I don't want these cookies anymore

I don't want these cookies anymore

Other urls found in this thread:


I just wanted a meal!

How am I incorrect?

>Did you bring protection?


Is Miss Vagina thinking about Mr. Penis?

I thought you was wanting to be shaved...down there.

If the decoy had been real do you think Lorne would have cut contact with her after meeting her?

they weren't even home baked, store bought asshole, GTFO

Nah, he was desperate.

He was way into the girl at the house even though she didn't look anything like the picture they gave him.


oh cwap

Girls like you don't come around often. I'd want you again and again.

>just wants to visit a friend before he goes to atlantic city
>isn't even gay
>gets set up and embarrassed on national television

fuck this "show"

>misquoting the most quotable show there is



>Hey NBC, two words: role playing chat room dude

He didn't even put it in the frigerata

Yes we are filming.


Hi buddy waz sup [09:39 PM]: u swallow/?
OutrSpaceboy93 [09:39 PM]: whats that
Hi buddy waz sup [09:39 PM]: THE CUM
Hi buddy waz sup [09:39 PM]: U SWALLOW

LOL. Is that you Chris Hansen?

Yeah, it's me.

dat file name lol

I was just on my way to the beach

what was in the bag?

Wine coolers. He stopped by a 13-year old's house to put them in the frigerata and get them really cold before he left for Atlantic City.
That was taken out of context.



>Chris asks him what he does for a living
>He replies "I drive a school bus"

What did he mean by this?

Can someone post the guy who said "I came here to tell her I can't come here" or something along those lines

>literally 99% of pedophiles in America are white men

What did George Washington mean by this?

I still pronounce this "hoober"

>I was actually just going to stop by here to let her know that I wasn't going to be here because I have to go meet with other people
>Wait a minute, you came by here...to tell her...that you weren't going to come here

How old was this guy? He looks like he could play one of the decoys

I would've taken them

If they were chocolate chip

no idea, i found the clip off of a youtube compilation, he looks young as fuck though

I don't wanna get get on my knees, dawg!





>Wtf? No way! I hate cookies now.

Explain this picture without using links or memes please

Holy shit that's gold.

Cop had the patience of a saint though.

Did you not watch the video and see the dog tearing into him? It's the wiggers brother.

No, I did not. I'm on public transit without headphones and don't want to watch a 14 minute dashcam.

JPW is the patrician choice of a predator
>literally spewing bullshit for 18 minutes even when confronted with transcript and how his story doesn't make sense
too bad it's very hard to find the full interview because of copyright bullshit

Everything is on vimeo.

I never waste a load.

Why'd they block only the first 10 minutes?

Stop posting this every fucking day

What? No way!


>get to work
>browse r/nba and Sup Forums for the first hour or so
>make thread about generic white male
>feel happy

every day

Is this some kinda bait or something?


I want this to become a meme so bad

is there a chart for must watch Hansencore, maybe with helpful links?

Nigger, look around you

Yes, yes, well done genericwhitemale, well done...



>Hansen vs. Predator will NEVER EVER get released

What or who was waiting for him at the beach?

>google genericwhitemale to find clip
>find this forum post
i giggled

It's already a meme you dip

>I'm cute though, built good
Truly a master poet.


what did he mean by this?


This still feels so good to watch

Always love seeing Chads get blown the fuck out

clearly a person without a good build would not have managed to make such a safe

Posting this stupid shit everyday doesn't make it a meme. You forcing this isn't working. Neck yourself.

fuck you, these crack me up every single time.

same here, the only reason why I visit Sup Forums desu

best posts ITT

Can I call my mom?

>canirapeyouanally for instance

Holy fuck lmao

Pure pedokino.

Wasn't there a clip in which Chris read a chatlog aloud about "I want to blank your blank" and he asked "what did you mean by this?", only to have the guy reply word for word with bleeps?

I can't find it for the life of me.

man the brownies they serve are always old as shit they could at least bake some new brownies for the pedos come on

Here you go, buddy.

Thanks senpai

whats the deal with leaving out the cookies?
seriously, the purpose?
they're predators not santa claus

Gets them to relax and occupies them until the Hansen Hammer drops on em

Also captcha related lol

It's to put them at easy and drop their defense a bit. How can it be a police sting if there's cookies up for grabs!?

REMINDER that hansen is a piece of shit

> guy takes over family daycare business
> guy was originally turned down for business license due to battery charges in the 90s
> served time
> gets reconsidered for license because he stayed out of trouble
> hansen confronts him just to see if he will blow up, he does, because hansen is an instigating piece of shit



this guy was the creepiest of the whole show

>There is a forum dedicated to How to catch a predator

There's a forum for everything.

The internet is a amazing place.

Can I find a forum for red dead redemtion?

theres more than one

just take me to jail and execute me!


>A forum dedicated to the new show Hansen VS Predator


Holy fuck. I'm exploring the world of forums just today. What have I missed.

>What do you do for a living?
>I drive a school bus

It was even funnier because in his chat he said he was a teacher, which Chris brings up a few moments later
>So are you a school bus driver or a teacher?

>canirapeyouanally, for instance

>nobody posted it yet

So that's why Sean William Scott doesn't act anymore.

>You talk about shaving her and cutting her and tasting her blood
>he just keeps sipping on punch

o im laffin

poor Chris Hansen, he just wants to understand these guys
but they keep their secrets from him, they don't answer his questions. Maybe there is no answer at all

>not having a car