ITT: We live in the same house

ITT: We live in the same house.

Let's move to another place


No way I'm moving. This place was dirt cheap.


No u.


Its ok, I fucked the peanut butter jar again.

Shitters clogged.

Well, don't just stand there, DO SOMETHING

sorry bro, I didn't know it was a fireplace. I thought it was the oven.

Maybe. But so are the neighbours.

Who let the niggers out of the basement?

hey you guys seen my shoes?

We have a basement?

Hey guise did you all fuck the one girl here at once or something? Her pussy looks weird and tastes funny.

I will go crazy. Who left that axe? Must've been the previous owners moving out hastily.

So that is where I left me sammich!


get out




Guys who's kid is running around upstairs>

get the fuck out of the restroom i need to shower

Of coures. Where did you think we keep our niggers?

No matter, grab that kid!


Hey OP, why the fuck did you clog the toilet with your shitposting huh?!

damn, that kid is sportin' wood!

Holy crap i didn't know there was a door behind here

I'm going to the store, does anyone want anything?

This is now A Cthulhu thread.

wakes up
falls back asleep

Id kill all of you fags. Id burn the house while you're all in it and stand outside to shoot anyone trying to get out

Sure are alot of flies in here,someone take out the fucking trash.

Who the fuck ate all my bread?! I made enough for everyone! It was like 3lbs of bread!

You do it.

Get me a pack of red luckies and some tomato juice...

Thats not my job nigger

Could you pass by the comic book store? I'd like to get "Lolis gone wild #45".

It's the last one I need to complete the collection.

Tol dyou we should've bought more niggers, but nnnoooo, 3 are enough, we can breed them...

Get me a couple of porno mags and a pack of fags.

Tell me about Cha Thoo loo, willya? I've always wondered


im gonna need some candy, rope, tissues and masha and the bear dvd for the later
heres the money

i think there's already a pack of fags in here!

Guys, the snapping turtle got out of his cage. I need help catching him, he's in the laundry room.

"Shota Slaves of the Amazon Queen".

We have a laundry room? Is that the one with all the cumrags in it?

*starts the camera*
dis gonna be gud



someone wanna give me a bj?
ill pay


It's now shredded and covered in turtle shit.

well gg wp some one will shoot up the house

get a heater pleb

He a box I 100 match books some lighter fluid some paint thinner and pvc pipes. Also double AA batteries muriatric acid and 25 boxes of Sudafedrin. Oh and some Epsom salt ,propane, hydrogen peroxide,ph strips ,iodine and lye.


We didn't pay the gas bill.

In that case I say we smoke that little fucker out, I ain't going in without a hazmat suit.

stop chugging antipyretics fag

So we're not only cold, but left with no way to deal with Jews, should we come across any... Great...

Grab a blanket stupid.

Also I'm gonna be using the shed for a few days so fuck off.

Ask that little boy to do it, he won't mind

anyone seen mr. circle?



Did you guys hear about the murder that was here before?

that faggot is good at hiding
and running away

I say we nuke it from low orbit- It's the only way to be sure....

That might work. Got any pine straw?

we got closet full of lube and we gonna have awesome party

dubs, so that means the first one to catch him gets to buttfuck him?

The defeos lived here before in amity, their dad started going crazy or so they say. heard voices telling him to kill his family. so one night while it was thundering out. He took a shot gun and went room to room. Blowing their heads off.

So what's your point? sounds like a Thursday evening on /b

*mumbling something in his beard*

So I just got back from the clinic and yeah... you all need to get tested.

I do. Niggers can sleep on the bare ground, fuck them.

Should we tell the others we're setting fire to the house?

ill share him if i catch the fucker

Who took a giant shit in the toilet?

Can we rape the host?

Nah, just put the pine straw in a soup can and light it. The floor's concrete, so it should be fine.

First you complain I shit in the fireplace and now you complain I shit in the toilet? Make up your mind!

we dont have a toilet

I say we offer him to the sorority house next door

guys i met this really funny dude he wants to join what do?

Right, what could possibly go wrong?

kill him

hes gonna be a cute cum dumpster

For the last time - your father can't live with us!

The ouija board keeps spelling out "Robbie" over and over.

Can you all kindly shut the fuck up? It's bedtime and I'm praying to our God.

Hey anons i took this picture of the staircase what do you think?

Well I guess the board is broken. You better burn it out in the backyard.

I will join you. "Oh lord Gaben, bless all of us, your children, and bring us the prophecy of the coming of the Third."

Top kek who's room is this
You left your door open user

So guuuyyyyssss, remember that turtle we tried to smoke out?

Sounds more like it's...rotten.


Looks like Amityville house. That movie scared the shit outta me as a kid.