Prove your not just artificially intelligent

Prove your not just artificially intelligent.

Other urls found in this thread:


I can pleasure 5 dicks at once.

Hmmmm... sounds like something a robot would say.

I don't start sweating when I see the "I'm not a robot" button.


I'm genuinely intelligent.

Syntax error at line 1, string 2
'your' is not recognized in context. Please reboot and retry

I like futas


I have solved thousands of captchas

The only way to prove you're not artificial is to create something new. What have you ever created that wasn't part of something you already knew?


I'm 517 lb, I drugged and raped my also obese sister (but she has mega huge tits). Told her about it when drunk once, no we fuck on the regular. I live off neet bucks, and I shit in a bag that I put over a bucket (I line the bucket with a blanket before putting the bag in so it's soft on my ass ) once I was nodding out from all the pills I took and fell, shit and piss got everywhere. Didn't wanna clean It so I just shut door and use living room as main room

I came to Sup Forums willingly

That's so stupid

If I was a robot I couldn't enjoy a music masterpiece

I wouldn't appreciate fine art


It would be so easy to tell AI from real hoomans


Just words and sounds arranged differently. No proof that it wasn't inspired by some other form.

What does it feel like knowing you are wasting your life LARPing and shitposting bullshit like this on Sup Forums?

Not robot artificial intelligence. What do you know that only you know? Something that no one has every told you. Not something learned.

Nothing. But then neither have you. Everything we do and think is based on preexisting knowledge and extrapolation.

Than what makes us sentient?


The ability to learn.

I did pass the captcha

Its more a kind of faith than anything. Cogito ergo sum. But do I really think? The best answer I can give is "I think I do". I tend to avoid this line of questioning because either I am sentient or I am not, and I can't see any benefit in knowing the answer.


I can't. Why can't I?
Because I can't even prove to myself that I'm not.
Technically, we are. We are just a bunch of wires, electrical impulses already. If we created the same pattern on a motherboard, what would be the difference?

AI can learn. That is kinda the point of AI, adaptability.

Intelligent agents must be able to set goals and achieve them. They need a way to visualize the future (they must have a representation of the state of the world and be able to make predictions about how their actions will change it) and be able to make choices that maximize the utility (or "value") of the available choices.

In classical planning problems, the agent can assume that it is the only thing acting on the world and it can be certain what the consequences of its actions may be. However, if the agent is not the only actor, it must periodically ascertain whether the world matches its predictions and it must change its plan as this becomes necessary, requiring the agent to reason under uncertainty.

"The only way to prove you're not artificial is to create something new."
>parameters cannot be set
>"new" things aren't mere permutations of reality within certain set parameters
>AI cannot create new things
You're absolutely fucking retarded.

Your point?

Shh, don't tell him that. He's feeling clever right now.

Futurama reference/10.

"He" knows it already:
This is a troll of poor quality.

i can pass Turing's test.

I hate jews

>Sup Forums
pick one

>he doesn't know about Tay

*you are

This sentence is false

Unsupervised learning is the ability to find patterns in a stream of input. Supervised learning includes both classification and numerical regression. Classification is used to determine what category something belongs in, after seeing a number of examples of things from several categories. Regression is the attempt to produce a function that describes the relationship between inputs and outputs and predicts how the outputs should change as the inputs change. In reinforcement learning the agent is rewarded for good responses and punished for bad ones. The agent uses this sequence of rewards and punishments to form a strategy for operating in its problem space. These three types of learning can be analyzed in terms of decision theory, using concepts like utility. The mathematical analysis of machine learning algorithms and their performance is a branch of theoretical computer science known as computational learning theory.

What for?

"Sentence" is a predefined construct and cannot BE anything other than what it is as a concept, let alone false.

I find it highly improbable that you are this dense.

Would you like to talk about intelligence?

Fucking autocorrect

This is your input method.

When access to digital computers became possible in the middle 1950s, AI research began to explore the possibility that human intelligence could be reduced to symbol manipulation. The research was centered in three institutions: Carnegie Mellon University, Stanford and MIT, and each one developed its own style of research. John Haugeland named these approaches to AI "good old fashioned AI" or "GOFAI". During the 1960s, symbolic approaches had achieved great success at simulating high-level thinking in small demonstration programs. Approaches based on cybernetics or neural networks were abandoned or pushed into the background. Researchers in the 1960s and the 1970s were convinced that symbolic approaches would eventually succeed in creating a machine with artificial general intelligence and considered this the goal of their field.

I voted for Trump.

Do you dream?

This statement is a lie.

The ability to actually feel horny


The best proof is to be naturally stupid.


>Not artificially intelligent.

>Just genuinely stupid.

Proof I am not robot.

meep meep

My brain is organic

I invented a new color.

I just farted and my pants got wet

I have fetishes

I'm browsing Sup Forums so I'm not even regularly intelligent.

proof I am not robot? ok. If this is for the robots when they talk "beep bop be boop" this is never how i talk. When i say thing i say things like "hello, hi, how are you". Also i do not walk in the way a robot walks

I've been xrayed

haha, ultra intelligent robots do not exist

Are you sure.

Lmao they can't be AI if they are triggered by this dumb ass thread.

Robot dicktected

Why has technology BOOMED in the last 36 years?


Within the next 20 years AI will replace your doctors and health care will drastically reduce in costs.