Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

Previous:The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:


Spics enhanced /waifu/

Claim :o


oh ive never thought of that

working at McDonald's can't be that hard lol

Still here.

spics -_-
still kike



_-_ oN


The closest series in terms of how it plays would probably be Wipeout. It's pretty much all about cheesy characters, good graphics, speed, and more speed. Finding new ways to fly off the tracks and die is a rite of passage on higher difficulties.

I grew up on old Final Fantasy, IV and VI were my favorites. Hell, Squaresoft was golden up through FFX. After that their stuff started losing its touch for me. Xenoblade was awesome, Xenosaga was good overall, but both series leave me pining for a remake of Xenogears, not that it's gonna happen anytime soon.

SRPGs/Strategy favorites would be Final Fantasy Tactics, Ogre Battle Series, Tactics Ogre, and the Super Robot Taisen series.

I'll probably revisit Federation Force sometime, to be honest I probably didn't give it much of a chance after seeing stuff all over Sup Forums and elsewhere.

As far as lifts, I use kettlebells since I need more functional strength versus getting the ripped/jacked look. Swings, presses, squats, and loaded carries are my go-tos. Russian twists with a KB/free weight are also a great way to burn up your core. Swings are probably the best way to get cardio with KBs since they really get your heart rate up quickly.

GT 3 and 4 are my favorites out the series, I've never been a diehard racing fan, but I agree that both games were pretty fun to play.

Time for me to head out, nice meeting you. Take it easy.

what are you people waiting for?

Still around!

Today is homework day. I have about 2 more assignments to do today. So I'm waiting for motivation to continue my work.

You too! Have a good day Houki!


Sounds like fun

thermodynamic equilibrium of the universe


For you to post Jibril

now you can have a pet

still spic :o

still gringo -_-

still wetback :0

what if they find it

still pantsu _-_

sure is :O
pantsu a best

its in your room how can it affect them ? it won't stain the floors or leave a mess

If they hate animals, just explain how you're breeding them because you like to torture them for fun.
They'll understand and even encourage you.


My dealer to call me.

i know but i cant go against them
i wouldnt do that and it would be even worse to them

you can ask them , it will be in a glass tank and really small
they have to at least let you have that
if it fails make a huge hole in the wall , worked for me

A reason.

So what's their stance on animals?
Do they generally dislike them? Dislike the dirt? The smell? The hair?
Depending on what it is we could figure some way out to deal with it.

but lizards are boring you cant hug them and i dont want to hurt my hand
they dont give me reasons thats just how it is


then get a hamster
I didn't want to hurt my hand either but they wanted to mess with one of my pups

How's everyone's weekend so far?


What and how did you ask?


bad I'm not drunk


i dont want to smuggle one in but if they wanted to take away one i already had id do the same
i just wanted a companion but im too scared to ask anymore


what a loser :o

Claiming best girl

Can /waifu/ draw waifu pt.2?


Well that's an easy fix
What kind of booze do you have?

Why's that?

Good to hear


Just remember that the animal will never truly love you anyway. Animals only care for themselves, and never for you. Just like your parents.

God dammit.

ask them if you can have one
they aren't noisy so you can smuggle one if you had to

/waifu/ sure can't draw hands.


I have nothing to do

whiskey and beer only

i dont think thats true for the animals at least
the risk is too big and i dont want them to lay their hands on a poor little thing


Not if you get a dog, but smaller, dumber creatures like hamsters literally don't care about you besides the fact you're getting them food.

well then ask them no need to be afraid they aren't that expensive to feed and maintain

Thought I forgot something. Good job pointing that out

Hey, that sure sounds like enough to get drunk

There's everything to do
If you have no money or transportation then it's a little trickier but you can at least play a game or watch a show

We can't do photoshop either.

i know i want a small dog
yes i need to be afraid

why ? are they really that bad ?

Thanks, I'm great at finding flaws, especially in myself.

Unfortunately that's true. I don't have the psd file anymore though and am too lazy to make it again.

Small doggos are stupid doggos. Get a larger fluffy doggo like a husky or a wolf.
They too are small when they are young.

It's almost 9 pm, there's not much to do outside
I am playing a game but it's getting kinda boring

But I feel like photoshopping something. Give me something to do.

Well, photoshop a nazi hat on your waifu.
That's what I do when I'm bored.

Get a dachshund
Not the yappy kind though
One of the chill ones

Play a different game, then
What kind of stuff are you into?

but huskies are hard to take care of and are always yelling
they look silly but yeah it would be an option if i could have any

no offense but that sounds like a horrible place to call home

Hey, I haven't really followed the conversation. But since it's so hard for you to get a dog for some reason, maybe you should get a cat instead? It's better than nothing

The silly look is really the best part
Also short haired ones don't shed an excessive amount so maintenance is pretty easy
I've missed some of this, though - what's the obstacle to you having a pet?

I don't have any that i haven't beaten or played so much I've got bored of them

They as all dogs need to understand that you're the one in charge and not the other way around. If you implement that you won't have a problem. But if you're a pussy and the animals gets the feeling that you are weak, it's over and it'll do whatever.

So what exactly is stopping you from walking up to your parents and saying 'they guys, I wanna buy a fluffy puppy, because I'm really depressed and miserable and need someone to call a friend besides the other guys on /waifu/' ?

its all i have
i cant have either but yeah it would also be great
i didnt think of the short haired part thats good
im just not allowed to
i dont think i could be a good dog owner then
i dont even have money to get one by myself assuming id force one in the house

Do you do that to keep me away?
>A nazi hats a a day keeps the erica hartmann away

So what's the reason you can't have one? Is it the money? Or do they think you aren't responsible enough?

Well tell me what kind of stuff you're into and I'll do my best to provide you with something good

By who? And is there any reason like allergies or space or do they just not want dogs?

Just for a better understanding of the situation: how old are you?
And since there can't be any underage people here, add another 6 years to your age when answering and act like you didn't.

You'd expect that to attract her.

Kept me away so far.

But you came. And are still here :o .
It attracted you!

Grandpa Shiki refuses to talk.
>Wat do?

you can come over and hug mine any time
and ask about a hamster

Tell him to take his pills.

Birb or a fish then? Birbs are cool.

both. at least im told im not responsible enough
my parents and they never gave a proper reason
19 but i didnt change anything to be more convenient
i dont go out too much but thats very kind
i dont like birbs and fish are useless

me neither just to the store if I need to
and work of course

You can always eat them later.

my turn


nice butt


Porn ads be evading adblock

Thats no good. I think all chances of them getting through went away for me when I got Sup Forums x

so cold..

haven't been here in a while, where is haruhi?

i dont work
i think its better to get them directly from the grocery store then

when you do maybe then you'll get to keep a big pet or something

i cant keep a job ive had a few already

Gotcha, fam.
Guess that's a pretty difficult situation then, since there are few ways for you to get money and you also wont be able to move out for another 5 years or so.
Maybe get your grandma or someone to get a puppy and then hang out there a lot. Grandma happy, doggo happy, you happy, parents happy.

why is that ? I only messed up in 4 or so

Assuming you're 18+ you should be able to get some side job to pay for your pet.
Hmm, so no dog or cat. Maybe a rabbit? You just need to feed it once a day and clean it's cage once a week.
The biggest downside about them though: it's truly heartbreaking once they die.


its okay if you dont believe me and i dont have grandparents
9 or 10 for me and now i never get taken because i have to explain why i went through so many before
how long do rabbits live for