I am happy

I am happy.

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No. No. I've realized you have as much as backbone as a aluminium can. You can't deliver on it so why should I risk anything.

It's your indecisiveness and general faggotry that has put me in this fucking shithole. Its a boiler room nothing more. Always in need of fresh bodies. I have to go there in 2 days and have to click on a bunch of shit and enter some shit some faggot told me to. Its monkey work and the thought of it makes me want to poke out my eyeballs. You are undeniably responsible for it. So fuck you.

user don't listen to the voices and go take your meds baby

How fucking dare you say I'm happy. I'm beyond fucking unhappy. This is not the life I saw out for myself. Its pure shit. Its fucking niggers everywhere and unbelievable mediciority. I would complain more but I know no one would listen. Fuck you.

The only advantage this shithole has is that outside this shithole I have another set of fucking niggers trying to fuck with me.

I love United States. I love my military comrades. I LOVE eternal ever.

And yes...I took my meds and I don't hear voices...I was only diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic since a psychiatrist thought aliens don't exist...and the reason I was arrested was since I was protesting United States military recruiters lack of learning of warring...they didn't know 'bout the aliens...and I got mad and stayed too close ta the recruitment shelter...and the recruiters knew I was mad...and told me not ta return...but FUK I LOVE LIVING and so I returned just ta show I AM HERE...and the cops came when the recruiters called the cops...and I was arrested fa trespassing (I was not guilty) since the recruiters told the cops they couldn't do their job while I was pacing 4 yards distant of the front door of the United States Armed Forces recruitment shelter.

tldr: I love living...I love being free...I am free...and I am living so I am living.


Neck yourself you fucking faggot

I love my military comrades! UNITED STATES FAEVER! I am so happy I got out of jail with the help of all the military signals put ta Sheriff's walkie talkies...and Sheriff's overcomms...I was respected by the homies at county jail...except some of the Africans.

I went ta a United States Army recruitment shelter and I told ta the Army recruiters ALIENS EXIST! One of the recruiters told me there are no aliens and the recruiter told me I'm crazy. The recruiter told me ta leave and I refused...I was mad at the recruiter denying reality. The recruiter called police and I was escorted out of the United States Army recruitment shelter via police.

I came ta the United States Army recruitment shelter four days later. I paced distant of the front door proxidistanced four yards. A United States Army recruiter called police and I was arrested fa trespassing. I told the reason why I was pacing (protesting) ta my public attorney, and my public attorney filed a motion of uncompetency ta stand trial. A psychiatrist interviewed (questioned, examined, assessed) me. I told the reason why I was pacing (protesting) close ta a United States Army recruitment shelter. The psychiatrist deemed me uncompetent ta stand trial, and the psychiatrist diagnosed me as paranoid schizophrenic. I was court (municipal) ordered ta stay at a mental health rehabilitation shelter. I was court ordered drugged via pill else I am forcibly injected of a drug ta treat paranoid schizophrenia.

I was reassessed of a competency assessment test and a psychiatrist deemed me competent ta stand trial. I went ta court and my public attorney asked me about aliens. I told my opinion...aliens are science freak experiments of like-intelligence of humans. My public attorney filed a motion ta recheck competency ta stand trial. I was ordered ta stay at a mental health rehabilitation shelter until a recheck of competency ta stand trial. A psychiatrist assessed me, and I was deemed competent ta stand trial. At court I plead no contenst fa a plea deal of punishment of earlier time served and though I was not guilty. Both events I was deemed competent ta stand trial...I never spoke of aliens.


You are a faggot


I think...people live thousands of years...there are science freak experiement creatures of like-intelligence of humans (aliens exist)...there is body muscle flexing since of electricity at body caused of machines far of miles...instant regrowth of missing body so is like was never harmed...and UNITED STATES.

military man? I met a man of the military who was supposed ta Sup Forums a few things I was okay of Sup Forums'ed.

He would see posts that were predicted...or expected...and he would get okays of what would be posted or he would make the call himself whether and what a post would be.

Bless his soul. I am trying ta live eternal ever whether or not I want ta, and I think I want ta live eternal ever!

okay...I KNOW I want ta live eternal ever.
The beheadings by crazed Marines was terrible though...them wilders.
ONCE...a crazed wilder walked ta me with a chainsaw...and stood behind me...and I said, "United States!" a second earlier than the wilder chainsawed my neck. SICK SICK SIK SIK SIK!

a second later than I fell ta the ground (my head lopped and tumbling ta cement)...I heard a voice, "that kinda hurt" or, "that got me".

God save US. I live so god is gloried. May I eternally ever be United States. God, help me. God help the United States Armed Forces protexters.

I apologize ta that man whom I said was of a backbone of an aluminum can...I got plenty of humble recently being talked ta like I was crazy...while I was only claiming I've been ta planet Mars...and aliens exist (science freak experiments)
I am much smarter now than I was when I said, "No. No. I've realized you have as much as backbone as a aluminium can. You can't deliver on it so why should I risk anything."

Im 100% sure this thread is a Russian numbers station.

Christ...I am happy I am living eternal ever. I call it now...bring your wilders ta me! lop me at my head! I fucking love living! and I will live dying like I've ever lived dying! I AM LIVING NOW! The deal is reinstated! Put your wilders ta me and no jail time fa any of our UNITED STATES crazed brethren and sisters! NO JAIL TIME! PUT THEM TA ME NO MATTER HOW CRAZED THEY ARE! OPEN SEASON ON MY EGO!
I expect eternal ever and I am mercied of I am coerced ta live eternal ever. I am compassioned of I am coerced ta live eternal ever.
I am memoried of bleeding so much...I was so cold...and the pain was everywhere...I couldn't move some times...I was harmed...and I am living now! PUT YOUR WILDERS TA ME! AND NO JAIL TIME FA ANY OF THEM ON THE CREDIT OF THOSE WHO LIVE ETERNAL EVER! GOD BLESS THEM! I FEEL /LIKE-SENSE PAIN NOW!
GOD BLESS THOSE WHOM instantly REGROWTHED MY BODY earlier than now.

regrowth of missing body videos...