Mr. Robot

What does Sup Forums think of this show ?

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Tries too hard and will ultimately be forgotten.

The first season was a fun, ambitious ride. Too ambitious maybe. I watched the first half of the s2 premiere and it left a bad taste in my mouth. Felt a bit like it jumped the shark, was going through the motions or a parody of itself. I'll jump back in and see it through though.

When will we see part 2 of this scene????????????


I failed to get into the second season.

Literally nothing happened in the first two episodes of the new season.

why ?

Enjoyed the first season , but I think the second season useless , they could of had sum up all the consequences in one episode

Will they explain whatever the fuck happenned in the after credits scene of the S1 finale ?

It's nominated for a bunch of Emmys and it's already guaranteed to win for best lead actor

why would it need to explain it? it was relatively straightforward.

>asian hacker whiterose and the CEO of E-corp are both part of the Illuminati/bilderberg

His eyes bother me

The most soulful eyes

Yeah , but think that there's more to it ?
Does E-corp guy know about what asian dude did ?
Is e-corp guy part of the plan ?
What's asian hacker real motives ?

Ollie dies next screencap this


great direction, solid acting, shit writing

the less I understand what the fuck is going on the more I like it

Really curious to find out if Bernie Mac is a hallucination or real.

fight club + hackers the series

That's Cedric the Entertainer, you racist fuck

So he was talking to Tyrell on the phone right or talking into a banana?

The twist near the end killed it for me. It was interesting up until that point but I just annoyed me to no end afterwards. I'll probably watch season 2 begrudgingly.

It's obviously Steve Harvey.


her heart

We aren't even a quarter through S2 yet

I dunno, it's the only non-drama show I can watch without getting bored af. You tell me.

I turned it off after the blonde girl got BLACKED


Got a feeling Angela will end up getting humiliated and raped at a "Eyes Wide Shut" kind of party only attended by the 1% of the 1% of the 1%, and will seppuku.

I laughed at that part because I realized how many insecure Sup Forums conservacucks would get triggered at that part and probably stop watching the show.

I'm glad it's working.

Is Scott Knowles the only truly good man left now Gideon is a goner?

did he do motion capture for the until dawn game because he looks exactly like josh

go back to tumblr

Tyrell alive, and well, probably will make his comeback in next ep
I can't wait t b h

literally going to post this

cry more faggot

Dumb normie bait

I'm not even a liberal, nigger.


if they had Tyrell be the "main" character right now since Elliot is in prison, that would be based.

it was just to show how she is falling deeper and deeper, soon she will be fucking old man for a promotion or do ass to ass

Why are you glad the ratings are cratering?

Is Angela headed for a redemption arc?Or is it set up so her and Elliot will eventually be played off of eachother?

because it hurts your feelings

>it hurts your feelings
literally the only thing tumblrites care about, nice outing there

how do you know? you talk to a lot of them you little queer?

All Mr Robot threads turn to shit.It's the same guys making a note to moan about every time, you can tell by the way they write.No one actually discusses the show past a certain point, always descends into pointless arguments.But maybe that's just Sup Forums.

Because most of it's audience are DVRing, torrenting or just watching it online those ratings mean nothing

Not to mention the first episode was released on FB a few days before the premiere

there was a pretty good thread yesterday but yeah mostly it's just full of the same autistic shitposting

Did torrents and DVRs not exist last year when a quarter million more people were watching it live?

Thats exactly whats happening rn
Bunch of guys talking about Angela being blacked

nice picc

I was here yesterday too, was one of the better threads tbf.The show does have some undeniable Reddit moments but I still think it's one of the best new shows to pop up within the last couple of years.

same, probably my favourite new show alongside the leftovers

What is his fucking problem?

I didn't even know season 2 started

Anyone also reading Bleach experiencing this?
Basically Bleach threads turn to shit when autists start talking about the final relationship of the MC, and sometimes others must be made where people actually talk about what is happening.
Same should be done for Mr.Robot t b h

too based for reality

So what do you think fellas? Prison or a mental institution?

I can't wait user, I hope we get an interaction between him and Vera
Would love to hear the conversation

prison for the mentally ill.

not really any other reason Christa's ex-BF would return in the season finale saying he's going to the police.

If Tyrell IS alive, is there any way he could ever return to New York again, considering he's currently the most wanted man in America?

I saw a promo picture of him and Elliot in what looks like a downtown area (maybe even times square), but that's hardly reliable since it could be a dream or hallucination or something like that.

Doesn't he have the backup key for all the data F society lost?

I can't stand it anymore.

>implying he ever left

I think so.I'm just desperate to see the rest of that scene with Elliot and Tyrell.Think we might get a bit more in the next episode.It's a 90 minute episode, so hopefully the prison thing gets revealed soon, I really don't want that to drag on throughout the season.

Yeah, that's what I thought. Joey badass talking at him all day without ever expecting a response makes him seem pretty nutty too. Also Seinfeld seems like the sort of harmless sitcom drivel that would sooth a disturbed mind, so there's a good chance he does nothing all day except watch reruns

0/10 no robots

bonesaw ribbiot

I've never seen any other show that goes through the mental breakdown of a person

I think it's really interesting and unique the way they played it out in the start of the second season to show how crazy elliot really is which we only got a taste of in the last few episodes

Although the anons of Sup Forums seemed to dislike it, I think it was done well and shows a great premise to the start of the second season

It's undoubtedly the best show on television this year

there's 1

The leftovers does it pretty well





twin peaks mayne
Only Lynch can take a scene from the comically absurd to the dismally hopeless, this shit gets to me

Requiem for a Dream is pretty good too
But it's a movie

true except for Gideon :(

what tv show is this?

What fucking twist?

pls gib mr robo yaoi :3

Get recommended to watch this show by my normie friends fucking constantly

>"you should watch mr robot, it's right up your alley!"
>why, what is "my alley"?
>give me a shiggy look
>"you know, nerdy stuff"


You're welcome

thanks, based user

I really likes how crazy Elliot is.

>tfw elliot will probably be mentally destroyed by the end of the show

won't be surprised if he just kills himself in the last episode

Hasn't the creator said he's planned it to go on for 5 Seasons? So we've got a while yet

I think he's said he's got enough material to do that many, unless it gets cancelled due to bad ratings which I don't see happening since it's a pretty standout show with solid critical reception but maybe it'll have to be shortened.

Friends and shows like these is when morality fell of a fucking cliff. Fuck television.

No chance he's eaten by lesbian cannibals? I need all my pretties blending together.

Oh yeah it's fucking shite apart from Rami, I've only seen that video and that's all I ever plan on seeing of that show

the only reason i finished season one of Mr Robot was to see Tyrell fuck another man again

Know that feeling of getting recommended terrible shows

>friend recommends 12 monkeys
>"it's a really smart show"
>mfw it's stupid and had to quit on the third episode

>1 hour

i won't watch ii simply because "our democracy has been hacked" makes it sound like it's a series of buzzfeed articles

I think that's the point of that advertising, it feels like it's meant to be crass and shallow, it sounds like something Elliot's deeply mentally ill mind would come up with during a rant about his alienation from society.


interesting stuff

Tyrell is a weak ass baby reddit parody of bateman, why does Sup Forums like him?

because he's a "weak ass baby reddit parody of bateman"

It's heavily stylised but not without reason. All of the shots feel straight out of an apple commercial if apple liked depressing blue and gre tones

For me, Tyrell is cute, ambitious, and humps anything to gain advantage over others

plus he's so pathetic when compared to other business sharks
