with Twitches as I could. Watched him steadily get older, lose more hair, get a little sicker. He started biting and scratching himself to the point that he'd bleed, and his little scaredy-cat routine stopped being funny when he'd usually spatter blood around if something interrupted one of his biting sessions.

I knew I should put him down too, but it was hard. It was too hard. So I kept him around, just a little longer, until it became too hard to watch. And just like Bigga, I had to put him down. At least he didn't die suffering. At least this time I was strong enough to put him down before he had to really suffer.

I haven't adopted a cat since. I don't think I can go through that kind of shit a third time.

tl;dr: Cats caught disease in FL, medical professionals wouldn't help because I couldn't swipe my credit card because I spent all my money trying to save my cats. Had to watch them die. They were family to me and they were worth less than their dollar amount to other people. Fuck those people.

You appreciate your time with those furballs, man. You hang on, you get me? Love them all you can, every chance you get. Show em every day.

I turn 23 in 3 days and I've never had anybody tell me they loved me.

>Married young
>Bad husband, bad father
>Ex leaves me
>Marries someone she's only known a few weeks
>Takes kids across the country
>Ask if I should just let there be one mom and one dad
>Yes. So I don't see them anymore
>Year later, things are good and I take the kids
>Too young to really remember me
>We bond
>Ex's new man is a psycho, she moves and stays with me for a few weeks
>Goes back to him
>Move to be closer to ex's family for support
>She comes back after leaving him again
>her family takes her in, kicks me out
>see kids rarely
>she meets someone else new
>kids prefer him over me

I think im going to kill myself this time. i cant live through this again

Fuck em.
Do you.

How do you really know they prefer him over you, you are their father so talk to them but like a real talk tell them how you feel

Shit what happened to the good old feels threads? Why are they all junk now?



saved the pic ty



Fuck everybody and everything

Last year I had a gf, she broke with me and "broke me", now I'm talking with a girl every day since january. She says she loves me and I love her, but my inferiority complex and my shitty body makes me sad. I feel like she's going to stop loving me when she we will see each other in person (she already knows how I am, but idk).

This is actually what I'm going through, ain't that a fucking coinkidinks?

do not die thread




Girl told me she thinks we're too different to be compatible, but only a couple of weeks ago she was telling me she liked me and thought I was hot

What do? I played it cool and didn't sperg out

this week is the week in which ive spent most time on my computer, I just want school to start to see people again...

I am the child of divorced parents. Dont kill yourself man, please. Sometimes its hard for kids to express sentiment for their parents. If you truly believe they are better of without you, do whatever you dreamed of, now you have time right?