I am an American man, and I have decided to boycott American women. In a nutshell, American women are the most likely to cheat on you, to divorce you, to get fat, to steal half of your money in the divorce courts, don't know how to cook or clean, don't want to have children, etc. Therefore, what intelligent man would want to get involved with American women?

American women are generally immature, selfish, extremely arrogant and self-centered, mentally unstable, irresponsible, and highly unchaste. The behavior of most American women is utterly disgusting, to say the least.

This blog is my attempt to explain why I feel American women are inferior to foreign women (non-American women), and why American men should boycott American women, and date/marry only foreign (non-American) women.

So, judging by the pic you've decided to go faggot? Congratulations, I'm proud of you.

goddamit, it is NOT GAY to like ladyboys!!!!!





>American women are generally immature, selfish, extremely arrogant and self-centered, mentally unstable, irresponsible, and highly unchaste.

Yeah, just like traps and trannies.

2/10 for getting a response out of me.

Ladyboys are the BEST


American women have been boycotted. Look at the huge numbers of women in their 30s who are unmarried and do not have children. Millennial ladies are trying to find happiness from a cubical only to discover that it sucks. By they time they actually do want to get married they find themselves in their 30s competing against women who are 5-10 years younger than them for the same men.

this is a really butt hurt virgin

yes it is already happening actually. That's why so many younger women are suddenly becoming "traditional" because they are desperate to find a husband.





"American women are generally immature, selfish, extremely arrogant and self-centered, mentally unstable, irresponsible, and highly unchaste. The behavior of most American women is utterly disgusting, to say the least" The men are no different lol


now that is one hot cock!

wrong. Many american men are good people. I can't say the same even about a small minority of american women.


I see the Edge finds ways to stay active when Bono has no need of him

>Clicking links on Sup Forums

Born a Man... Cut the cock off and that is still a man.

You're a faggot..... Just go ahead suck a dick and get fucked in your ass. No need to dress them up like dock side whores.

You're a faggot. Be a faggot. You like sex with men, sucking a cock, and the hot copper taste of fresh semen on your tongue.


I couldn't agree more. Bunch of entitled spoiled bitches.

Itt fat faggots that cannot get a gf


Cut the cock of its a eunuch

holy shit she has an amazing cock

about having a hot cock?

fuck off loser. there is nothing GAY about fucking a ladyboy

thanks bro

speak for yourself faggot

pretty good cock

Congratulations. You're a proud faggot.

I am going with a traditional loving eastern European woman. Polish, Hungarian, Czech, Romanian. Their all so good, fit, smart, and family minded.

I should make plans to summer in Prague in the next year or two.

about American men being better than American women, Americans are shit in general

Itt...divorced alpha men who's ex-wives emptied the bank account.



The young women are looking for weaknesses in the older women. By young I will say women born after 1995. Among who the oldest are just now in their early 20s.

They dress better, they act better, they see the older Millennial generation as women who are in a poor position to compete with them and they are capitalizing on it.

Maybe they are every bit as fucking bad as the women born 82-94. It doesn't matter. They see those women who are now in their 30s as being professional women who are fat and alone and they see it sucks.

They laugh at the fat acceptance movement by wearing these skin tight short dresses.


yea younger women are not as retarded as women in their 30s and above

that is why a lot of them are becoming alt-right and "meme girls"

Pic related




>fuck off loser. there is nothing GAY about fucking a ladyboy

There is EVERYTHING gay about fucking a mentally unstable, black market hormones, STD collector, shemale. Nothing lady about that.

You're rolling around in cheap sweaty shit stained sheets with sour thai poop on your small penis and no idea how to get that cheap faggot out of your room.

Enjoy your STDs fucking a faggot with a med student tit job and cold sores.

You can hear us laughing at you, right?

Maybe at your next therapy session you can talk about your fear of women.




A friend of mine is 36 and I have known her for 13 years now. Since she was 30 she has put on 50+ pounds and she noticed that her attention has dropped. And posting Tess Holiday pictures to show the world HOW BEAUTIFUL she is. Yeah fat acceptance was cool. But now its laughable. She can't get a dude unless she gives anal and pays for the guy. Every guy she has her eye on goes out with younger chicks.

She got super SJW and now has the physique and mobility of an old man. Awesome.

I agree with you on this one, Im a Romanian who moved to the US when I was 10, I've dated 3 american girls from here and holy shit!! They don't know how to cook, clean, or do fucking anything. They all seem so entitled and spoiled!! Im going to try and find a girl from Eastern Europe too and bring her here.


oh wow becoming a radical feminist cunt is SURE to attract men to her, right?



She thought it would make her a strong woman. The irony is that she is opposed to anything that will actually make her strong. No strength training, no conditioning, she has become fat and atrophied.

She puts herself at every disadvantage thinking she is stronger for it and no one wants anything to do with her.


I agree with you on everything OP except i looked at your blog and it looks like a 16 year old kid who just had his heart broken by an american girl is writing it. Stop posting retarded things that focus on one aspect of the problem with a picture of a fat american or an ugly SJW. And all your other posts are of one quality of foreign girls YOU find attractive, like them legs or some shit.

mmm that is one sexy feminine penis and poogina



being an overgrown spoiled brat child is NOT the same as being a strong person.

my blog is like 6 years old. I been trolling these cunts for years

Dude, I am a 45 year old white male and have never married or had kids.

I have to be suspicious of every time a friend says meet for beers or coffee. Hey, we'll grab food at this place. Bam..... some 35 year old fat stacy, mandy, anna, bree, or some such shit.

Fuck that. Always some "girls" with a job like hair dresser or receptionist looking for a "real man".

Nope. Go collect cats you talentless whores.

Me. I am going to learn to love Ghoulash and pierogis, and everything potatoes or cabbage. A spotless house and home cooked food.


The foreign girls also see American women as stupid and noncompetitive. Like 10-15% of them yeah... they are good... but the vast majority of them are pieces of shit and a decently attractive European woman, with all of her bullshit, can clean the clock of 85% of American woman.

The top 60% of European women can take on the top 15% of American women. The top 30% of European women can take on the top 5% of American women. The top 10% of European women can take on the top 1% of American women.

If you are an attractive women from Europe. Come to the US. You will clean up and will be considered among the absolute most attractive women in the community which you move to. You will have the full advantages of being "The most attractive woman" in a hell of a lot of places.

The top 10% of Women in America have incredibly good lives and live better than most retired millionaires.

yea women really try to put their hook in you if you are an older man because they know you are stable. They could care less about younger men because younger men are mostly poor


>feminine penis and poogina
Haha, never heard the term poogina before

I do like Miran, but her one flaw is her veiny penis, I do think her penis could be a tad more feminine. Though in most videos, it's not that noticeable.

The other irony is this. If you are a dude in your 30s like I am. You will have the options of younger women. Or if you want an older woman... a knockout 10 in her 40s. You can meet up and bang the hottest women in their 40s, and the top 5-10% of them are pretty attractive, certainly better than 70% of women in their 30s.







They always ask about the job, the car, how big is the house.

They want that guy that takes care of it all and they can continue being vapid, childish, whores.

Fuck, No.

I don't wear a watch, or hang my phone on my hip. Nothing. That shit just reals them in.

The irony is that if they want a dude to marry them and cover their economic needs they just need to make themselves very attractive and know the right circles to hang in and it will happen.

Friend of mine did just that. She was a 30 year old working professional. Single. 180 pounds. Bad hair. Not a terrible attitude. She went out and did crossfit, saw a nutritionist, yoga, started dressing really well and having her hair and nails professionally done. She dropped down to like 130 pounds. Looked great. Got her dental work done and her teeth fixed. The whole process took about 3 years. After she was done she joined a country club and within a few months started dating a guy who was a successful surgeon and got married a year or so later.

Her life is fucking made. She played it right. She used the majority of her income to pay for these upgrades and it worked.


Listen moma's boy ... I can tell about what generation you're from by the way you speak. I'm a 40 yr old male and I don't fall into the very weak social norm status that you "think" a woman should be. I will agree you're in the wrong country, go to japan if you're looking for a subby for your beta ass, lol. Otherwise get with the fucking program ...

you nailed it. Women are so fucking stupid that if they wanted a husband all they would have to do is just be feminine and nice and attractive. But apparently that is too much for most of them. Fuck women

In your 20s you chase the girls. After 30, women chase you.

In manhood, you hold all the cards. You can be picky. All they can typically offer is their pussy. That is everywhere. Sure, you can find a professional woman with a 80k or 100k job....... She just wants to quit that and let you carry her and her kids.

Then there is the surreal. When a woman gets angry because you put on a condom. Do not let her talk you out of that condom. Ever.


Same here. 41. "matchmaking" is a crime.
>"hey i've got a great girl for you!"
They all look like they've been dragged down the street on their faces and the highest employment they achieved is retail sales. Fake personalities with histories of abuse and enough baggage to sink a supercarrier.
>I'm not desperate,. I'm actually good, but these ladies are far too desperate.
>"hey fuck you, man, I'm doing you a *FAVOR*"
They all think either:
A. This is the pattern EVERYONE'S life should follow.
B. They want me to be as miserable as they are.

After 30 men become mature and can get any girl they want. I stopped chasing women and just fuck prostitutes. A prostitute won't stalk you or divorce you.

Poor thing. Pussy in high school was easy.

Fuck, I didn't play a single sport and fucked horny little sluts in the library or on their parents bed.

Do all little teeny sluts like to fuck on their parents bed? Maybe I was just lucky.


excuse some of us for being late bloomers, asshole

Bruh, you are hella delusional. I am a trap in my 30's that makes 130K and as bad as I want a dude I would never expect him to carry me. In reality most of the dudes that are in their 30's where I live are not trying to get married, personally I would rather have some dude in his 20's who can lay down cock. As for paying for it, yeah it is called having sanity of not having to put up with some codependent faggot of a husband.


>sour thai poop on your small penis

Reason number 1 why I'm hesitant to even analy penetrate women. Posting on Sup Forums has helped harden my stomach to gay shit. *blurp* fucking nasty.

Which isn't that hard considering that 2/3rds of women let themselves get fat and become a bunch of uggos. Be the hottest woman and play up his ego and he will become addicted to you. When you go the beach with him wear the skimpy bikini and blow all of the other women away. Most dudes see that as a total ego trip.

But, you poop from there...

show your pics, Trap baby

prostitutes, I go that way when I want really good head. When I want a bitch on her knees just liking my cock like ice cream or rolling my balls around in her mouth.

For a straight fuck lonely whores are all around.

Jesus, find out where nurses go for a drink after work...... hint...... wine bar.

Nurses, cosmetologist (hair dresser), and cashiers are the loneliest whores on the planet.

prostitutes are better at sex than normal women. They have more practice, I guess

most women don't care about cock. Most women have vey low libidos, probably due to the environment they've been living in the last several decades. Women like money, and that's about it


so it's best to just pay money for sex and thus avoid the bullshit of marriage and relationships since all women are prostitutes anyway

What the fuck is wrong? Get a mountain bike and ride every day. All through high school I rode my bike to school and back. I only drove for dates or to get out with friends.

Had I not been a such a young dumb boy I would have been rolling in MILF pussy.

Sadly, I was clueless about older women. So many girls I new then told me years later about their older sister or mom's friend. Damn, just damn.

Get a mountain bike and make excuses to ride it.


>a mountain bike

you must have been fucking retarded girls. And then you come on here singing your own praises, giving everyone the wrong idea. Do I need to tell you to kill yourself?

You said it right there.

You're a trap. A Man isn't giving you a second thought. Fuck your kind of crazy. Nope.

You're a lonely crazy faggot for a reason.

You're crazy.

I actually laughed....... A trap calling a Man delusional. Shit, user... You made my 2017 right there.

I did too. Sold my car and started riding so I wouldn't get fat at my job. Girls dig it, because they immediately know you're fit and dgaf about cars as status symbols like a 13yo. They have an easy in, offering you a ride. Then you give them one.

The just sex off a menu. You like it because you get what you want without hassle.

Find a regular girl and talk her into getting depo provera and fuck on the regular.

Still....... A blow job from a pro whore is like treating yourself to the top shelf scotch when your out.

To be savored.
