Hey Sup Forums, I am conducting a social experiment

Hey Sup Forums, I am conducting a social experiment.

ITT describe your feelings toward Trump and at the end of your entry please include whether or not your parents spanked you as a child.

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i think he is an excellent leader and i admire that he does what he thinks is right for america without listening to the whiney minority.

yes i got spanked.


My favorite thing about trump is that he's a family man. He would never tolerate an unsatisfactory household and that is in the name of Liberty.

Yes, I was spanked several times a week as a child.

He is the first step in saving the West. Yes my parents beat the shit out of me, sometimes for fun.


I think he's a lying, incompetent, narcissistic douche. He'll fuck over lives a million to one, if he doesn't manage to handle the world over to Russia in a gift basket first.

He is a strong, good leader. He has already proven he intends to keep all his promises and make America great again.

Yes, i was spanked

I really dislike Trump
I am straight male and Trump gives me a yuge errection
I was spanked as a child and my father would make me bare butt for spanking and afterward he would make me listen to Regan speeches he taped
Also I am not a robot

I think he's alright, inexperienced so he's gonna fuck up a bit, but at least he's doing what he did he would do and he's a strong leader. He wants America to do well, and so far he's not compromising on that. Don't agree with his politics much, but he's the democratically elected leader of a friendly country.
Wasn't spanked

Not entirely sure this country was meant to be run like a business, much less like the business he wants to run. He's also doing a fairly splendid job of fucking up our good will with all of those good friends we've made and whom we rely on in the world to have our backs. He doesn't know when to shut up. He doesn't know how to handle his problems like a goddamned adult with a little fucking dignity. For all of the people who support him who bitch about 'snowflakes' he's got to be the worst offender out there. He cannot take an insult. He cannot respond decently to a little open dissent to how he runs things. Everyone who knows shit about how to actually Operate in government has abandoned him and rightfully so.

My Parents spanked me.

bump, this thread is interesting.

There is clearly something mentally wrong with the guy. And he is such a baby when it comes to criticism. Also looks like the orangutang from The Jungle Book.

Spanked with a wooden spoon and palm.

I think he's a shitty leader, doing a terrible job of reaching across the aisle, his steaks are shit, his taste is gaudy. I won't judge him for his piss fetish though.

Not spanked.

Great Man, and yes

I can't tell if he's good or bad

Spanked like a couple times nothing really traumatic


And of course.

Unqualified and undisciplined.


As a person, he's a terrible human being.
As a president, he's almost sure to fail if he's lucky, if unlucky, probably assassinated before long.

However, I have decided to stop fighting reality and look for the good in his takeover of absolute power. It will be 4 good years to be white.

I will learn to sail boats and enjoy drinking sherry.

A great man.

I like Trump. And yes, I was spanked as a child.

Idk he seems alright but I think he can improve as president over time. He hasn't been president for long so it's a bit hard for me to judge his actions as one so far. I was spanked horribly as a child.

Everything he does is ham-fisted. I don't fully regret voting for him... yet. Time will tell. Regardless keks were had, My schadenfreude so far is worth the potential limits to my freedoms.
Spanked via hand, ruler, paddle

He feigns intelligence but is probabbly as dumb as GW Bush. He can't answer any questions directly. His responses are usually 5 words long with following sentences leading off into tangents that make little sense.

He is a far cry from the ideal of a philosopher leader like the original founding fathers.

He simlly panders to his constituents. He is nothing more than a self-serving businessman who will do what he can to make himself and his friends richer

Yes I was spanked

>ITT: lots of false flag bullshit

You weren't spanked. We see through your lies


ITT: people losing at a very easy game.

I like Trump and yes I was spanked. Just goes to show that not spanking a child turns them in to an entitled libtard.


Can't take Trump threads seriously anymore. It's literally just Putin trolls arguing with each other, trying to spread FUD.

All real women love Trump.

Pray tell what game is that

His promises are quite worrying for my country though his intentions are admirable. Also I can't tell whether he is smart or over confident.

I was spanked as a child

(inb4 reddit meme)
he's a moron being taken advantage of by Bannon and others and he should be impeached for his ties to russian oil.

i was when i was small, because i have IBS and had a hard time with toilet training. :/
in the future you should make a google form OP

Pretty fucking good
and yes


The Race to Make America Great Again game, of course.

What's funny is his supporters think he gives a shit about them. He'll rape the treasury. Fuck up everything like a bull in a china shop. Then proclaim he was the best president ever. People will still support him just to troll democrats while American fails for the first time.
I was raped, usually by both.

Everything the US was, what made it potentially great at its finest, was steadily gutted after WWII, and the remains of it were formally written off after 9/11. Trump is the practical realization of the destruction of US liberty.

It was a long progression. If it weren't him, it'd have been someone else before long. But we have arrived. The US in no way resembles its original ideals, and retains only the hideous misery of falling short of it.

Without revolution, there is no USA left.

I love Trump and think he's the emperor sent by grace god.

Parents did beat me. Dad was and alcoholic, mom schizophrenic.

He's a genius. His IQ is 156 and he graduated from a top Ivy League university. His Graphology claims that he'd actually be the genius of this century, and that he's smarter than 99% of the world's population. Watch Trump's Graphology on YouTube.

I have high respect for him and what he accomplished the past year. You look at his first campaign speech when he was essentially a non-candidate. Every talking point Trump picked later turned out to be winning discussions for conservatives. He did that throughout the campaign using emotions to force people to talk about certain things. He's smart, not a calculating kind of smart but a very good instinctual ability to make important decisions. His character flaws don't seem to be glaringly bad. Yes I was spanked.

Can you read?
He literally said he's embracing it and looking forward to 4 good years.

Quit your crying.


I'm Mexican and I'm going to jerk it to these retarded bitches every day

I Think he is an ignorant arrogant man who happens to actually love his country and is trying his best to try and salvage it, probably not going to be a great president in the long haul but doing fine for now. greatly prefer him over the other option we were given, and i dont see that opinion changing unless something drastic were to happen

bonus points for making the leftist elite have multiple meltdowns in the same month

i was spanked as a child, but only as a last resort and when the situation was extreme and the lesson really needed to sink in.

I want trump to smoke some duby and suck a guys cock and maybe he will feel better. My dad yelled at me when I was young, his friend tried to throw me out of the window and my mom hit me in the stomach when I was annoying her at a home depot store. I am now a nightmare.

Honestly. As long as it is not Hilary. Tbh, I think he has no fucking idea what he is doing.

I was spanked.

>He'll rape the treasury
Is that before or after the recounts in Michigan and Pennsylvania?

A man that lives up to his word to a T this can be the con and pro. Dont think hes qualified or intelligent but at the very least he wont beat around the bush like PC liberals and and democrats. But the day he says" i will use nukes " sure as hell see me on the next ticket to mars

and yes i was spanked

exact thoughts.
occasionally spanked as well

I love the man to an almost unhealthy degree, when I gaze upon him I feel a weight lifted from my shoulders. It is to the point where he could do most anything and I would whole-heartedly support him.

My mom might have whacked me a few times throughout my childhood if she was really pissed, nothing stands out in particular.

I've supported Trump because I hate the media bias towards him, the liberal left, degenerates that feed off of the democrats, and the political machine that the democrats had in order to get people to vote for them.

He is a man that isn't afraid to speak up against political correctness, but I do feel like he needs to man up to what he says when he does fuck up. Sure the media twists his words a lot, and he should defend himself then, but then when he's obviously wrong and he lies, it's cringe.

I was spanked until I was 7 to 8 years old, then my parents split and I was never spanked again after that.

Also his astrology sign says he's a better person than 99% of the world and the rest of you tards just can't understand that legitimized corruption is ethical. Also torture is moral. And selling the country you were elected to preside over down the fucking river for a quick buck is just peachy with the lord.

From canada so my opinion probobly does not matter to you 'mericans but i think you need someone like trump to set shit straight and to do the shit barack was to pussy to do. Do it like putin.

Not spanked, but well disiplined.

>assume direct control

I think he is a despicable human being and has no business being in the white house. He is a punk motherfucker that does not give a fuck about the american public, but somehow convinced them that he did. I haven't met a single trump supporter that I respect as an intellectual, not one. He duped a shitload of people, and some are still supporting him, but within 6 months to a year I think he will lose most of his support, and in retaliation will create a crisis. He's a fucking dictator.
I didn't get beaten as a kid, but I certainly got spanked when I fucked up, got slapped a few times (like the first time I say fuck you, etc)
Had some creative punishments too, like marching around chanting what I did wrong while lifting weights or stuff.

Is the point of this to show that people that don't support trump are babies that don't know about conflict? Because correlation is not necessarily causation.

A tough leader for a rough world.

Me and the girlfriend do enjoy light spank-play from time to time.

>Social experiment
It's just a prank bro

we need to change things up in this country. Hopefully this event will either work out as a needed change, or wake people up to take more interest in government. I mildly support trump

not spanked.

My feeling is that "Fake it 'til you make it" doesn't apply to the presidency, and pandering to morons while you learn how to appease the people who don't lay brick for a living is not a valid strategy.

I was spanked, until I laughed at my father for not hitting hard enough.

i love trump desu
and yes, i was spanked any time i stepped out of line, im indian ffs.

I like him and I got spanked a fuck ton

trump is the absolute best fucking president since fucking Roosevelt. Yes, my parents spanked me.

You have to go back ya' dirty meskin.


>inb4 someone agrees with him

shitposters aside. seems like kids who were actually spanked and not raised in daycare are more likely to think critically and not be horribly buzzwordy.

> I mildly support trump

A reasonable person. Welcome, but what are you doing here?

it is pretty smart to pander to your elector base like this.

but obama

I'm trying to correlate corporal punishment with the adoption of nationalist mentality via honor culture and the concept of retribution as justice.


eh he's funny lol but the novelty is gonna wear off soon

Yea I got spanked if I fucked around

Trump is so wise and powerful.

>tfw you waste your time making a meme and later find out that he actually doesn't become President until noon


trump is a True Alpha Male

only once

I think he is self absorbed and delusional.

got spanked. with a belt.

white as fuck bruh

Good luck George.

Hes an amazing, racist person just like me. He wants whats best for the white man.
I didnt get spanked, i got fucked in the ass when i was told i was being bad....supposedly.

>all dumb and rich women love trump*


I fucking hate Trump.

I was spanked.

I assume you're OP. Hello, OP. I'm the FSOT poster up here.

My thesis was on Mexican-American immigration and the securitization of American "Society".

If you want to read some interesting information, check out the Copenhagen school's theory on societal security. It pretty clearly shows how a nebulous "American" societal image can be a threatened referent object, while hiding under the guise of conventional, governmental or economic security.

Shit like "Mah ATM says Espanol in MAH AMERICA?!" and "Shit, they ban Bikinis in their country, we can ban their shitty Burkas in ours!" and "I miss the days when we didn't have terrorist food in the fucking shopping mall!"

Pretty fascinating stuff. And the most incredible part is, from the findings in my thesis, is that Americans are really not racist.. but politicians pander SO FUCKING HARD that they actually sway their voter base to that of subconstituencies that are. Americans also don't generally give a shit about Abortion, until it, too, is politicized by a speech act near election time.

As for what makes people so susceptible to that pandering.. I'd imagine it has something to do with NOT getting enough praise at home or at work. NOT having people reward their individuality and free thought. NOT making people feel like a unique "snowflake" with a valid opinion.. opening them up to the influence of the collective.

Sure thing Pedro.

I like trump, 10/10 will make america great again and all the flag burners, president killing conspirators, voting for a criminal pieces of shit can go fuck themselves nobody cares about sore losers.
>Got spanked only if I fucked up badly.

>ass hat in way over his head
>a few times. my parents were more about putting soap in the mouth

Pretty much this exact post except replace "love" with "hate," "weight lifted from my shoulders" with "formless black hatred bloom from the vicinity of my gut and spread throughout my body, just an angry shame for my nation kind of numbness" and "whole-heartedly" with "never."

Get fucked democrats

>misogynist detected

Why am I not surprised?

Love Trump.

Yes, my father spanked me and my brother when we were little.

Not in a rage, but like as a formal punishment.

Ok homo

I don't really care about the person, but the shit he's doing is just dumb as hell. I've seen more intelligent choices from the shit flingers on Sup Forums yeah, was spanked as a child, at home, in public, wherever. When that didn't work, I would get stuck copying a bible, and yet I still can't bring myself to believe that orange is the new black.


Putting aside how I feel about his particular brand of politics, his unhinged and reckless way of handling diplomacy between both ally and enemy is very concerning.

Yes, my parents spanked the shit out of me

Good job Putin.

Is he perfect, fuck no. Will he leave America better than when he started, I believe so. His cabinet for the most part has qualified people (and some not so qualified, looking at you Besty DeVos) but in most of the important positions he has well qualified individuals and he has stated that he will defer to them on policy in which he disagrees but does not have significant experience in which I feel is a trait of a good leader.

tl;dr he isn't Kaiser Rienhard von Lohengram but he sure as shit isn't Job Trunhit either.

Was not spanked as a child.

i've always wondered why those people wave the mexican flag but don't go to mexico...

I disagree with him on nearly all forfronts.

No spank

You sound like you'd be an ace negotiator.