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Honestly the best standing you can get

Here ya go.

Da boo dee da boo die

>Honestly the best standing you can get
>left + authoritarian = communist
you w0t m8?

Easy now Stalin

now thats more like it


Dont get me confused with the hyper sensitive tumblr users though, they go in the shitty libleft



my man

>being Liberal instead


Anyone want a helicopter ride?


>Hating freedom

Best place to be

My compass

>freedom is always the answer

Good looks comrade

Seig Heil



if you believe anything else you are wrong


It is tbh

Stop the Left / Right faggotry.

Only National Socialism can unite our people.


god commie faggots

You have to agree with me on one thing - the world would be a lot more interesting if we had less guns and more dildos.

no. i disagree


what on earth do you need dildos for?

Well, I hate it break it to you, but you're wrong about this too ;)



FTFY senpai

Anything is a dildo if you're brave enough.


>Let me just completely redefine this word

Settling disputes.

Oh shit fam

>let me base my knowledge of this ideology from high school which literally taught me nothing about it

If you're entire knowledge of fascism consists of "it's big and evil government" you've been mislead.


I was talking about you redefining the word Freedom.

I'm a leftist, humanistic and french... Mélenchon 2017 !

At least there are a few sane people in this thread

Freedom is an interesting concept...probably too complex for us to really debate effectively, but as it's viewed in fascist ideology it's essentially the pursuit of fruitless and frivolous matters in life. People need to be led. The foundations for this are in Plato's "The Republic".

The three worst possible things I can think of

Thank you. I'm pretty sure the first one is "french".
Like nationalists say : "one ham chips a day, keep the muslims away".

Pic related is where I am.

You have the wrong pic, you need the 3D version of these 2 guys


There were a lot of questions, so i figured out the best thing to do was just put 'disagree' for all of them.



what the fuck is wrong with some of these people's results? seriously.





I did this test once, and apparently my political views align EXACTLY with those of Robert Mugabe.


gettin along n shit fam

what the fuck is wrong with both of you.

Free rides for the helicopter. Get in :D

Honestly isn't that bad, I mean, he's not authoritarian, that's gotta count for something.

And as long as we are all libertarian we can get along pretty well

get out commie scum


-5.38, -6.51

>this many leftish people on Sup Forums
I don't believe it, always thought you were a bunch of alt-right fuckers

I'm borderline everything apparently, but I have some extreme views of shit that not everyone else has. Idk, it is interesting to see other user's thoughts.

>see mine




Power to the people!


For a moment I thought it was perfect because I score libertarian left and think that but then I remembered that most of my libertarian-leftish friends are nothing like me and our opinions differ quite a lot

Boy do I have something for you.


am i good

>I want authoritarianism
>votes for authoritarianism
>doesn't get a say in anything
>"this is not what I wanted"
>kills himself

slow clap

A little thing to think about, I used to score as to the lower left of Gandhi.
Specifically, almost a year ago.

Now look at me.

Literally me


Probably written by a jew.

Sup Forums would be unhappy with the left wing cuckness of the Sup Forums *smh*

>Being anything other than green
I guess you like licking boots

My results have stayed consistent since last year hmm. Thought I was moving further right.

according to my political compass test results i should put him in the oven.

I bet they didn't measure the rioting monkeys


>Satoshi Kanazawa
Yeah he sounds super jewish.
But keep thinking that, that way you can ignore it.

Refer to mine.
Now that you've referred to it, leave him to me.

what exactly is alt-right? sounds like some bullshit made up during the election to blanket everyone who likes at least one single thing about trump in the slightest.

i would have said "right-of-center" but everyone claims they're a centrist because it makes them sound intelligent and objective (also bullshit)

Why are conservatives so dumb?

Rate me lads
