Netflix Shares Plummet With Low Subscriber Adds

>Netflix missed both its U.S. and international numbers: It only added 160,000 domestic subscribers, instead of the 500,000 it projected, and it added 1.5 million in the rest of the world, instead of the two million it told Wall Street to expect.

>Why? Hastings blames the media, sort of. He says reports about the price hike Netflix is instituting this year, which raises the price of its most popular plan by a dollar a month, confused people and got them to stop paying even before their actual price hike kicked in.

>Netflix stock plummeted after the report. It’s down 16 percent right now.

It's over. Cuckflix is finished.

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maybe they should start adding shit that is actually worth watching


And this tbqhwy family

Or else stop removing shit that is.

That's just because of the price increase, Once people get used to the new price in a few months it will go back to normal.

I cancelled when they put the price up for me, seen most of the shit on there and there are sites where I can watch it for free and in good quality. Also disabling VPN access has restricted what I can watch.

If they had landed the Grand Tour, they would be meeting their subscriber targets and Amazon Prime would be dead.

Good Netflix is shit.

>keep removing shows and movies from their library
>increase the cost

What did they expect

>go out of their way to block people using vpns from outside the US
>remove loads of content from catalogues in all countries
>replace good titles with asylum trash
>raising the price

netflix can die for all i care

they're getting the new star trek series broadcast rights for every country that isn't canada and the us

Their originals are so mediocre.

Meh. Netflix is trash for blocking VPNs, not making deals that allow shows and movies to stay on longer, and not adding watchable shit. I doubt they'll go away anytime soon, though. The only real competitor is Hulu, and their selection is not much better. Finding torrents is a lot more of a hassle, too.

>it's simple to get free TV shows online
>people would rather pay $10/month to watch shit like Gnomeo and Juliet or The Country Bears

Fuck Netflix. I don't know why Amazon and Hulu haven't merged yet. It would be last nail on Netflix coffin

watch more movies

Haha I hope Netflix starts making cash-grab shows like reality TV, or very safe sitcoms. Too bad they're HBO-tier now.

I just want MST3k back


They are already doing cash grab shows.

>pick some old show that still has a fanbase
>butcher it in a sequel or remake
>expect new subs just because of the show's name

Fuck off

Is this legit

I'll never understand the appeal of cuckflix or how people get psyched over stupid shit. Like they are bringing back old Gilmore Girl reruns and everyone is freaking the fuck out. It's sad. I forgot which philosopher said it, the moment we stop looking forward and simply rest in our laurels that is when civilization us done.

yes, it's free software and the source code is on github.

I don't think it's the end of civilization just because people like streaming their favorite shows in the comfort of their living rooms.