fuck yeah new half in the bag

what's wrong with mike's hair?

>Jay loved it
>Mike just disliked it

oh you got me

good one OP


Hell yeah. Just saw this this morning - not as bad as I thought it'd be, but still a 4.5/10 at best. Interested in seeing what Mike, Jay, and Rich Evans think.

AWW SHEIT inb4 200 replies

>I loved it. It's everything I wanted it to be.

What the fuck is wrong with Mike?


I keked right out of the gate.

>after first 5 secods

OK, They "loved" it.

>that bait and switch

top kek, mike almost had me for a second

>donkey kong apparently put on the best performance

what the fuck

>Sony BTFO
>Feig BTFO
>Fembusters BTFO

Based RLM

>both Mike, Jay and Rich hated it

>said Leslie Jones actually was the only decent part, that she actually felt like a real person (when she wasn't screaming)

>rest of the episode is them drinking Dan Akroyd's vodka and shitting on the movie

>well, you guys are gonna hate me again,but i loved it
>no im just fucking with you, it was the biggest piece of shi--

Mike is fucking wasted

Exactly what everyone was hoping for, kek

this is what i've been hearing from most competent reviews, seems like the only scenes where she's yelling are the ones that are in the trailers

>"a movie like [...] Die Hard"
>David Carradine's pic

I laughed so hard I almost died

heh, i get it, because he literally "died hard"

Drunk Mike Best Mike

Why is there a commercial for Dan Aykroyd's weird skull vodka right in the middle of this?


mike needs to get drunk more often

Holy shit Mike drank half the fucking skull by himself

this thread is way better than the other thread

i'd also drink that much if the greatest comedy film was ruined by modern hollywood

when does it get funny or start reviewing the movie?

>i loved it
>fuck goobergate
>feminism is awesome

Yeah it's RLM

rich is such a fucking delinquent. Mike and Jay try to engage with the movie on its own terms, rich brings up that there was queef joke in the movie as a bad thing.

is rich just the dude whose equipment they all use or something? why the hell do they keep him around

FWIW I think the movie had a decent cast that was severely let down by incompetent storytelling and structure.


>leslie jones stole the movie


He's the guy they all laugh at for being a biggest loser.
The male version of designated ugly fat friend.

That was pure reviewkino

what's wrong about not liking fart jokes in a Ghostbusters movie

i hope Jay is secretly recording Mike's descent into madness and self destruction and will make a movie masterpiece about it

Finally a review where they say how bad McKinnon was

>we are saved from months of mckinnon waifu posting

feels good

i was worried there for a bit

>N word

Do you really have to go there?

why do they think they can write comedy?

Funniest part is when they have to reiterate how they don't mind females in roles

America truly is a culture of fear

Only clickbait people would think that Carradine post mortem gag was funny

I liked that they called Leslie Jones a gorilla

You made me laugh more than the whole fucking video.
Also Mike was way over the line.It is not nice for a man of his age to get drunk as shit just for youtube.

videogames are truly dead, thanks feminism

That Mike rant about the Hollywood jews and the day of the rope was weird.

because ESPN doesn't like virtual tits?

Idiots will still cry misogyny. They'll say RLM is being overly defensive about not hating women and that obviously means they hate women.

Yes. They wouldn't have given a single fuck years ago

>that ending

>they've only done 12 episodes since December 22nd

Wow. Talk about lazy cunts

I'm tempted to get that skull, because apparently it actually is considered really high quality vodka

Mike is so fucking jaded he can barely contain his contempt at having to review modern Hollywood shit-tier blockbusters anymore.

of course the black one stole it, that's what they do...

Even if they don't cry misogyny, they'll still be called manbabbies for not liking it.

Not shilling, but I've had a bottle of Dan's vodka in the past and it IS good vodka.

>be an ayy lmao
>travel to earth in the distant past
>teach humans how to form society and technology
>leave them the crystal skulls
>most powerful artifacts in the galaxy to watch over things
>some autist decides to use them to shill his overpriced vodka

I think Mike drank like 90% of that skull

"Over a fucking ghostbusters remake. I guess that's where we are now."

Voice of a generation.

You're paying for a crystal skull

Not saying it's not good, just keep in mind what the fact that you're paying for a heavy dose of marketing + a fucking crystal skull implies for the value of the vodka itself

Also, why the fuck do you want to blow that much money on a spirit whose purpose is to not taste of anything?

The last time I paid for a crystal skull it literally ruined my childhood

This looks even worse than I expected.

every time Mike gets into the liquor it's a great episode.

Nothing. it's the way god intended into be.

He was clearly drunk by the end of the video.
>compared Ghostbusters 2016 to the Ghostbusters movie with an ape as a character

>he hated the movie because all women cast


>why the fuck do you want to blow that much money on a spirit whose purpose is to not taste of anything?
Fools and their money user. I don't mean you should buy shit in a plastic jug, but there are plenty of smooth as silk mid-tier vodkas out there.

>that ending
This episode has gone from good to great.

Dan really likes his own vodka...

>yfw Paul Feig actually watched this review and having an autistic fit right now, ripping his horrible suit apart and fucking up his 600 dollar haircut.

Poop Twinkies.

>they didn't put (the new one) in the thumbnail to match the re:view
stupid hacks, I fucking hate them so much :(

So all the people who called it weren't TECHNICALLY wrong.

>TFA is good
>TFA is a soft reboot done right

they're right.


They are right.

Would it kill you to put "Half in the Bag" or "RLM" in the title? It's gonna be a bitch to find in the archives.



Yeah we shouldn't have replied to bait like "TFA is not good"

Butthurt MRAs

stay mad.

>not thinking a fart joke is a bad thing

Maybe you should stick to Sandler flicks my man

>Most of the shit were improved
>Yet somehow managed to get a positive review

I didn't like the movie but I'm not a moron so I understand what they're getting at, which is that the intention of the filmmakers was to respect the originals and build on them while giving fans what they want. Whether you agree that they succeeded or not is irrelevant. the point is that they didn't try to take the property and do whatever they want with it while spiting fans who love the originals.

search for the youtube link you nub


Different guy here I really got turned off by how similar the plot was to Episode IV

That's some damn good Vodka.

Nice meme brother!

Wipe this meme from the face of the earth.

Don't reply to me you MRA PUA KiA GGers.

I think they sort of intentionally left the plot weak so they could focus on building the characters, plot is going to ramp up next movie.

This. I don't understand why Sup Forums has such a hard time with that concept.

>mfw bald ewok

the same shit that's been spouted a million times

They built the characters at all? They were pretty much all one dimensional except Finn.

Hey I am a MRA PUA KiA GG Mysoginerd fat Neckbeard faggot and I still liked TFA.

Sounds exactly what I thought it would be. Now I know all the critics are SJW cunts and this movie is a 30% score at best. The fuck outta here.

Sup Forums - the same shit that's been spouted a million times