What is the weirdest or shittiest gift you've ever given or received from someone?

What is the weirdest or shittiest gift you've ever given or received from someone?


a keychain breathalyzer. for chrismas. from my mom


A 18 inch statue of death from my dad for xmas

>be me
>be 12
>girl that grabbed my butt in the pool is having a big bday party
>mom get's present
>band-aids with Disney princess
>band-aids for 12 year old girl crush I had

fucking awkward mom, no present would have been better


a torn shirt

last summer we noticed how fucking cheap a sheep is, so naturally we bought one as a troll present for a friends birthday.
He kept it in his apt for 3 years, even though we offered to butcher it for him.
It was great

A blank greeting card. At least write something in it ffs.

My brother went on holiday to Spain and as a gift he brought me back a 1:64 scale replica of Mr Beans mini car



That girl on the right though...damn

Couple years back at christmas, family members all opening their gifts. Tablets, e-readers, all nice tech. Open mine, deep fryer. The fuck, mom

I have you all beat. I used to be the production manager of a big music venue (snoop dogg, slick rick, questlove, the misfits and many more all played there) I loved the job and sadly the theater closed. On the night of the last show, the owner came up to me on my way out and said he had something for me. He left me in the hall to go get it. When he was gone I was thinking maybe it was a letter about all my years helping the venue, or maybe some sort of severance since I was loosing my job. He came back with his hands closed, and told me to open mine. In my hand he put a bookmark. A credit card sized bookmark with a light on it. Literally the lamest gift ever.

Agreed. Can't get worse than that.

I literally think he just went to the office and grabbed the first thing he found, put it in an evenelope and brought it down to me..:

y tho

>last summer
>kept it in his apt 3 years
pick one
