Hey potheads, can you please tell me what is this?

Hey potheads, can you please tell me what is this?


looks like compressed basil bro

The skankest skank weed this side of skanktown. Or lowkey oregano.
Either way you got fucked


Shittest fuckin weed ever that's what you faggot OP

gross dude don't smoke this shit

Looks like you got bamboozled out of an eighth

yeaah... um... no that isnt weed
(I mean, it could be A weed, but not how you were hoping...)



Thats Oorlong Tea bro.
>put in cup
>pour hot water on top
>steep for 5 mins

Very low quality marijuana. Smoke enough and you'll bet buzzed though

most likely industrial male hemp

Fuck, I haven't seen weed that poor quality in over a decade. Nice going user, good luck feeling anything.

Looks like green tea rolled into balls. Hope you've got a quality vaporizer to extract what little potency that holds. Would not bother rolling or packing that.

Nigga that ain't weed, this is weed

Also can anyone rate this shit, basically reacts like white rhino

Hush your mouth, nigger.


def not weed I hope you're not trolling and were stupid enough to buy this

question is have yous smoked it yet or not

i hope you paid more than the 50 cents that it's worth

I'm pretty certain it is weed, just extremely fucking poor quality weed. I have smoked stuff that looked like that and worse in the past (at least there's no seeds), luckily the quality in my area has improved tenfold over the last few years.


yeah that really doesn't look like weed, if it is you'll probably just burn your lungs and not get high

Hey potheads. If an eigth is £30, how much would all other weights be?


looks like weed but where are the crystals? and why don't the leaves curl up? it's dry af. could be spice.

probably synthetic or a research chemical sprayed on some oregano so you are able to smoke it. nice job faggot

Buddy paid 20 euro for it... We won't smoke it...

That's nit pot. You got robbed

Not weed...smoke and post.

shit old bud.

Looks like cheap weed bruh

Not sure if that is weed. If it is weed it's probably shit. How's it smell? Smoke a bit and see

Smoke it you'll het high from exygen loss to your brain

I am a botanist, it seems like you get to name this one as i confirmed with my colleagues, this is a new plant species unknown to the scientific world.

In the past, long before Spice etc. was available, I've had really fucking horrible quality weed without any crystals. It does get you moderately high but only just and it's extremely harsh to smoke. It's very unusual to see it now but someone must still grow this shite.

you talking about schwagg? maybe some dry mids?

looks like dried spinach

thats oregano

Looks like dried salvia leaves

Aye, Scottish equivalent to schwagg anyway. Back when good sticky black hash was the most desirable thing and it was hard to find decent indoor bud, you could get this shite quite easily and fairly cheap. I always heard it was outdoor grown smuggled from Africa but no idea how much truth there is in that.

It's definitely not oregano anyway, there's obvious buds and thick stems there. It's just fucking terrible weed.

10min onset and 40min headache

God you kids are retarded, you've never come across dirt weed/shawg before?

Yes. That doesn't look like ditch weed or brick weed. Its salvia


Heroin. Stick it on tinfoil and chase that dragon.

Nigga have you ever typed Brussels sprouts before? You know if you're not sure you can Google it...


If an 8th is 30q you getting shitty weed

No salvia has longer leaves and doesn't forms bud, could be oregano or tea ?

You can't tell the strain by looking at it, but it does look like Indica from the short leaves.

The fuck are you trying to say?

Spelling isn't important. It's making sure you're understood. You knew what I was saying.

Ultra rare nigger weed, grown and cultivated in the Congo. You got a banging deal bro


Its clearly just bad weed dude

Hmm... let me see, get my scope... adjust the lenses and yep, it's shitty weed

Put your mom's spices back on the rack and go outside and play with your little friends.

that is not cannabis

no you is not Cannabis

no, YOU are not cannabis

It all depends on for how much you bought it.

looks like dried up Brussels sprouts

whatever it is.. dont smoke it

Looks gross