Who are you in love with user? Come on tell us. Who is he/she?

Who are you in love with user? Come on tell us. Who is he/she?

The love I once had for "her" eventually turned into hatred and faded into meloncholy long ago. She has a kid and lives far away now. On the up side I can talk to her normally and pretty casually whenever we talk

That's pretty sad but at least you got over it. Do you still want her then?

Part of me does sure, but at this point I have no idea how it would realistically work out, nevermind the kid.

I'm in love with lobstapussy

It might be worth a shot, even if it is just casual dating for the moment.

She is pretty...interesting.

With those numbers I believe it. Thx user, maybe one day

May the quads bring you luck with the relationship, my dear user.

We were together for 5 years. I thought it wasn't working anymore, so I broke up and I think I also broke her. 4 years later we still talk from time to time, but it clearly isn't the same person anymore. But she has someone now and says she's happy so yeah. I thought it wasn't working. Now look at me, 4 years later still thinking about it every single day. It's the only thing I have ever given up on. That was a hard lesson.

No one. I sure as hell don't love myself. Wouldn't recognize it if I felt it.

The guy in the back. His face says imma 4chinner.

Damn dude, don't worry you'll get someone else if you get yourself out there again.

Maybe you should try to find a way to love yourself, a therapist might be able to help with that.

I can see where you're coming from.

Been seeing one for one reason or another basically for as long as I've been alive.
I'm the only one in my way here and in the rest of my life. I basically just refuse to try to better myself all across the board.

Why is that?

You should try Yohio. If you don't fall in love with him you'll never fall in love kek.

Long list of reasons, generally all boils down to depression in one way or another.

And I mean, I feel lust, sure. That's not what love is, though.

Love is a chemical reaction in the brain. It's very close to lust and can be linked with obsession so it's not as strange as you might think.

I believe most people on Sup Forums probably have depression.

Only reason I feel obsession ever is the people that even bother to talk to me at all after they know me are slim to none. I'm a huge shut in. Basically I'm lonely, so they few people that do seem to not be off-put by my entire situation make me feel like I need to hold on to them, because they're already rare enough as is.
It's not love. It's loneliness. Pure and simple. Wouldn't date anyone, because it wouldn't be fair to them.

Dude, you need to pick yourself up. I know how you feel. I've been on here for over 12 hours. Loneliness affects us all. You just need to leave for a while and sort yourself out. Give it a real try this time.

I appreciate the thought. I'm a well-meaning hypocrite, though. I'll help others like you're doing now, so I know what would work. I just don't.

We all have choices user, and limited time. Don't want to sound arrogant but if you can go for something, DO IT

I'm very well aware. I'm making my choice. Thanks, though.

That's a boy and his name is Yohio. I don't like him and I prefer real visual kei.


His shirt does too

My ex, who has come back to me recently. She claims she still loves me. I brushed her off at first because I didn't realize how much I missed her. Now that I've changed my mind and am trying to fight for her, she doesn't even text back.
All I wanted was to see her again. I guess thats too much to ask, even to someone who claims they love you.
I even dropped a long distance girl for her.

I fucking adore him. I'd do anything for a single kiss.

I was also aware of who he is, in case you couldn't tell lol.

I meant I found your porn vid.

Damn dude, that's hard. I've been in that position, but with time it'll go one way or another. You just have to wait and see what happens.

Define "love".

His music is a bad ripoff of real visual kei

Yeah? I thought it was a unique situation hah
I'll wait some more user even though it hurts like fuck.
I'm very depressed right now and she isn't making it easier. Atleast I have incredible friends that are there for me I guess
Thanks for actually replying.

I'd like to think that I've been in love but I don't really know. I could have easily been deluding myself during the three odd relationships I've had in my short life. The last girl, I wanted to love her. I wanted to love, protect, and support her but, in the end, I think that I was just lonely and that any pretty face would have done. It may be foolish to give up on love after so few attempts but I'm legitimately unsure that I have the capacity.

Are you actually me?
All I wanted for my last girl was for her to be happy but she shut down and I couldn't do that for her so I left. The day before she graduated too.
It's my fault but it made me realize I didnt deserve it.

Chemical reactions in the brain reminiscent of obsession but in a good sense.

Proof of that? Plus look at him, he's so cuddly.

I hope it gets better dude. No problem in regards to the reply too.

& if you have anything shitty going on right now I hope it gets better for you also. Just a guess since you made this sort of thread.
We'll get through this together Sup Forumsro

Sounds like a disease.
You should probably look for medical support.

I am struggling with obsessions as of recent, one of those is an obsession with existentialism and the other with Yohio so thank you user. I really appreciate it.

Actually neurological disorder would have been funnier because it's more accurate yet humorously negative.

cute boy who does drugs and gets off to gore ovo my dream boy.. psychopath too ****heart eyes****

I actually agree with that statement, I am on Sup Forums. Maybe he comes here too.

Godspeed my dude


Crazy into her. I always ask the girls I like out and it works a good amount of the time, but she has always eluded me and what I can't have I want the most. I did have sex with her once, but put her personality onto any other person even a guy and I would fucking go for it

i know that he used to go on 8ch but possibly 4ch too!

Image bump

My ex girlfriend is married now. We still hook up and hang out frequently. The guy shes married to sabotaged our relationship when we were together so I dont feel bad about it. Sucks being in love with her tho. It affects me being with anyone else really. Have i fucked myself?

She looks like a tumblrina but is naturally blonde and is a complete neo-Nazi she literally bought me a Nazi hat, and wanted me to go to a trump rally with her, which I told her we should stay home instead

How do you know so much about him? Do you just obsess like me?

yes i obsess over him and stalk him!! i was even thinking of planting a keylogger/rat on his pc so i could see what he does all the time!! i love him so much hes my angel

Does her name start with an A?

Bump for Yohio? woo

Nah dude, if she stayed with a guy who fucked with her relationship, you didn't make the mistake. I think you'll do well user.

So you disagree politically? Does that not affect your attraction to her?

Sounds like he fucked you and you're getting revenge. Pyrrhic victory.

If only a girl cared about me this much, and was that okay with me jacking it to guro

Her name is fyad

Myself. My family, and my closest friends. Loved a woman I was with for over 6 years. She broke my heart. Now I jut have sex with women. I don't feel empty at all about it. Women suck. We convince ourselves as men that we need them, that some out there are nice and interesting etc. Nope. That's just our horny ass brains pumping us with endorphins to get us to procreate.

I even cut his name in my arm and took a pic of it, should i post?

Dude...? I love him too but that's disrespectful to him. Spying on him ruins the love.

However, if you do it, post it here.

forgot to quote

i havent done it yet but its ok its fucked anyways

You two should hook up.

Trips so, go for it.


It's just disrespectful, as much as I want to know.

I don't necessarily disagree with a lot of her views, I'm a Japanese American manlet and honestly surprised that she is as in bed with me as she is, she's a little bit more on the extremist side and I'm just don't dabble with it. Plus because she's Aryan and be supremacists that she has spoken with, almost all of them female, don't accept me for having brown eyes and brown hair.
>Inferior genes

She's cute, you should ask her out.



Unfortunately, she's an ex

yea thats right but it wouldnt really matter to me as long as he didnt find out




Post proof that that is that person's name to go into Sup Forums history

Ah, that must suck. Potential for future dating?

Well, Asians shouldn't really fit into that theory since you guys derive from a different people but if you two are comfortable with it I say go for it user. Asians are cool by the way.


She won't have anything to do with me, hasn't spoken to me in over a year.

Are you a guy or girl? Also, age? I'm just curious.

So you're not so much in love with him as you are dangerously possessive of him?

Time is a healer so perhaps you could have a chance?

Least I'm not nignog

You want tits, face, ass or pussy?

i cur it in my skin a while ago so the scars are almost done healing but here u go id say im in love with him but also super obsessed with him

Alik is a faggot

Damn that's hot, I mean my girl once offered to get a tattoo of my name, but cutting into the flesh is way more sexy

also forgot to mention he told me to cut my name in him and i did it bc it turned me on lel

yea ill probably do it again when it starts to fade since i want his name on me forever. i was thinking of doing it on my stomach or my tits but he told me to do it on my wrist

That is a fair point. Asians are cooler anyway.

I'd say you're not because love involved a degree of respect. Also, why do you have "YARA" on your arm?

thats his name, lol.
well ive never liked anyone as much as ive liked this person before, in my life so id say i have really strong feelings for him

Now I'm really confused. I thought we were talking about Yohio. Who are you talking about?

what? im not OP
im talking about the guy im in love with

I am OP and I would like to know who you are referring to and how any one else would know him.

why would anyone else know him???
everyone is user here

It doesn't mind. There was some confusion so forget it. Anyway, I think you need help to be honest.


i dont disagree with that, but i like myself the way i am and i get a certain satisfaction when people like you say that i need help. i like knowing im fucked up and having others validate it for me

I wont post pictures, but hes a cute! I mean...both Of them, cause I love 2. One ive met playing D3 and the other on a site I used to go for masterbating purposes. Oh! If someone got curious or something, theyre Both pretty similar to this pic here...

It's not validation. Being fucked up is fine until it hurts other people which this potentially will.

Are they similar to the anime picture? Are they anime characters?


i havent hurt anyone so far


Similar to anime characters and so this picture. Why? Do you know them?