Easiest and least painful way to kill yourself? lol im so fucking tired of living

easiest and least painful way to kill yourself? lol im so fucking tired of living


get a lot of nitrogen into the room you're in, and just fall asleep

buy an oxygen cannister and just breathe, too high dose of oxygen gets you high so you literally get high off breathing and just drift off eventually

you are cutting your wrist wrong!

cut and post photo

Die of old age
Its easy
And not painful

shotgun with 3 inch magnum to the head is works 100 percent of the time. just put the barrel right at your forehead and pull the trigger with your big toe

It's down the road not across the street you moron. Jump off a bridge.

Nice dubs.

>Lol i hate myself so much i wanna die but i don't hate myself enough to die painfully

Attention seeking faggot.

"die of old age" i said quickest and easiest. i cant be bothered waiting 80 fucking years just to die

I really pity you people who live in a place where you can't just buy a gun. Or at least for fuck's sake a length of 1" pipe, a shotgun shell, a nail and a rubber band. Christ.

That said, go climb up a big parking structure and jump off. A direct six story drop onto pavement should do it 99% of the time.

Don't put the barrel on your forehead ffs you want to shoot yourself in the brain stem not the cortex

sorry but i dont live near any bridges or cliffs. try again next time

1. Buy air duster
2. Fill up bathtub with water
3. Get in the tub and huff the air duster until you pass out.
4. Drown peacefully.

I know this is a success because my friend died this way.

I am guessing you can't get your hands on heroin to overdose, therefor the air duster method is the best way to go with out pain.

allahu akbar your local police station

According to whom exactly? The shitty craft movie from the 90s?

You bleed out as quickly going across the road as you do down the street. It so happens that you're less likely to damage the tendons on your wrists if you buy into the myth that cutting across is "wrong".
Also it's easier to fix if you only hit just one point rather than fucking the entire wrist, vein and artery.

TL:DR stop trying to be so edgy. Dumbass

Is the text meant as a Trevor/GTA V reference?

okok i'll say this is a joke before i get butthurt faggots saying how their friend died. also the picture is a google image you fucknuts

try electrocuting yourself
or shotgun to the head

He has it on his neck... but it does look like similar hand writing

if you remove the top half of your head you are die immediately. trying to shoot your own brain stem with a shotgun is more likely to end up botching your suicide

If you really wanted to die you'd just jump off a fucking building. Grow the fuck up you whining little bitch

just keep living, you'll die eventually.
What's the rush?

Actually it didn't say quickest

I can attest to air duster being easy to pass out with

I got this off the deep web. Here you go

Here's how to cut.

Thats the wrong way to do it. You want the dotted line to be along the vein its self for maximum blood loss.