Sup Forums how fucked is she right now?

Sup Forums how fucked is she right now?

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Bump I wanna see nudes

who is this and why do you expect me to give a shit?

who dis?

You're* a retard, retard.

Watch the newest content cop.

Hahaha fag trying to delete.

Not OP, but I'm pretty sure that's that lady Idubbbz walked up to and said say nigger at her convention a couple days ago. Tana mongue I think it is.


Your're* an retard, retard.

She's done for

People actually watch this shit?

Whats that

Tomi Lahren?

They probably don't know what that is.

who dis


heres the link so no one else has to waste their time like i just did

You're right, you're the only one with a computer.

Not you

jesus christ, this video is 20 minutes long. i dont give a shit that much. someone give me the abridged version, i dont have time for this shit.

She's disgusting without her makeup.
And even with it, she looks disgusting.

dont forget that one minute long horrible self indulgent intro.

im with this guy

the tl;dr please

Are you asking for a quick rundown?


not anymore. i dont care and im leaving.

Well I got my cum to quickly rundown you're mothers face.

fucking right. shes hot though. fuck niggers

she basically is trying to distract her viewers from facts.

just realized that OP is probably self promoting his own youtube channel. no one gives a shit, thats why hes posting it here.

>She said he should kill himself for saying nigger and faggot.
>He went to her convention and asked her to say nigger as a joke.
>She cancelled her convention because she was scared he had a gun.
>now she is trying to be a SJW

>tfw you realise that Idubbbz has 3 mil subscribers
>tfw you realise she has 2 mil
>tfw i never even mentioned my channel or anyone elses by name

The conten cop guy I fucking weird and def an autistic

english please

Idubz/ content cop is weird and fucking autistic. So are you if you couldn't understand my mobile texting faggot.

She's always been fucked. She's the epitome of a basic blonde slut who needs to stay in the kitchen and/or forcefully take some real Aryan alpha cock.

Ey b0ss, can i hab d englis plz?

Maybe you should text better on a phone then friendo. :-)

how much time you got? you want the long or the short?

Two privileged white kids with too many internet followers use ring lights and Adobe Premier to create two poorly constructed arguments about a subject that has little to do with either of them. Small boy upholds his reputation as prince of the edge lords by showing up to stupid girls live event and creeps her out in person.

I watched the whole thing because it was actually full of lulz but I hope both of these people suffocate.

Does she have any nudes?


bunch of faggot normie shit. i want to see more dicks on the internet

No thanks, i like my brain cells.

>on Sup Forums
>worried about brain cells


who gives a fuck about some whiney retarded emo-bitch??

The content cop person said the word nigger, girl said dont say the word nigger, then content cop travel miles and miles to her event to say the word nigger to her face to prove that he doesn't care what she thinks. Because when you dont care what someone thinks you obviously start a full on road trip to tell them you dont care in person.

This. I can't believe all of the Sup Forumstards that care about this shit. I weep for the future.


Lurk moar newfriend.

Cloveress ASMR's parody of Tara is even better than idoobz

That chick is chan bait. I like softly galoshes better, she seems more real in her videos. Does anyone know any qt asmr asian artist i can sub to?

I lold

She's our girl tho. She's a fan of idoobz and filthy frank. No other ASMR hoe can compear. Softly is a feminist redditfag

>following youtubers like celebrities

i found the thread full of 12 year olds