Can I get shotamen?

can I get shotamen?


I'm going to allow this


OP, you need to post more to get this shota train going.

worksafe shota thread?


this would be safe at your work???


well, I suspect that his little butt is not covered at all, but as long as he does not turn around...

but i want him to turn aroundddd




And now i am interested.





It's a shame im all sleepy now and should prolly hop into bed 3: have a fun thread everyone~





This fucking gay ass thread full of degenerates




Thanks for the bump kind sir

loling at this guy




Real shit not that gay ass shit you have there



Real fucking shit

Why are you even here? Like it's hard to just hide your shit. All you're doing is bumping the thread.

That's just disgusting.

I keep droping real shit to cure your homosexuality, thread of faggots

These boys get it.


Denial the post.


I need videos. Anybody got any good websites to find shota or at least porn where the guys aren't bumfuck ugly and hypermasculine? I need young guys, not the terrible 40 year old men that fills almost all gay porn websites.



Hey newfag, you know that little arrow next to your post? Yeah it lets you hide the image. Crazy i know. You arent doing shit besides bumping the thread idiot.

who's that and the bitch in yellow too







this vid is older than i am. post something good or gtfo spam fag attention whore

>Manually, slowly, poorly, lazily attempting to derail

wait i have more

wait one more i think

jesus dude these fucking suck. do you know where you are, autist?

gay pedophiles

Must be underage, or new. Or both.

well fuck u too them, post some if you have "oldfag"

You could also just fuck off to the thread you apparently actually want to be in instead of embarrassing yourself in one you dont.

what about no, you gay ass nigger.

What happened to you to make you so autistic? You really want to spend your time here, slowly bumping and replying to a thread with virtually no one in it? Holy shit i cant even imagine what a failure you must be to believe that's a good idea.

i actually don't have nothing better to do, nigger and yeah im here to cure the homosexuality, get cured cunt.

Dude, I'm not gay. I'm pedo. Learn the fucking difference.

that kind of looks like a little boy's ass. glad you're finally on the right side, user

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Apparently you cant read well either cause you'd know i dont even need to look at that shit. Enjoy being retarded and wasting your time.

i guess im gay n... SIKE NEVER, GET CURED

you are proud of it?

well, i can say this post is dead, and now i can say, GET MASSIVE BAITED

No. But there's a difference. Definitely.

You're such a fucking newfag
Holy Shit

Damn that display was just pathetic.

okay now i go to sleep, bye my gay pedophiles friends

the autism is a bait in itself

OP back, post lewd shota, or gtfo


wher r all the shotafags?


>tfw never molested or raped as a kid
>tfw never had sex as a kid


The one with pistol can't aim for shit, apparently.
I mean, seriously, you are just a few meters away, and you MISS?

I got molested by an older boy when I was nine. He ended up being a furry who spams anti Trump stuff on FB all day.

>tfw molester posts how he is against bigots and homophobes
I wish he turned out straight because he is the main reason I don't socialize with other faggots in real life.


molested here. all these pictures are silly, as none of this shit actually happens. its actually a lot more "boring" and doesnt last as long.



Why would they censor the boy in the background, but not the rest?








Please don't die shota bread. I got woke up early as shit and I have to stay awake so I can make my god damn little brothers breakfast.
