Is cheating worth it?

is cheating worth it?

I fully intend to spend the rest of my life with my current girlfriend, but just want to know if going for a side fling is worth it. Just interested in trying something new

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Don't be a piece of shit. Cheating is what women do.
Either shit or get off the pot buddy. Go fuck a bunch of sluts if you like, but dump her first.

then you dont truly love her you weeb. i cheated on my gf of 6 years, got caught and dumped, would never cheat again. new girl is a perfect 10, but still the sheer thought of being that terrible of a person fucks me up to this day.

Only if the side girl is using you too

Definitely worth it. And chances are she's already cheated on you anyways so go for it. Just be smart about it.

Go for it. But be careful. Have an alias, alibi, and a throwaway phone. And use fucking condoms with the side bitch.

cheat'n fun.. seriously when your off 2 work & shit don't you think she's doing the same... c'mon go 4 it!!!

In medieval Europe true love was considered reserved for the mistresses. The wife was usually a bond of families and the creation of a Domus, a pseudo entrepreneur farm. Either way marriage is an economical contract. Just cheat and own it. Let her know you see other women, and if she doesn't like it she can leave. Usually they'll stay because you have balls, value and are wanted by other women. Don't believe this betafied propaganda, the way I describe it is how it really is.

No you whore.

Considering the drama that results, not even worth it.

If you still need something different badly enough that you are willing to fuck up this badly, you are not ready to settle down, Chadster.

no, and it's immoral.
feel bad annon, god frowns upon thee

would you gf considering being open for a while
like you could tell her you are 100% sure you want to spend the rest of your life with her and thats why you need to explore your sexuality more? It seems kind of a dick move to lie to the person you are meant to love and do something that they would feel really betrayed and hurt by.

Naaaahhh its shit brother

Womens cheat more than men it's a fact

Try to live without regret. If you cheat, own it and move on. Like user said, women cheat so what the problem is?
In fact you should cheat on her first so in case she does cheat you won't be as depressed since you can just say "I cheated on you first" and you won't be a whiny mess because you will know you're alpha as fuck. Once you break the seal it didn't matter anymore so have fun.

I did it and didn't tell her nor did the girl.

Got dumped because she doesn't wanna do the relationship anymore yesterday.
I regretted doing it then but now I think I made the right choice I guess.

Not worth it.

You're going to fuck someone else, then they're going to tell your G/F at the worst possible moment.

And in the end, you'll wind up with neither of them.

You are not ready for a relationship if that's even a consideration.

Commit to her or leave her and have fun, pick one.


>But muh harem
You can pull that off in a fucking dating sim. But it will never work irl..

>But muh harem
You can pull that off in a fucking dating sim. But it will never work irl.

I'd you're a good looking guy she would probably stay especially if she already has the title. Bitches just want to be better than other bitches and that's why they try to lead married men away just to get the sense of"at least in better than that bitch" or "im tempting enough to make him cheat". This too is true, "treat women like dirt, and they'll stick to you like mud".

Why not? Just be honest about it. It's not the act in itself that's harmful, it's the damaging of trust. Like with all those beta men who don't get to fuck their wife. Why don't they just say "well wife I'm off to fuck a hooker since at least she will" what's wrong with that? If you make sure a man doesn't lack sex he isn't going to look elsewhere for it anyway pffft.

A friend of mine was blamed for her daughter's being molested by their father, her husband, because according to them she wouldn't take care of his needs.
Don't know why I posted this but it was the first thing that came to mind when I read your post, user.

See if he would have just fucked a hooker or a mistress he wouldn't have had to fuck that little girl.

now in all seriousness are you comparing child rape to adultery? KEK

dont cheat.

"all women look the same if you flip them upsidedown"

essentially sex is the same bs with other people as it is with the same person.

Not at all. But if you're gonna cave, pay for it. Parlour or escort and get her to do something your gf would never do like piss on you or lick your ass. Then while the guilt eats you alive, you'll at least have something to fap to.


Lol absolutely not.
Like I said it was just a situation that I had forgotten about and your post made me remember of a situation where someone cheated out of necessity. Sadly it had been with his daughters :/ I don't think there were hookers in his town. From what I hear, it was a small town.

This is relevant

was it his wife's daughter? Child abuse is prevalent among step parents

Im honestly not sure. We were new friends at the time so asking who their father was seemed inappropriate. But, if I had to guess, I would guess he wasn't the dad.

Biological dad'

Well if you have a daughter don't let your wife divorce you.

Not worth it.
I once asked myself "What five words would you tell to your 10 y/o self"
Don't cheat, don't be afraid.

It's loli time

what happened? Also not afraid of what, your dinosaur of a wife?

lol its not the same dude. step up brah

That is some solid advice

This only happens when you either have guilt or you got caught and im guessing it ended badly.

Kek this. Fucking only the same person for 20+ years is so unnatural it's mind blowing, yet people still try and go at it.

I do regularly and don't feel bad about it. I typically juggle three to five asains and its totally worth it. I will die happy. Plus I have no kids so I can be selfish and not care. Life is about experience. If you can get vagina, get vagina. No one ever regrets pussy on their death bed, user. No one.

Cheating on a gf is nothing come back when u want to cheat on your wife and I will say yes

so in both cases it's OK. You sound like a wise oldfag, am I right?


If you want to "play away" then use a fucking condom and pay for it.

Pro-tip: bring your own soap from home. use a motel. make sure she does not wear perfume. Have fun.

Fucking mary-jane from the church society will blow up in your face. Oldfag here - THERE IS NO FREE SEX. One way or another, if you're fucking someone, you're gonna pay.

pic related: my 7.5 x 6 cock. She cheats on you with me. It's cool bro.