Who would cast in a Lolita remake?

Who would cast in a Lolita remake?

Chris hansen as humbert
Maddie ziegler as lol

Idris Elbow

elle fanning
bradly cooper

Emma Stone as Humbert
Mackenzie Foy as Lolita


angourie rice
ryan gosling
rosamund pike

There is no way this movie would be allowed today. I have no idea how they got the 90s one released.

The 60s was different because they were not allowed to kiss, hug or anything in a sexual manner yet the 90s one was very up there.

I can imagine all the SJW's crucifying the actors and director if it was made in today's world.


your just asking for the cunnyposter to spam this thread

this holy shit THIS

angourie rice and clive owen

>angourie rice


ryan newman died blond as lol
good old macy as humbert

for director, let's go with that guy who did blue valentine

laneya grace

Definitely, Elle Fanning as Lolita.

Tom Hiddleston as Humbert Humbert

>maddie ziegler

Too old

Brynny and me

demi moore


there is literally no better choice than this

ry ry is too old. fml

>Maddie ziegler

too ayyylmao

>elle fanning

waaaaaaaaaaaaay too old

KEK, I like it

too pure

too urban

could work...

come on, she was born the role


it's settled then


wew at both

obvious choice

have some respect, will ya?

too ugly

it was all a flashback in her deathbed?


They'd make it with a MIlf and a boy or a Lesbian Milf and a girl.

lesbian milf would be acceptable, as long as delores actress is the same age as in the book

Who is this semen demon?

even tho lolita was a bit chubby, I think kpim could pull it off




too hot for Sup Forums

what kind of a father lets her 14 year old daughter take pictures like this

This photographer is a creepy weirdo. Somebody needs to keep an eye on him. Have you seen the picture where he's making her bite down onto a bar of soap?

I'd bet $100 she's fatherless.

Fuck off with this pedo garbage


we need to raise the bar to our former glory

Do it before she turns into Chloe "The Fridge" Moretz!

it's a completely innocent picture, bro

to be fair, it's a pretty good pic

One remake was already one too many. We don't need another please.

>this triggers the redditor

nah, thankfully that kind of puberty-tragedy is not that common

momo would've been a great lolita

>the picture
What did he mean by this?


I heard Donovan raped her.

todays teenage girls curse a lot

haven't you seen those threads? they call everyone a faggot