Is ancient Egypt considered part of african history?

is ancient Egypt considered part of african history?



The african people didn't develop technology because they already lived in harmony.

Well let's see, is it full of niggers?

Egypt in the middle east

Africa its own continent


Archaeologist here:

Yes. Ancient Egyptians were not directly linked genetically to present day African Americans, but were closer related to them than to the Arabs who live there today.

Fucking arabs, name one place they don't fuck up


is egypt in africa? yes...would they share history then? yes.......your a dumbass op....


Yes, like United States is considered part of the American history.

Are you fucking serious? lmao


egypt is africa. this isn't up for debate. just because you think of sub-saharan africa every time someone says "africa" doesn't mean the rest of the continent ceases to exist.

>Ancient Egyptians were not directly linked genetically to present day African Americans
what the fuck does america have to do with anything?

Egypt was African, Africa wasn't Egyptian.

No. Was built by atlantians, race of blonde hair blue eyed people, after their continent flooded. After they built it they moved on to Europe and the black people moved in.

It's covered in snow and ice. I'm sure they had something to do with it.

>who took the blacks?

lots of countries, but you do realize we didn't take ALL the blacks, right? pretty sure we left a few in Africa. At any rate, why would you compare ancient egyptians with american mutts who are half white genetically, instead of actual africans still living in africa?

is there any book that covers that?

Because the sub Saharan congoids that we took have nothing to do with egypt, genetically.


ah friend

i see you are newer here... while this seems like an innocent question in OPs post.. he is in fact ridiculing african americans who think they are related to the pharohs of egypt

also know as "we was kangz" troll

so why bring up their mixed descendants at all?

they wuz kangz though. nubian dynasty of egypt.

looks like it, wasnt nefrititi african

yes, but she wasn't black

there were black (nubian) pharaohs though. and white (greek) pharaohs.

>In Africa
>Part of history

Gee I dunno you figure it out.

Being African doesn't automatically make you a nigger.

Carthaginians were Phoenecian, and had medieteranian skin, olive-style.
Same with Cleopatra, and the Greek pharoahs.

Niggers couldn't pass the Saharan desert


