Let's do this, Sup Forums

Let's do this, Sup Forums.

Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name...



Your kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread..

And forgive us our trespasses

and forgive us our trespasses...

And forgive our Sup Forums passsers as we forgive namefaggers.

as we shoot and kill the criminals who trespass against us.

As we forgive those who trespassed against us...

Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

So we killed all the dirty niggers

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us an extra large pepperoni and a 20 piece order of hot wings.

For Thine is the Kingdom,

forgive the niggers for they are just animals

I know some shit. Would you like to roll it around your brain?

>be me
>buy ingredients to bake cake
>add all the ingredients in the perfect proportion
>Mix the ingredients perfectly
>Set oven at exactly 350
>place cake perfectly on center oven rack
>take nap
>cake burns to crisp
>damn cake to hell for not removing itself from oven.

No one can accept that there is no God.
Aristotle once postulated, “Nature abhors a vacuum.” Meaning that any empty space must be filled with something.

..great is your name and powah,
provide the things you agree that we need,keep us away from sins' door you can because you can,I accept your will ameen

But what's space then retard

This doesn't exist, Mandela Effect
Look it up :^)

And while we shoot all the fucking Christians and Muslims, forgive us our trespasses

And the power,

Put yourself into a vacuum chamber and find out, love.

don't forget the jews, faggot.

And the glory forever,

>avoiding the question

I already know what happens if you jump into a vacuum I'm asking what it is


Thread fucking closed.

It's an absence of anything.
It's a metaphor.
We're hardwired through psychology to fill our heads with stuff.
I take workshops designed to create existential crises in individuals who experience the psychological equivalent of hull depressurization, having their consciousness through into the vastness of nothing, unable to comprehend or find comfort in stillness.
I don't take pleasure in it, though I do enjoy the priming that a smug anime face causes.
Ever read Pre-suasion by Cialdini?