

Why should I? I don't even use twitter.

hope they took her to the veterinary hospital

>inb4 this shit gets 300+ replies

I don't think so, Tim. The only three-digit number YOU'LL be seeing, is 404.


Really made me think OP

This picture makes me uncomfortable

Horse semen

post more zissman

>drinking all that horse cum

really made me think



It's just a protein shake in a bottle.

Made with horse semen

Man oh man!

Sweet lemonade yes sweet lemonade.


Yes, well done Leslie. well done Leslie.


>calls for
Like she's some kind of authority?

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

First Harambe now Leslie.
When will the white man stop killing the blacks.

Jesus christ, it's just one final desperate attempt to get people to feel bad and go see their shitty movie. She's litterally acting like a fucking child. Put down the twitter bitch, you are going out looking for criticism. Oh you got paid millions of dollars to be in some shitty re-boot of a comedy that you agreed to be in? fuck off bitch, fuckin kill yourself

oooo that's dirty

wtf is a hosptial

>get paid millions to act like the niggest of nigger.
>throw a tantrum because they would take take you seriously as an actor.

Smooth move Lesley smooth move.

it's like a veterinary clinic except for black people

this is why we have to kill al cis white males

thats a lot of 'se 'n
