Ask a faggot pussy who can't handle drinking anything?

Ask a faggot pussy who can't handle drinking anything?
>been in bed since 6am nursing a hangover
>'I'm never drinking again'
>fapped 5 times
>water tastes amazing

Holy fuck same user.
Had to go to work though...

Damn fuck that. My head was pounding, had to adjust a pillow the right way to cradle it for maximum cozy.
Are u gonna legit not drink again?

I've almost died from drinking a few times now.
If I haven't stopped because of that, a hangover isn't gonna matter to me

Hangovers are needed to balance shit out. Imagine never getting hungover?

I know I won't stop, but I'm def taking a much needed break

My gf doesn't get hangovers at all. no idea how she does it. I drink fucktons and I still feel like death errytime

Does she even drink or casualfag? There's 'drinking' and then drinking.
Cuz I can 'drink' and not get hungover but then when i actually drink then it's death.

Nah man I've met those people who are like
>don't get hangovers brah
Then they drink with me and they change their fucking tune.
Can get this girl blackout and shes there in the morning suckin my dick or making me breakfast.
kinda great actually

Shiiit negro.
My ex never drank with me like that. Such a life

yea man shes great but talking a little seriously about marriage sooooo.... idk
might be okay with it

Midas whale for tax reasons. Inb4 she just wants muh ring

nice dubs man
also thats the thing, she doesn't give a shit about the value of the ring. She knows I can afford to put a decent stone on her hand but doesn't care.
feels like a keeper

Nigga, we all say "I'm never gonna drink again" when we get hungover.

And then what do we do? You're only a pussy who can't handle drinking if one hangover is enough to stop you for good.

I didn't even want dubs.

Sounds like it for sure. My ex was about muh ring. Blame Beyoncé for that bullshit

i will fucking murder your gay ass retarded family you fucking vermin

You ain't doing shit

>doesn't want dubs
>gets dubs again
yea man that whole muh ring muh shared bank accounts muh no prenup is a chronic fucking problem I feel you bro

Fucking dubs again here too Enough with my dubs no more

its a sign

Oh yeah i spent a good part of the day watching old wwf clips.

extits for you user


I'm in the same boat, OP.

>stayed drunk from friday night to monday morning
>cocaine to keep the party rockin

Having to drop off a paper at class on Monday before 11:30 was the hardest thing I've had to do in a while. Almost shit self/puked multiple times.

I miss doing drugs

I miss hydro and oxy
probably for the best though.
withdrawls wern't even that bad, barbs were wayyyyyyyy worse.

That was my shit. I'd so anything to get some original OC 80

mmmmmmmmmmm I loved that stuff...
one night I poped two OC 30 two 8mg dilaudid then two 10mg valium. Was feeling the comfiest ever so I killed a bowl of indica and had that amazing feeling of calmness before realizing I was gonna stop breathing if I fell asleep. Comfy night but damn if that wasnt a wakeup call

Having such nostalgia thinking about some OC. Back when times were good. Then I tried heroin kek

fucking stayed away from the horse man
got enough problems, don't wanna be sucking dick for a bag

I didn't get that deep into it. I only snorted, never shot.

cmon man I've known three people who have died after climbing the stairway to heroine
Be safe Sup Forumsrother

unrelated note... how was it?

I only met one person who died from it but my county had/has a huge epidemic.

Shit felt amazing. I haven't done it in like 3 years but I would go back right now and do some. Shit feels just like an OC 80.
I got to the point where it gave me energy and needed to to function tho

yea man I miss it
believe it or not but I prefered barbs though
ever had any?

Would you be able to spare some oats for myself and my children?

? wat ?

I haven't. Never ran into them during my drug period

Also check em

fuckin dubs again






checked againnn



toasting in an epic bread




I can't make this shit up
