So I found this hooker online, and put her phone number into facebook. Turns out she's a young student

So I found this hooker online, and put her phone number into facebook. Turns out she's a young student.

Added her by making an account with one of her friends names. And she had literally every single family member listed.

Dubs decides what do from here.

Leave her alone

Tell her to come to your place and suck your dick, but instead, kidnap her and force her to be your sex slave.

Dubs have spoken

Get a life, faggotino!


And that's game


you heard em

demand nudes, post here

i will wait

Oh shit... dubs decides who we listen to? 77 for sure.

BUT WAIT OP after you leave her alone post a dickpick on your own facebook

Listen to the dubs OP


Blackmail her for consensual sex in missionary position.

The dubs need to be accepted

this dubs says objection


For the purpose of recreation

Send pic

I dont care if its for pro- or recreation, i just want OP to not be a fag for once

Get nudes
Send to family
Post here
Post results

If dubs post a picture of a cucumber up your ass on facebook, with the caption "I'm a little gay boy".

You are scum. I hope your mother gets cancer.



Trips overrule

Trips outdo dubs


16:33 isn't even a real time. you screwed up your photoshop OP. Fake and gay

Tell her you want to meet up once or twice a month to fuck and you will keep it quiet, also nudes

Get thread

Become her pimp and get her to send you half of what she makes from each fuck. Never meet her personally, Set up a Moneygram.

You fucking retard, a shit ton of Euro countries use 24 hour time

Thread is blessed


plus deez

It's a 24 hour clock you retard, 16:33 is 4:33

Stupid retards ITT


You've got to be fucking kidding

Dubs and trips demand

Lol Even doh your messing, you seriously hurt my head.

trips over dubs


ayyy lmao

YAY i gots le dubs

Either you are autistic or you are american both of means you have a negetive iq

We should do this with all hookers online

Op isn't delivering shit

No, its 12 hours am and pm. Theres 2 days of 12 hours, day fm and day pm

Scum like her deserve shame. In the past she would have been shaved and publicly ridiculed. Nasty whore.

Allah wills it

Surely op will deliver

Oh god we got a genuine retard in here....

Definately rolling for this, your probably a beta ass neckbeard fag anyway, if you out her she'll probably have your teeth kicked in

Kill yourself you fucking autistic moron one day is 24 hours and some countries don't use AM/PM split days

Yeah, what could possible go wrong?

Too many dubs in this blessed thread


deliver what? be asked for dubs, dubs said leave her alone.

Witness my quads


holy shit its raining dubs


im sorry you live in a third world retarded country that doesnt believe in science

Yeah, get a new fucking hobby

You sir were 1 number away from whatever a six 3's in row is called

although I think such actions are quite horrible for those affected, i apprehend their
inflationary nature these days cancels their value. 5 years in the future it'll be like saying "I know you had cornflakes for breakfast!"

Dubs is a false god. Dubs does not suffer moral depravity


Trips override

Trips overruled Dubs

So close


gg /locktread


If there is any merit to it, why do you even need to ask: Free Sex.

What else?


trips override hooker

tell her you wont do it when she sends video of her choking a family member to ko naked


Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8


Tfw OP is gone already

you swallowed that bait as if there was no morning


Vegeta SSJ3 isn't canon.

Humiliate, OP.



destroy her

he's trolling you newfags, it' fucking obvious

checked and kekd

military uses 24 hour time in the US
he literally has no excuse

you ruin thread nigger

1. message her family
2. be identified and get charged with felony extortion or retarded euro equivalent
3. go to prison
4. get out and be barred from internet usage for 20 years
5. never be hired for a salaried job the rest of your life

this thread gave me an idea so I got a local hooker-website and checked about 100 numbers and only 3 were linked to facebook. 2 of them were probably old facebook profiles because they were kids, 1 of them shows she is a whore on her facebook so no real extortion possibility. too bad.

Where is OP?

Blackmail her to suck your dick, of course


Dubbbz decided to leave her alone