Not ONE of them had a nice career after the show

>not ONE of them had a nice career after the show

Gandolfini still got as much work as he wanted
Van Zandt didn't care
Nurse Jackie was in a show called Nurse Jackie
Uncle June is like 80
RIP all other careers

Meanwhile, The Wire spawned some of the biggest A-Listers in Hollywood right now.

James Gandolfini did

I feel like Gandolfini was in more movies after he died than before

This is gonna be true for mad men too

The wife was in some shit.

Everyone in Mad Men has a career in Hollywood. Even the little girl.

>Nurse Jackie

How can one woman be so based?

Literally half of the cast of Mad Men are A listers

Doesn't seem like any of them are getting good work, Jon Hamm will probably be ok but ken needs to be in more things.

John Slattery was just in a best picture winning movie

What? Jon Hamm isn't even an A lister.

He's like the highest paid TV star.

Probably the most low key Oscar winner ever but yeah he'll probably be ok. Betty, pete, Peggy, Harry, ken, Megan and the bobbies aren't doing much. Just saying that people on great shows don't usually get the work that they deserve.

>overweight, middle-aged actors: the show

No shit, they didn't become A-listers.

lol wire plebs never fail to project their insecurity and inferiority

John Slattery was in Ant Man, Spotlight, Veep and Civil War

And that's just from one year after Mad Men finished, the guy's doing better than Hamm

Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio and johnny Depp are A listers, Jon Hamm is not. Also idk if you heard but mad men finished.

Meadow got Multiple Sclerosis

Layne is getting pretty constant work

Pauline was the dog on family guy

>ywn fuck season 1 Meadow
why live

Not on this pic but Drea de Matteo was in Sons of Anarchy

The guy that played Vito was apparently a cunt to work with, and after Sopranos finished, he was more or less black balled

I don't know why you guys like wasting years on your lives on television? No one takes TV actors seriously, with a few exception. You do TV shows, when you can't get a part in a real movie. Everything on a TV shows except the story is third-world tier: cheap acting, cheap directing, cheap cinematography, non-existent editing, kitcsh music. Just awful. TV shows are like the roasties of visual culture.

The cock nose guy had a few parts.

that's 99% true

>tfw you'd fuck Carm

>tfw she will never open the door

TV actors rarely ever go on to movie careers afterwords. I think Directors avoid casting them since everyone knows them for one role and can't take them seriously in anything else.

it has less to do with actual talent and more to do with film actors also having to be marketable products in addition to what they're doing on the screen.

Like, are you going to argue that Will Smith is a better actor than Jim Gandolfini or Jon Hamm because the former gets paid more?

Isn't projecting when you call someone names that apply to yourself? But he didn't call anyone insecure or inferior, hence cannot be projecting. But isn't that something you might be doing?