President Trump has the highest disapproval rating of any new president ever polled, according to a new survey...

President Trump has the highest disapproval rating of any new president ever polled, according to a new survey. A majority of respondents, 53 percent, disapprove of how Trump is handling his job.

What if Trump is the president the world needs, but not the one it wants right now?

Your are speaking the truth user san.

How many democrats and republicans were polled in this poll?

Same polls as when hillary had 98% chance of winning right before the election, or..?

are these the same polls that predicted 98% of chance for Hillary to win? :3

Around 2 Dems for every 1 Rep.

Those polls go by popular vote... and they were right sooo

This is a fuckin paid killerary shill. Fuck off media.


Do you not understand how Jew media is used to poison political opponents of the Jews?

Is this what happens when an autistic is proven wrong?

Uh huh, and are these the same polls that predicted a Clinton victory even in the electoral college with 99% certainity?

Go back to stormfront you insufferable nazi faggit


Maybe right now we have the highest percentage of fucking stupid fucks in America that has ever been recorder.
That would explain all these libtarded cucks crying for tendies and special treatment every day. Trump is the first president who has ever inspired hope in me. He deserves complete authority transcending the Constitution and I am praying he attains it.

Jew here. Yep, you got us, man. We're the ones who control the new Mountain Dew flavors, put ads in YouTube videos and inserted that rod up your ass the same time we covertly removed half your brain. Good luck staining your underwear for the next fifty years until you die alone, bewildered and angry. L'chaim and mazel tov!
*hums "If I Were a Rich Man"*

>ever polled

Of course his ratings are going to suck if you only poll in Miami, New York and California,



The nazi faggit got offended boohoohoo

Good job..

So what?

Yeah, those polls are sooooo accurate. That's why President Hillary started that war with Russia.