This girl isn't even in high school yet. How the fuck do kids today act (and look) this way?

This girl isn't even in high school yet. How the fuck do kids today act (and look) this way?

Other urls found in this thread:

Wtf op?


>> no pic

There's a pic. You need to post one with a new thread. Your mobile app is just shit.

It's gotta be pop artists right? That industry is so sexualised and so revered by youths it was bound to have a knock on effect

who is she?

No. It's chemical exposure. Synthetic hormones in milk causing early puberty. Delayed puberty is positively correlated with longer life too. Girls are getting their periods/entering adolescence around 3 years earlier than 15 years ago and in in a lot of cases around 8 - 10

Yea.... That's not true.

Um yeah it actually is. Read the studies.

wikipedia aint studies pleb

girl who lives in my city

wikipedia cites studies

Ummm average age of menstruation has remained fairly steady. Average age of secondary sex characteristics has dropped steadily since the introduction of synthetic hormones (birth control/cattle). It doesn't matter if you believe it if all the experts agree. Lern3science

Eh, I teach 4th grade and almost all of the girls have had their first period by the end of that year. That's 9-10 years old. Ive had more than a few 10 year olds with C-D breasts. I wish that shit happened when I was in elementary school!

Latina. Born pregnant.

Lol literally all you have to do is Google it and you will find links to studies and countless articles in journals. Typical Sup Forums... I don't know it therefore it's not true.

she's not latina and doesn't look preggo

10-11 is average
pls don't do anything illegal w them though

A females body will start going through puberty once her body fat get high enough. We are fatter so puberty is starting earlier. ITs also why gymnast start their shit later. Hormones don't have any effect. In fat ass countrties that ban hormones in food, they are still having the same issues. I have 2 boys in a K-8 school. I'm surprised by the number of girls that are developed and have really good bodies. I keep having to tell myself to not stare.

As for science, depends on the demo being studied. Lower socioeconomic brackets absolutely correlate positively to earlier menstruation. Higher brackets maintain the same trends from the last 50 years. They've yet to "scientifically" identify the contributing factors, but it's widely accepted in the medical community to be dietary. Though less "hormones in milk" than basically chaos caused in their developing system by horrible nutrition which triggers a range of reactionary effects in their bodies, including menstruation/development. Spicy Cheetoes and Mountain Dew for breakfast every day will do a number on ya.

No it hasn't.

>The average age of first menstruation among European women in 1860 was 16.6 years old. But according to a publication put out after the 1901 annual meeting of the American Gynecological Society, the average age of first period among Victorian girls had dropped to 14.

And compare that to now.

How do you know when they've had their first period?

highly doubt that

meant to quote

Post nudes

Must be all the oestrogen in the water

>men become low test cucks to afraid to act out against the govt that's wasting their tax money
>boys grow up weak, low test
>girls are breeding sows
>outside races with normal testosterone levels brought in to race mix and destroy all identity, race and heritage
>Jews only pure race left and remain the masters

Google what exactly?

Next time just give a name OP

Mimi reader does the same for me

Yeah, a teacher knows. Most kids will straight up tell you. Or their parents will. Or the nurse will. Plus the hormonal surge at an age where their brains aren't developed enough makes them pretty fucking crazy out of nowhere.

Because this certainly isn't violating her privacy

Then allow me to do it for you.

Post more

Instead of outdated and archaic laws about "age of consent" a doctor should determine whether a girl has matured into a woman and is acceptable for sex.

maybe some influence of this, added to a society where kids/young people are constantly exposed to highly sexualized music and media which is more and more literally targeted to them as fledgling consumers?

nah, couldn't be.

her facebook kek facebookcom/samimoonen

Only one logical answer.

Damn she will have a good time in high school as a slut

This was fun nudes..
I'm outta here


such a fucking whore. disgusting

synthetic hormones in milk, soy products and chicken

the amount of shit they put in chicken and cattle is just outrageous

attitude is based in the influence of an uncaring society and hypersexualized media

has her snapchat on there.

Its all the hormones in the food

This lil sluts got some sexy pics on facebook


nobody cares



And the semen.

1= Marry
2= Kill
3= Fuck

sexualized media doesn't trigger hormones (and following that maturing of sexual organs)



My cousin just found dick pics sent to her 14 year old daughter. Shits fucked. Why couldn't girls have been like this when I was that age?


is this what conspiracy nuts actually believe?

Media has nothing to do with it. It's human nature to get sexy in puberty unless you are a wizard like yourself.

still illegal, as it should be


Fuck off moralfag you're on Sup Forums



makes more sense than your arguement

I believe it comes from hormones in our drinking water.

The birth control pill is used for something like 30 years now.

These hormones get flushed down the toilet and end in our drinking water.

These make girls tiddies bigger and asses tighter.

This is why the jews are so angry with Hitler: because he beat them to their own plan daring to call HIS people the Master Race instead of Gods own Chosen People.

Its all written in the Protocols of Zion in the 1800s.

Who comes to b a site where young girls are frequently posted nude and complains that girls are sexy nude

But child labor laws are holding the kids back. These little shits need hard lives to grow into strong people

If the grass is green, play ball

I have an aunt who was born sexually mature. She started having her periods at birth. She was growing breasts by six and could probably have become pregnant even before that.

>If the grass is green, play ball
No, the correct saying is "If there is grass on the field, PLAY BALL"

keking at the idea of a permavirgin desperately trying to find a female with green pubs or grass on her vagina



what age do you think chicks used to have kids man? Most would breed as soon as they hit puberty

You may leave now, your autism is showing.

guess Irish pubs are green, and have girls with moss stuck to their crouches

Oh look, another idiot Trumplorable who thinks Sup Forums is his private army. FUCK OFF.

Because at 18, girls magically understand all things they didn't when they were 17 and 364 days old.

Oh, look. Another ignorant libtard who thinks this isn't b8

gotta draw the line somewhere

yea it's called 16


You know that is wrong? Hell they were married and having kids by 13 throughout history. So saying the average is 17 is just made up b.s.

Huge List of Darknet (TOR/Deep Web)
>>Hidden Websites 2017

fuck off sick pedo child abuser, you are still on planet earth

>Its all written by anti semites int he faked in the Protocols of Zion in the 1800s.

fixed it for you

these girls are the biggest frauds trust me that act like they are slutzkova and half of them havent even had a first fucking kiss they literally just send nudes around it sucks dick nudes are great but I like some real dick action

start a kik


It's also the reason why social media is so stupid because It now comes down to how cool you can look on your profile, they create this online image which has zero fucking meaning in the end because social media is not real life.

I would impregnate all of them


its called *puberty

"Illegal" does not automatically mean "abusive", no matter what you have been brainwashed into believing.