Trainspotting 2

As a huge fan of the first, I hope this isn't a pile of shite.

well, all of the important people from the first one are back so there's a good chance it won't be crap (but it could still end up being mediocre, at worst).

Was Porno a good book? I've only read Trainspotting.

>Sequel 22 years after the original
>Based on a book that just isn't that good

Trainspotting is one my favourite films. I'll see this sequel but my expectations are rock bottom.

The first one was shite.

>muh we're out of work; lets reboot old movies

You read it? As an American I couldn't get into it with all the phonetic spellings and just ended up listening to the audio book which was fucking amazing as a book and how it all played out.

The first one was /fa/ as fuck.

>22 years after the original
Are you posting from 2018?

You're right

>tfw skellington and can dress /traincore/ but don't have dat accent

I thought it was going to be released in 2018. Apparently not, they've started filming and it will be release Jan 2017, so 21 years after the original. Regardless, 20 years is a fucking long break between sequels.

Those Spud chapters were a fucking chore to decipher but it's not that bad overall

Hoping for Iggy Pop cameo.

>tfw also skelly
>recently got a buzzcut
>want to buy clothes so I can look like Rents

user from Edinburgh here, born and raised. So i can read the books without need for translation and I know all the places and wee insider jokes that only the Edinburgh jakey's will understand. Can confirm everybody knows a 'Begbie'

ask me about Edinburgh :)

>Can confirm everybody knows a 'Begbie'
Everyone knows a psychopath then?

What's the general opinion on the Trainspotting phenomenon there?

Just so you know, if you ever come to Glasgow to drink in the Trainspotting pub, it got new owners last year and renovated the inside so it looks a bit different, they took the cast photo down and put a tv over the begbie railing, so if you were to chuck your pint glass it'd bounce off the telly and crack you the back of your head instead

Its shit

I can tell you're a Yank, because you opened with "As a... ". Just as an aside, Americans who coopt Brit slang sound dumber than wiggers.

Last I heard it was going to be mostly original material rather than a straight adaptation of Porno.

>implying I meant to 'coopt' British slang

only did it as a reference to the book bro

I used to know this guy from around town who called good things "proper weapon". Not that British people say "weapon" but the "proper" made it sound even weirder. I wonder if he's dead now

>implying I'd go to a place that a face mutilation is named after

Proud for Irvine Welsh, got the credit he deserved I feel and the film was fantastic, really could of been fucked up in so many ways.

Very accurate depictions of how life is in the council estate areas and the dialect is pretty spot on as well (I know a few cunts who went down Tommy's road, if not dead yet, just going in out out of prison)

If you liked Trainspotting see if you can find a show called 'Looking after Jo Jo' starring Robert Carlyle.

Pic related; One of 2 or 3 places where you can get shot in Edinburgh if your mixed up in drug dealing. High chance of getting mugged at knife-point if you look like a normie (not wearing full sports tracksuit) This fine place is Muirhouse, would never walk through there today.
Funny story about 6 years ago I went to a girls place I had only chatted to her online, first time I'll be meeting her she invites me round i know its muirhouse but fuck it. Pulls up, it's the fucking high-rise shit tower flats. Ok fuck it I say to myself, in and out just dont stay the night or anything, can always call a taxi. Get to the front door and before i knock it i can see there is scratched into the door "SLAG" "CUNT" "GRASS" Needless to say this was the straw that broke the camels back and I left and settle for a wank back home in my room.

Edinburger reporting back in, I threw a glass in a bar last friday, just at the wall wasnt trying to hit anyone just lost my temper. Some f4git who knows my ex starting shit. Abruptly left before the bizzies showed up.

>Looking after Jo Jo
will do

The first one was awful. An entire cast of characters that it is impossible to give a shit about, and they thought that would work?

You're missing out then.

So the plot is going to be a normie Renton visiting his old druggie friends?
