He's right, you know

He's right, you know.

Other urls found in this thread:


What a stupid bitch, we clearly said we were doing blue toned pictures this year

This only proves men are better directors

>Lets ignore that women are lazy and never try high risk jobs

How come the asnwer is never just to not care about the Oscars in the first place?

Half the movies that win best picture are either forgotten or age like milk anyway.

>it's men's fault that women generally don't take that path in the film industry
>let's just ignore all of the female producers we have, who are arguably more integral to the process anyway


Niggers are too busy killing other niggers.

>le evil white male!

I want him to go up to every single white male director who is still alive and tell them to their face that he thinks their movies suck and they didn't deserve the award.

But he wouldn't because he is a pussy and knows their movies are excellent.

Here OP, look at this and smile.

>muh equality

>have been shut out

No the fucking haven't. They elect not to do it.

Maybe women should go out and make good movies then.

And yet he fails to mention the obvious demographic shift that's occurred in the last decade, visible in his own goddamn image, which shows two women, one black man and a Hispanic man winning best director.

"Hollywood is currently racist and sexist, here look at this image which shows the demographics of Hollywood from 50 years ago as proof" is a shitty argument. He asks "what is being done about this?", which a pointless question because what's been done has ALREADY been done, unless he wants a solid century of Hollywood arbitrarily choosing only women just to balance out the last century of choosing only men, in which case he's just being retarded.

He never said they didn't deserve their Oscar.
I don't know if that's ironic or if you are dense like that.

>he thinks their movies suck and they didn't deserve the award

He didn't even say that, it's not like I like this fucking cunt but jesus christ

Get laid.

The reason why there only 2 women on that list is that most females don't even get the chance to direct a film. One of the women on there is Kathryn Bigelow who arguably only got big after marrying James Cameron and thus gaining the chance to direct bigger projects. Hollywood fears giving female directors a chance, because they think that the audience doesn't want to watch movies directed by women, which is stupid because most people don't care about directors anyway.

>Get laid.
>Inb4: Kissless Virgin Neckbeards Excuse

>U.S. households used to be able to prosper with a single male breadwinner
>"Work will make you free!" said the feminists!
>DRIVING WAGES DOWN (twice as many people competing for the same number of jobs)
>now most U.S. households need TWO breadwinners to survive

Why are women so stupid, Sup Forums?

>The reason why there only 2 women on that list is that most females don't even get the chance to direct a film.

A sensational claim with no evidence whatsoever.

Because they think with "Muh Feels" Insted of actual god damn logic


First they tell me not to see race, but then they want me to treat different races differently. I'm so confused, I don't want to be racist, what do I do

Treat everyone the fucking same no matter what race they are.

Please explain how these women's circumstances are any different from that of aspiring male filmmakers who *want* to direct a big blockbuster.

>they think that the audience doesn't want to watch movies directed by women

They'd be right. I can't name a single good film made by a woman.

Now color in how many of those people are Jews

They're women. That's the difference.

Because these women just so happened to get picked for a list on a clickbait website.

this is a picture I got from the internet by googling Nursing School, there isn't even 1 male in it, clear case sexism, what are you doing about it?

That's what I do, but then they complain.

>he doesn't like Point Break

Wait? People still take the academy awards seriously?

I agree if shut out translates to 'to stupid, lazy, or not good enough to become director's.'.

Private companies aren't here to serve you and hold a diverse quota of all races/sexes. They're there to make money. Once women start making money with good smaller films, they'll be given the bigger projects.

Film producers have no reason to "fight for equality." You aren't entitled to films. Films aren't a government issued right of the people.

Wow, you are a blind fucking idiot. Here, I circled the male for you, retard. Do you seeeeee ittttt faggot?

Watch more films.

But I insult people who happen to be white all the time. When I do the same to someone who happens to be blacks, people start freaking out.

"They" are not the same entity, and people on Sup Forums should stop thinking that way.

There's been a major culture shift in the left wing in the last few years. The more liberal, freedom and unity-based ideas that used to be commonplace are now frowned upon. I know a lot of people currently on Sup Forums probably aren't old enough to remember, but just a decade ago it was the American left wing arguing hardcore to look past identity and to ensure freedom of the press, etc.

Now the discourse is mostly about how everyone is so fundamentally different from everyone else that no consensus can ever truly be reached on anything, and we should all retreat into little fiefs of people who are similar to ourselves so as to be comfortable.

Well keep on doing that don't list to their complaints. You are the one in the morally right they are just deluding your sight of view.

I watch over 500 movies a year.

That's a woman, baby

And I at least see one woman in OP's picture so everything is fine in hollywood ;^)

Like a damn fiddle

Just do what I did, I just acted true to myself.

Did you not get the memo a couple years back? All whites are racist even when we don't want to actively be racist. So instead of lying to others, and myself, I just started acting racist more openly and I felt a lot better.

Best decision of my life, lad.


No it's not

>last few years

It started in 2007... when the lefty cancer got their first smart phones and began eating away at the internet.

>Did you not get the memo a couple years back?

No, I didn't.

Same. Their shit backfired honestly. I stopped trying to please the liberals and now I am kinda racist. It's a liberating feeling, not having to fear their stupid "racism" accusations.

>Private companies aren't here to serve you and hold a diverse quota of all races/sexes

The anecdote I heard somewhere was at student film festivals you can tell who the female and male directors are very easily, The women will do all these very serious, black and white, pseudo philosophical arts shit, the men will do a fun zombie movie with prosthetics. And then somehow there is confusion as to why the studios pick men to make some profit.

Any film students want to confirm?

Look at the facial structure. That is a woman. She's probably taking some male hormones she found in the hospital.

It's called regressivism, user. They try to tell you it doesn't exist, but any real liberal can see it's there.

The guy passing out fliers must have been off work that day.

He's not right. Women and non white men need to step their game up. It's a fucking retarded arguement. It'd be like of white people complained that there wasn't more white men in the nba all star game or more white male rappers at the BET awards. Fuck off with this stupid shit.

Obviously. Have you forgotten about the OSCARS ARE TOO WHITE complaint that kicked up in speed a few years back?

Once minorities (blacks in particular) and SJW'S started watching the Oscars it because more of a political event than an actual award show based on merit.


I honestly don't understand why people push so hard for diversity in the entertainment industry. It's fucking entertainment. It's filled with professions that people do in order to get claps and laughs.

There's nothing important about it. I can just not watch your shit.

The only reason why people get mad about white males in film is that they get paid so much.

There. I just figured it out. You people want more fucking money lining your own pockets.

It's not about duty or fulfillment, it's about getting more money for jobs that rely on you making people clap for you.

It's a fucking validation trip.

Then your claim that there aren't any good movies directed by females is even more ridiculous.

Lost in Translation, Americhan Psycho, Zero Dark Thirty, Point Break, The Babadook, Little Miss Sunshine, The Invitation, Stories We Tell

You beat me to it

>shut out
>implying racism when there is absence of colored people
>is literally because no rich black people exist unless athletes or rappers

The best rapper is white anyway.

So you mean women want to direct Kino and men want to direct capeshit?

>Love this user

Zero Dark Thirty was shit. The Hurt Locker was much better.

I haven't seenthe others but Zero Dark Thirty was a shit movie.


Eminem is shit, fuck off with this meme.

Men want fun, women want to express their feelings.

Women want to copy the stereotypical frenchie-styled psuedo-intellectual bullshit without understanding the how or why it works. Men just want to make what they want.


>Non-white men
You mean blacks.

Latinos and Asians have proven countless times that they can make great movies and they work hard for it and don't complain when they don't win some stupid validation award.

I hope you are not the same dude who watches 500 movies a year. Because how the fuck wouldn't you have seen any of those movies by now then?

If women want big directing jobs and to get their films funded maybe they should do a better job. Studios and investors don't hire/invest in people because they're men, they hire/invest in people they can count on to do a good job. If women want more recognition, DO A BETTER JOB.


It's like the fucking pay gap argument, if women earn less why companies don't hire all women? fuck this libcuck shit

Wasn't Michael Moore supposed to be transitioning to female?

How's that working out?

Shouldn't the bottom pic say "comfortable white collar job"?

He passes pretty well as an ugly old woman. 10/10 trans.

>comments are disabled for video
Well-played Google, as always...

Average ignoramus arguing agaist this meme instead of simply ignoring.

>non white men
There are countless great Asian filmmakers and there are a bunch of great Latino ones. Only niggers need to step up their game.

name good female directors Sup Forums, only one that comes to mind is Lynne Rammsey

The Wachowski sisters

American Psycho

akerman, duras, morton

>Lost in Translation
>American Psycho

>Point Break
Guilty pleasure

>the rest
Awful garbage



I recognise the first two but Morton?

Are they upset everyone in that photo is Jewish? While I agree it does seem a bit weighted; isn't that anti-semetic of them?

Blockbusters do not translate into art or award winning material.

Instead of building an empire like most directors, where they started as assistants or student filmmakers and became something big because of the quality of their work, Hollywood is going to start funding women just because they're women and shit is going to flow into the market worse than it already is.

So basically the argument is that women don't have the opportunity to create trash that makes money? If not, and the argument is that women don't have the opportunity to make a film in GENERAL, then pick up a fucking camera and put together a script and cast and fucking film it. Our generations are beyond fortunate, where we can work on independent video games, film, or create startups for our own business without the need of a producer.

No excuse needed, the merit of his argument was lost at "Get laid."

>smugly tells other people to watch more movies
>lists Sundance garbage

Where isn't there talk of Jewish over-representation?


For those playing at home.

Michael Moore believes it's tougher for white women in the industry than black men.

Welcome to 90s comedy routines.

Despite making up 13% of the population, 13% American Tetris champions are not black. Are Tetris championships anti-black?

>U.S. households used to be able to prosper with a single male breadwinner
Then the war happened and a lot of women we're forced to work, that had way more to do with it than feminism, they either had to work or go broke and of course a lot of the women enjoyed making their own money.

>the best
Wait a second, people actually want quotas for being "the best" at something? Are women and black people such underachievers that just because "their people" aren't earning enough prizes that they feel shut down by the industry? What the fuck

Because telling the truth isn't allowed on tv.