Fuck her and her piss pants

Fuck her and her piss pants

You have autism.

So you're telling us that we should stop exceeding our free speech for the sake of one person? Hell nah. If you're getting cyberbullied, don't go on fucking social media then, no one will bother you. Even better, just turn of the computer and throw it away if she's such a crybaby.

Fuck you OP


I am sick of seeing these threads trying to defend this dumb whore
Fuck her I have found out info on piss pants ivy hernandez
>Ivy Hernandez
fb profile.php?id=100010376381724
wears diapers
lives in altamonte springs, fl
has bladder problems
Got a lot of her pics and fb friends

I've just really wanted to see her in the diaper. Come on Sup Forums

Nasty girl
Use a fucking toilet

What do you have to gain? Why keep doing this to her?!! Why keep trying to push her over the edge? Please just let it go and quit doing this to her and leave her alone and just forget! Quit trying to ruin her life and stop POSTING this cyberbullying because she made a mistake and did what she did!!

I'd let her piss on me


>back to leeddit

The fuck have I missed? This shit looks hilarious



This is absolute humiliating her for doing something she believed in at the time
My god you people at Sup Forums are really a terrible bunch of deplorable misogynists
You're entire site is a sad example of hate and misogyny and bullying that will NOT continue!!!!
WHY does this keep going on and nothing being done about it?? WTF

Get a load of this filthy nigger


This is literally my fetish can we get a #pee4ivy tag going so we can get more people to do it

She is sexy kinda

so...op posted a thread because he wants people to stop spreading it?

Nice one op, you didn't even follow your own rules and helped spread the news about this diaper wearing chick, if you wanted less people to know about it you shouldn't be posting the videos about it.

This is now a diaper porn thread

She NEVER wanted this to be PUBLIC you SHITSTAINS!!! QUIT Trying to ruin other peoples lives for your own sexual gains!!!
Instead of helping her, you berate and belittle and mock her because of one mistake she made!!!
Do you people even understand what she has to go through EVERY DAY?!
Because of people like you showing EVERY FUCKING THINK about her on the internet, people won't hire her for jobs!! NO ONE wants to be her friend!!
Because YOU PEOPLE KEEP SHARING THIS AND having more people make fun of her!!

Reverse psychology huh fuck u user

You are a faget

What do your tits look like

>Never wanted to be public
Posts on public forum...

Makes sense.
I'm going to start spreading this cunt now

I feel sorry for Ivy now.




I've never head of her. What's the story here?

Fuck off randy

from the video desc
>The Backstory:
>Ivy Hernandez is the one girl that fell for the Sup Forums prank #pissforequality and made that video of her urinating on herself. Video was instantly spread everywhere.
>She was made fun of when the media took notice but her family quickly silenced the media stories with lawsuits
>She spent some time in the hospital recovering from a mental breakdown where she developed semi-incontinence.

Diapers are fucking hot

dead meme is dead

fuck off randy

Gross. I am glad she is getting made fun of because of her pissing herself
I hope everyone that knows her sees that

Yes there is nothing hotter than a girl wearing a toilet and sitting in her own filth.
Nasty af

When their kids are made fun of on the internet by filth like you. Everyone of you should be waterboarded and tossed into a river. This whole site should be shut down because everyone on here is a pedophile sicko that needs help! This is fucking sickening and horrific

Fuck off

Now we know the dunb bitch wears diapers

is this bait? because it reeks of bait.

Can we have a diaper thread now?

Daily reminder that the person making these threads is the autistic fuck known as Sai/b/ot who literally made an entire board on 8ch worshiping her and then got cucked so hard that he had a fucking public meltdown.

So while Sai/b/ot autistically makes the same thread over and over again to spite her, Ivy is out there getting pregnant with a non pussies child.

These threads don't make any sense. She came to Sup Forums and intentionally would pee herself for Sup Forums. We called her piss chan.

It's her autismal ex Sai/b/ot who keeps making this bullshit.

Wish someone would dox that ugly hook nosed faggot

That cringey pedo faggot needs to go away. Can't believe she chose to be with him. Glad she realized how nuts he was when they met in person.