Directed by Patty Jenkins

>Directed by Patty Jenkins
>Story by Zack Snyder
>WW1 setting
>Literally perfect Gal Gadot

Will Wonder Woman be the best cape film ever?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Story by Zack Snyder

What do you mean?

> Gal Gadot
No, just no

This film will be kickass and BTFO every Gadot hater as well as Marvel because DC did womyn superhero movie first.




>story by snyder
>story by snyder
>story by snyder

>Chris gets hotter when he's older

what the hell is this sorcery

It's going to be the Catwoman of our times. Justice League will be the Batman & Robin.

Oh she is beautiful, very beautiful but as wonder woman she is not perfect

Like fine wine.

>Oh she is beautiful, very beautiful

yes, of course. pay shekels to see pretty girl kill nazis during WWI

Leave feetkino to me.

So it is muh Wonder Woman after all.


She looks great tbqh anons, I'm hyped

Literally can't be worse than civil war

>The Flash and Aquaman getting meddled with by Hack Snyder

>Literally perfect Gal Gadot

I don't know what your definition of "literally perfect" is with respect to women but if it's Gal Gadot, you're probably one of those people that find 10 year old boys attractive too.

Her damn outfit looked so fucking huge on her in the movie lol. Even spandex wouldn't look good on this twig which is why they put so much bulky shit around her to offset how shitty she looks

This casting is on par with Hardy being bane for worst casting in the world

Is this a sarcastic anti Gadot post because she literally looks the same.
Two weeks of curls at best

I want to be truthtied and forced to disclose my jerk off fantasies!!


Snydee is now canon to the DCEU

The mad just beams off this image, I love it.


i like her but i'd prefer somebody with a full body (just muscular enough not to look gross but also thicc) to play wonder woman. but she's not a bad fit with dat amazonian accent

Don't you know the saying?

"Men age like fine wine,
Women age like spoiled milk"

>story by zack snyder
>will WW be the best cape film ever

Marisa Tomei is some damn fine looking spoiled milk

>insults zack
>Zack has directed all the best cape films

what did he mean by this

>Story by Zack Snyder
I hope you're joking.


I think it's the vacant, stupid look on her face that I just like most.


>i'd prefer somebody with a full body (just muscular enough not to look gross but also thicc) to play wonder woman. but she's not a bad fit with dat amazonian accent

Like this?

Sometimes milk becomes a cheese.

no legs, no ass. damn :/



>Will Wonder Woman be the best cape film ever?
Sadly not because the dark blue and colorless contrast is so bad.

>tfw they'll never cast an actual musclegirl as wonderwoman because insecure betamales wouldn't want to jerk off to her

It's the eyes

That's what the studio execs think. But in reality betamales will jerk off to anything.

In all likleyhood the execs are the betamales who don't like musclegirls and assume nobody else does either

zack snyder didn't do the story for bvs and man of steel

yeah? Ghostbusters is certified fresh on Rotten Tomatoes. Rotten Tomatoes means shit.

Ghostbusters was also the biggest political shill in movie history

Most of the reviews where clearly paid and the negative reviewes much more genuine

Same can't be said for every Marvel movie


Is this sarcasm?

>pay shekels to see pretty girl kill nazis during WWI
Pretty ugly jew skeleton girl that struck the lead for nepotism alone.

she is just NOT wonder woman, she is a fucking skeleton. And her haughty and simian face DOES NOT HELP. what part of looking the part dont you faggots get?

Your irrational anger is showing.
This isn't a personal attack on your person, goy.

The more I think about it the more I'm convinced it's going to be another work of art.

>Story by Zack Snyder

would love to have uncensored version

Reminder this is why Sup Forumsestinians are butthurt over slim Jews

>the marvelfags attempt to shame us because their threads are DOA
>thinking this goddess is nothing but perfect
>still cant appreciate the work of Batman v Superman
and they laugh at us? hilarious 2bh

>there are """"people"""" who unironically think this isn't attractive


>numale: the post

I don't either.

>still can't argue

>WW1 setting
The only good thing that you listed.

>their threads are DOA
The only thing that'll be DOA will be Wonder Woman's opening weekend

>Will Wonder Woman be the best cape film ever?
It will almost be as good as Catwoman and Elektra

If if bombs that won't be Gadot's fault. That's soley on the filmmaker if he can't make Gadot look good in a movie.

Anti-fat is code for anti-Samoan

>If this movie fails along with Ghostbusters none of us will look be to see another big budget female led blockbuster

Don't be ridiculous. It'll be twice as good as those.

>a decent 20%

>story by zack snyder
goodbye colour

blue is a color

There is no need to argue since you didn't bring any arguments except "muh stron independent jewish womyn movie, story written by talantless jew who was hired only by his wife".

>Directed by Patty Jenkins
Literally who?

i dont care about ww. i only watch tony stark and deadpool

Her theme in BvS is amazing, I really hope it's the same for her movie
she was the best part of that movie, yes even after the ultimate edition

>Marvel comes in 2019 and gives the media orgasms over their Captain Marvel


The Wonder Woman scenes were the most reddit scenes ever recorded. I watched that in the theater and I could literally hear a fluttering in the air so oppressive that it drowned out all the audio from the speakers, as the fedora of every adolscent sensibility "movie buff" tipped incessantly the world over. The waves of juvenile appreciation reaching a peak much like the flapping of the wings of a hummingbird. Ignorant enthusiasm penetrating my flesh until all I could do was tremble and scream.

Why hasn't this been made in better quality yet? What is it from?


>Literally perfect Gal Gadot
She had maybe 8 lines in BvS and in the 4 lines she was actually comprehensible, she was completely flat.

This movie is going to expose her.

I don't know how the fuck anyone could think she can carry a movie, especially given literally everything she's been in has flopped critically and commercially short of the F&F movies.

My heart
I deserve this pain

>implying bad acting isn't kino

this meme needs to stop

nice trips tho

that lady looks like a standard PAWG

not muscular at all

what the fuck are you talking about


Why are all her exercise photos zoomed in or AFTER she did a supposed tough workout?