Eternal /got/ general

TFW There Are No Gods And You Were Praying To Yourself The Whole Time edition

old daily bread

Other urls found in this thread:

>The Manlet That Was Promised


Azor Isaac

OP pic is evidence


What will she do in season 7?

From HBO

>Production of the seven-episode seventh season will be based in Northern Ireland, while additional portions will be filmed in Spain and Iceland, with debut slated for summer 2017 on HBO.

>“Now that winter has arrived on GAME OF THRONES, executive producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss felt that the storylines of the next season would be better served by starting production a little later than usual, when the weather is changing,” said Bloys. “Instead of the show’s traditional spring debut, we’re moving the debut to summer to accommodate the shooting schedule.”

>Season seven directors will include Mark Mylod, Jeremy Podeswa, Matt Shakman and Alan Taylor.

>Locations for shooting in Spain will include Sevilla, Caceres, Almodovar del Rio, Santiponce, Zumaia and Bermeo.

I want

tumblr cringe gifs please go

>dragons land in dorne
>get hungry
>kill and broil the sand sneks in mid air

>tfw Emilia Clarke and Peter Dinklage got nominated for an Emmy for giving shit performances
>tfw Stephen Dilane got nothing for the best performance in the entire show
There is no justice in this world

Azor Maisie

I wanna marry SOPHIE!!!!

I hope Sansa either gets a very good ending, or a very bad one.

even this dude got a nom for doing approximately


thats fucked up

Septa Nutella of the Most Devout is blessing this thread
even though it's full of heartless people who enjoy her suffering or think she loves being tortured and raped

i immediately hide your stupid post every time i see it. probably just going to go ahead and filter it so i dont have to waste the energy.

/got/ i want a 50 page essay on why bran is the best character

he is every character so you could write about anyone you wanted

>based liam didn't get nominated




Further proof, here he is standing up.

Do you think she enjoys butt situations?

Even though I hated Davos this year, I agree. Harrington being up for one is a disgrace.

why use that image when you could have used a still from the show

>pic related

i'm not saying he is a fucking lying snake, but the evidence is pretty damning

>Lord Tall, with Lady Long and Guggles the cave troll

>why use that image when you could have used a still from the show
That is from a weirwood vision, it doesn't count.

>Why D&D

Erm, okay? Strange thing you are only doing it now because I post that stuff for about two or three weeks.

>That is from a weirwood vision

if he can walk in his visions that means his leg muscles havent atrophied in the real world

he's faking it

Why does he bend his knee like a school girl? You can't explain that.


>They say the pack is led by a monstrous she-wolf, a stalking shadow grim and grey and huge. They will tell you that she has been known to bring aurochs down all by herself, that no trap nor snare can hold her, that she fears neither steel nor fire, slays any wolf that tries to mount her, and devours no other flesh but man.”

When is Nymeria gonna get GHOSTED

Why does he bend his knee like a school girl? You can't explain that.

how old is this pic

cos he's gay m8

It's from 2004

we'll never see either of them again because D&D want more dragon scenes

He's pretty tall for a five year old.



But Nymeria taking Ghost's knot foreshadows Arya taking Jon's cock


No idea. Looks fairly recent though.

Based Emmy nominated actor

Was Hodor a virgin?

The ride never ends

Not according to paheal

i wish i didnt read this

This picture makes me sad every time I see it. Why must everyone hurt Bran?

some stablegirls probably took advantage of him, not like he could tell anyone

You'd be surprised. I know several people that have worked with the disabled, and the common consensus seems to be that tards are quite rapey.

osha probably fucked him

>I know several people that have worked with the disabled
It's okay, user. You can just say your ranglers. No one's judging.

She did seem pretty impressed with his peen.

only 2 pics and one is worse than i could have possibly imagined. fuck you guys

Jon will marry someone both in show and in the books for politics but his one true love will be Arya who because he's honorable he won't break his marital vows to be with and having known the life of a bastard, he won't have a child with.

screencap this

To be fair, his peen was pretty impressive.


>only 2 pics and one is worse than i could have possibly imagined
I know which one you're talking about..

Oh...THAT one.

>one is worse than i could have possibly imagined.
My curiosity is piqued.

dont do it

His true love is dead isn't she...Ygritte...

>Stockholm syndrome
>true love
This goes for Dany/Drogo too

>too late.
I'm not even entirely sure what was going on in that picture. Why was Hodor so big? Was that a direwolf on the side? WTF is wrong with people?



When is GRRM going to give the rights to write the last books to Preston?

There's a lot of foreshadowing about Arya and Jon in the books.

They think of each other alot and Arya's direwolf won't let regular wolves mount her.


I don't remember anything about her direwolf not letting manlet wolves fuck her but it's been a while.


What, it's true.

He frequently sees something of Arya in Ygritte


I appreciate Grumm's stuff but goddamn that's a donut steel strong independent dog if I ever saw one.

>this fucking edit


Why next season 7 episodes? They good at filler just do more Arya x Tywin Lannister scenes. Those were the best filler scenes. Also replace Maisie Williams with a younger / cuter actress.

Despite Nymeria actually leading a giant pack, I'm sure people's stories about her are a bit hyperbolic, as the stories of smallfolk in Westeros tend to be.

because they're sick of making the show and want to rush to the end

Some of the shit at the end of S6E10 should have been saved for next season, like the Cersei crowning. With the apparent timeskip we probably won't get to see Cersei's reaction to the Starks retaking Winterfell or Walder Frey's death. They don't give a shit about that type of thing anymore.

The biggest problem of Jon loving Arya obviously is that she's only like 11 in the books and maybe 16 in the show.

So unless there's some timeskip in the books, Jon won't be interested in a prepubescent girl. Could work in the show though.

Azor a /Highgarden/

>screencap this

reminder that sandor clegane is azor ahai

After getting exiled by the Prince that was Promised and no longer playing the role she thought she would've, will Melly go out looking for a new God to worship?

A God with a BIG COCK?

Lebbit guy makes a thread about bookEuron becoming a mary sue showRamsay-esque anime villain.

Thoughts? I thought his points were pretty good

ikr, he was the nicest sweetest stark and dindu nuffin. just wanted to climb stuff and be a knight

>tfw never molested by Euron Greyjoy

I love how casual you are about your autism, you're alright

>season 7 has 7 episodes
besides the pure pottery, is this good or bad?

Bad and good

Good = No filler shit
Bad = Rushed as fuck with no complexity because they have to end the storylines

>No filler shit

it will have the same amount of filler shit. they're cutting relevant plot stuff.

Who is her Nissa Nissa then?

Are you autistic? They literally rushed the shit out of S6 with all the teleporting shit

How can you say they cut important plot out when they literally create plotholes for it?

k y s my man

they didnt rush the meme dwarf scenes


GRRM said to a westerosfag that he wished people looked past that and the looked into foreshadowing in the other paragraphs.

Go die in a fire. Jarya is happening.