Faces of Sup Forums thread? Let's tell each other how pretty we are

Faces of Sup Forums thread? Let's tell each other how pretty we are.

Also I get told I look like a girl sometimes. Is that true?

fuck off to /soc/ you retard


Sup Forums is for anything, you goose. Except ponies.

What sex are you?

Hi, you're pretty for a dude.

...pretty obviously a dude, that is.

How about me? I identify as a potato.



Put a sharp sword in your pooper.



Post tits or fuck off to

You look like a cucumber with autism. 6/8 kys m8


Yeah! Tits, timestamp, sharpie in the shitter or GTFO!

I'm a dude tho. Didn't you read my posts?


OP: Hey let's do a thing where we do a thing and show each other our faces and shit.

>Does not post timestamp
Come on OP.

Oh my Jenny you sure are pretty

Show penis

You're obviously trolling cause thats no dude

I think "dude" might be a strong word, don't you?

The logic of this place is based on anonymity.
Posting faces, names,age, job...posting personal info in general will just make people think is a good idea. More people will do it and eventually the joke will turn into a problem.
People that really want your personal info, want it because they have a use to it, because it's something they can use to profit, at the very least.
So please, stop with this nonsense...

post your dick.

I think what you really meant to say was "show your tits".

Here's muh dick like every single thread.

Who actually timestamps, honestly? I'm just here for rates, it shouldn't matter if I'm real or not. What pleasure would I get out of posting someone else anyways?

OP, I don't believe you. More pictures are required.


He does have a hair tie around his wrist

I don't wanna see man tits, not yours and i'm sure your father would want to show his tits too, but the idea is the same.
Your mother on the other hand, in a different universe where she is not a two legged cow, i think, in this different time line that i use as an example, i think i could like it.
But that's not what we have in hands right now.
So yeah, i meant what i meant.
Sorry about that.


Yeah because Catfishing isn't a thing. And this website is known for it's honesty. And OPs are known for not being full of shit.

You show your dick in every single thread?

You know you can't get enough.

>it shouldn't matter if I'm real or not
...yet it totally does

Yes because people always ask.

Who the fuck catfishes on Sup Forums of all places.