Hey Sup Forums, what's an analog toy or game I could play with at my desk at work...

Hey Sup Forums, what's an analog toy or game I could play with at my desk at work? I just got my first sedentary office job after a career spent doing active physical shit, and I have a lot of downtime at my desk while waiting for shit to happen. I'm bored, I have excess energy to burn off, and using the internet or any electronic device isn't an option.

I can't do anything loud or distracting, so I need something low-key that can keep my hands busy while I'm waiting for shit to go down. I can't just read a book, when I'm actually called upon to do work it happens at random intervals so I can't maintain any concentration to follow a story.

Lego is expensive as shit. Rubix cubes are fucking boring. Play Do is messy. What's some cheap toy or game I could fuck with to keep my brain from committing suicide for 8 hours a day?

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Fidget toys, CBA to find image but they're about the size of a child's palm and have features to keep you busy and your hands moving.


A dildo. Many non sexual things you can do with it


Bring language textbooks and study them (you can pick them up and down)

glue and toothpick model building.


Trips man said it so...do it faggot

That's not trips newfag

Dammit newfags

Careful faggot your newness is showing

coloring book for adults


Haa Godeem

get one of those lil puzzle boxes they sell at bookstores

you are a sad sad kid or manchild. I feel sorry for you

nice dubs
Sup Forumsrother

Get a Chinese finger box

Not to be mistake for Chinese finger trap
Also tripcheck

Those stress balls with modelling clay in them are really fucking neato

You mean like one of these things? Or am I shopping at the wrong bookstores?


check instagram for "physicsfun" i think it's called.
the whole account is pretty much cool science toys