Dont worry, those feelings are abysmal

Dont worry, those feelings are abysmal.




Can you guys keep it down im trying to sleep


You wanted the basement
Not our fault the floor boards sqeek







Waiting for discussion in the gay and straight fur threads. Otherwise chatting on IRC a little. Unsure what to do tonight.

chilling a bit before bed, you?

Red lips are not so red
As the stained stones kissed by the English dead.
Kindness of wooed and wooer
Seems shame to their love pure.
O Love, your eyes lose lure
When I behold eyes blinded in my stead.

Your slender attitude
Trembles not exquisite like limbs knife-skewed,
Rolling and rolling there
Where God seems not to care:
Till the fierce love they bear
Cramps them in death's extreme decrepitude.

Your voice sings not so soft,-
Though even as wind murmuring through rafted loft,-
Your dear voice is not dear,
Gentle, and evening clear,
As theirs whom none now hear,
Now earth has stopped their piteous mouths that coughed.

Heart, you were never hot,
Nor large, nor full like hearts made great with shot;
And though your hand be pale,
Paler are all which trail
Your cross through flame and hail:
Weep, you may weep, for you may touch them not.

fuck sorry didnt mean to reply





Considering sleep and chilling in a call.
Was plating Titan Fall.


War is bad and you are worse for surviving.

Sleep is nice. You're right.
I'm not sleepy and I'm too addicted to the internet.

Didn't say mine.


i played some titanfall 2 during it's free weekend and it's a pretty nice game


Go cold turkey.

I'm too tired to get mine up tonight.

that underwear is so tight, it'll kill him or his balls some day

Got a PS4?

go uncle go



Hoi homos

nope, all i have is my PC and a bricked Reset Glitch Hacked xbox 360 i've been meaning to get fixed





You should get a PS4.





Consoles are expensive.


What cómic is that?

Boku no Pico.


i'm not sure what the message you're trying to convey here is

not sure what i'd use it for since everything i do on it i can do on my PC
plus i'd need a job before i can pay for one anyways

Sad because I need PS4 fwands.

Not as much as a PC
To play the new games, a rig needs at least $500 spent to make it play on bare minimum graphics
Or spend $300 on something with a 2 year warranty. Found out Minecraft doesn't need + for all profiles to play. I thik you need + to host a world. But not to join. Just a registered PSN.


I like i!

So you can play with the rest of us.

But you already own a PC, but don't already own a console. And you will always own a PC for some reason or another. So the cost of a PC for gaming is effectively 0 as you already own a PC for nongaming reasons.

drugs are expensive

It was cute to watch when I was 14. But makes you feel pedo after being 18. D:

rest in peace. i'm not planning on getting a console anytime soon though, sorry
i've got to upgrade my PC before i can do that, but then i'd only have the console for the sake of having it in case people wanted to play something but that's gonna be a lot of money for something i'd likely not use much at all

ah, yeah that's unforunate.

My head hurts.

i don't buy consoles or drugs
but i wish i had consoles


I was wondering what having friends gives, then going though the branches of opportunities via thought experiment, it is: Nothing.

But who will play the games hunnibuns doesn't want to play with me now?


If you pay for a one-way airplane ticket to your house and for food and water, I will, every day.

why do you hate



Not really
Cell phones do about everything
I barely pic up my laptop or turn on my rig. I use my cell. The PS4/XB1 for Netflix since its hooked up to the tv.

And like I said, updated parts for a game that still being released on a concel. My rig had 3.3GHZ 4 multicore CPU, 8GB of DDR3-1333 Ram, Nvidia GX610 2GB, 500GB Sat3 HDD. Cost $700 and played Dying Light on bare minimum
PS4 $300 and runs great.

Which one of you did this?


>being a phoneposter
kill yourself
i turn my phone on once a month and don't even want my phone


Apply to Canada
We are to kidnap and invade Jeff

There's already too many living here.

Hits a little too close to home. Have the same body, but with a smaller dick. I do have the big balls though.

And you can post while pooping.


Fuck you man
My rig and laptop are at home
Don't need to be a PC master race dick


why cant somebody just create a real national socialist movement in america instead of these trolls and neckbeards making a mockery of what hitler has done

every platform has it's pros and cons

i'm not sure, i just know that i won't be able to

>big balls
citation needed

I'm not a PC master race person. Phones are just useless, inferior substitutes to anything else though. They're better than nothing.


it seems like my internet likes to cut out at night, not sure if that's a sign if i should go to sleep or not though


good morning



Too big for you.



Yes, go fuck off somewhere else.

I can agree I can't do half the shit anyful OS does on this OS. But Music, pokemon gameboy emulators while riding public transport, youtube any time, play music to blutooth for friends to jam along (if you know dat feel, most don't), that happening while playing Over Watch and no system lag, porn and playing games.

Since I play on all gaming platforms and multitask. Its cool. But you sound like you don't require half of the uses I do with tech


The way some of these are animated are quite the blue balls,like who on Joseph Smiths green Earth decided to animate that way?

what up, Snarkins?

>you don't require half of the uses I do with tech
No, I require more from tech than you do, which is why I don't use things that can't do it, like phones.

temper, temper


