Trump vs Putin

Trump vs Putin
For me Putin is better for strong fierce leadership and not back down to america will
And Trump speak like diarea from mouth
You ??

Russians are shitbags and Trump is a faggot.

> Leaders mean nothing
> They are just figureheads for systems of power
> TLDR: They are just mouthpieces for the devil that is capitalism


Trump does not know how to run a country putin does

Хрен редьки не слаще. The good thing about Trump is that he isn't going to sit in the office for like 20 years.

>Хрен редьки не слаще
Хахаха dont be mad for great power of Putin

What's his great power except for faking election? He's a pussy who can't tell his subordinates to stop stealing.

>Putin: gangster who made his way through corruption, killing political rivals, killing journalists, throwing rival oligarchs in prison

>Trump: retard who got saved multiple times by dad, scam artist who just happen to talk to even worse retards than himself

they're both shit and dangerous, but for different reasons.

Trump is Putin's bitch. there is no contest between them.

trump is literally putin's little bitch

But Russia no capitalist
You silly user
Greenwords of lie

Just sayin', if Putin ran for president of the US, I'd have voted for him; He shows that he'll at least try to save as many lives of his that he can.

Shut up you retard. It's fucking embarrassing.

You embarrass for yourself

trump is fucking embarrassing.

Kill yourself faggot

They're both very strong leaders, I don't think I could pick one


A vote for either is a vote for Putin.

Trump was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and is a fat fuck. Putin is a judo expert and former KGB. They are both sociopaths but I'd rather be in the ring with that fuck fuck Trump rather than Putin.

now that's a good question, user.
they are both hardliners.
putin knows that trump will focus on his domestic affairs and will screw NATO in east europe. that's why he don't want to reply on any west europe and hillary's supporters provocations. he will have east europe for himself without fight.
trump knows the same thing. he wants to focus on his domestic economic and prepare himself before facing putin on the world scale.
we will see some "clash of the titans" but after one or 1,5 year.

Trump didn't get to where he is out of the circumstances of his birth. He didn't ask to be born well off but he sure as hell has the aptitude and talent to make the most of it.

I'd rather negotiate with Putin than Trump

"small loan of a million dollars"

He's have more value now than he currently does if he put his inhertitence in a long term high interest account, or invested in blue chip stocks.

Aptitude doesn't describe someone that could've done better by doing nothing.

Putin is not a sociopath, he's something new
Trump on the other hand...

No he wouldn't. You read one article from Buzzfeed or wherever the fuck that thing surfaced and you took it as truth despite it being immediately debunked.

His wealth in property alone is magnitudes greater than he'd have gotten from collecting interest

Its somewhat interesting to see how you guys praise Putin while talking shit about Trump, because situation is exactly the opposite on the Russian boards. To each his own I guess. Kek.


And how much do you think he would have if he sold all that property?


Blue chip returns on what he started with over the timespan would likely be better than what he currently has.

For example, You might own a car worth $50,000
If you tried selling it, you'd be lucky to get $25,000

This guy really likes Sup Forums
You should go there now

You're going to need to actually come up with the math if you want anyone to believe your ramblings

No u
I'm not the one that claimed...
> he sure as hell has the aptitude and talent to make the most of it.

I haven't stated anything as fact.
Just considering the market trends on blue chips over the past decades it doesn't seem at all unreasonable for that initial million investment left untouched to be worth more than his current liquid value

If you actually knew what you were talking about you'd know that blue chips wouldn't have given him returns even close to his current wealth.

If you knew when he first got that money you might think differently.

Be more pompous next post

You started making very large claims based off of a debunked clickbait article and now you're trying to pass it off as me being the fool.


Did I?
Or did you take it that way?

I asked for pomp, not arrogance

Post-communist Russia is a bigger friend of the USA than the Democratic party.