Anyone wanna trade loli pics on kik?

Anyone wanna trade loli pics on kik?

Also loli thread





Also, Does anyone want a free request?, [Character] + [fetish] + [type of pentration]
Would deliver in a week or two...

Hinata from naruto + futanari + anal

Gotcha, but I will make 2 versions bc I'm not a futafag.


/r/ing a loli for my 5 inch penis

I'll trade only if we also jerk off together

Is it true that pedos have smaller penises than average? If so then it makes perfect sense why they probably are that way

It is not. I have a 9" dick and only fuck 14 or younger.



I want to lcik them

Me to
I lov loli threads


My dick is soooooooo small
I shouldn't even be called a man











Post loli butt for my 1 inch dick














Fuck this gay shit, post actual cp




























We can do that

Post kik














well where did you heard that?
it's big bullshit.


So is this a loli thread or a shota thread?



I want that dick in my ass.








