Lets settle this bitches

lets settle this bitches...

pic related...

feck it...ill take manson

shameless self-bump from op...

supreme emperor Donald obviously...

Me to
2 for manson

If you don't pick Manson you are a pussy.

all three are Zionist pieces of shit. kill um all


Cosby. He always has juice boxes that make me sleepy.

Bills a nigger i dont touch niggers.
Trump is old and not my president. Literally.
Manson did nothing wrong. Has a swastika on his forehead. Wins



Cosby. At least I'd sleep comfortably.

Cosby because he'd like it the least

what are you some liberal pussy?

manson i a cowardly faggot who never hurt anyone so yes manson.

trump - but only because his fat gut would prevent his tiny dick from reaching me

Mansons already kill, he died a few days ago

Wait, the better question to be asking here is who would have the better drugs?

(OP here) I dont see how this impacts the question

no he didnt

obviously trump
"I spooned with the president" is pretty neat.

It doesnt, i was merely telling user that we cant kill manson now

I cant tell if youre saying hes still alive, or referencing the outlandish shit he's said, kek

Manson please...


Charles M.

He been in jail for like what 50 years? He knows how to treat a man.

>he died a few days ago
>no he didnt
if you can't tell what the words no he didn't means, then you're a fucking retard

Potheads are drug addicts, much like how alcoholics are as well. Retard

>File: relax-bro-its-just-weed-w(...).png (140 KB, 500x609)
>Wait, the better question to be asking here is who would have the better drugs?
kys you degenerate

good question. toss up between Trump and Cosby then.

I'm sure both of them have some good date rape drugs. you wont remember a thing.

ok who high now. didn't say nothing abut it being pic related. retard.

>this faggot needs to turn off the news

>this faggot needs to turn off the news

But he's right you know?

So are fat people. You can't forget fat people.

Trump all the way
>Get picture of us spooning
>Use as blackmail to get presidential favors
>become wealthy and powerful through insider influence
>Date Ivanka

I'll go for trump. Definitely the smallest.

right or wrong it's a fucking choice. So learn to stay our of other user shit?

idk OP a faggot. I know for a fact we are, but I also how far each high can take you.

Bruh, he always rambled about how he could never die and that he was everything and all sorts of luney shit, for all i knew, you were being serious or just being an asshat about it, kek. Slow your roll ya niggerfaggot

*but i also know how...

drugs make you stupid also.

I'd say Trump, what with his tiny hands, it would be the best of those three.

I dunno, Manson would probably have that really trippy shit that makes you go on vision quests and whatnot.

yea true, but do you want to really come down with them trippy images in your memorybut the question is how would you let spoon you. then this user said. → it went to drugs being right or wrong. All I'm saing is if I'm going to get spooned or whatever by a dude, I'm going to need some drugs that make me forget.

but yea drugs are bad, don't do drugs leaves more for me. :)

What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having listened to it.