Seriously question, how do you guys feel about Milo?

Seriously question, how do you guys feel about Milo?

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His opinions are way to edgey for me. Seriously tho, he's just a troll and should be treated as such.

Damn, was hoping for a discussion.

You think? Idk, I think his opinions on sjw's and feminism are honestly legit. They might come off as edgy but at least someone is saying what most people are thinking about it in the public eye.


He's so handsome right?


Hes a fucking fag who makes money going around and doing absolutely nothing but trigger people. He doesnt help anyone, he doesnt fix anything. Hes being payed for milking the shit out of social problems that are never going to be resolved and he knows it.

Might be the best description of him I've heard yet.

I agree with some of his opinions but then he'll say something that is completely insane and it makes me wonder what his agenda really is.

Yeah, but that's fucking great. I don't see the problem

To add on to this, his supporters only support him because he adds leverage to their argument on the basis that he's gay and helps validate their toxic and misinformed opinions.

he's awesome
please spam/flood this discord

A necessary evil in the realm of speech.

The alt-right's pet faggot?

He can get fucked with a rusty cactus.

I like him, but goddamn he has started using double standards and circular fallacies so much in his rhetoric it's gotten old. Yeah Islamic countries have massive issues with people being killed or raped for certain things that they are or aren't doing in the name of their religion, but he has grown incapable of reflecting that same religious ignorance on other religions. He has no argument for bashing Islam without an intelligent person able to turn the rhetoric around on itself. He was fun for a minute, until he lost his ability to make intelligent debate and now he just trolls people, and not very well. That and he just flames and he's begun using his platform to spit venom about Muslims that can just easily be turned back to criticise Christians, but Liberals are too triggered by his 3dgyness, and Conservatives are too retarded or ignorant to see the flaw anyway.

Milo is a great speaker with a decent sense of humor. The big downside is he's more concerned with saying something controversial to improve his brand than he is about making a rational point. He has some bizarre views concerning global warming, gay rights, and systemic racism that don't seem to be based on anything substantial. If he can restrain from attacking his SJW strawman he can be brilliant when talking about free speech.

Champion of free speech

he makes it sound like his dad is a mafia lord. anyone know if that's true. internet turns up very little...

Muslims behead people. Turn that around to criticize Christianity.

I don't particularly like religion of any stripe, but your argument is pants-on-head retarded.

Even though he is gay, doesn't he say things along the lines of gays are lesser and shit like that? That's what I have heard.

He's a professional troll, life is significantly better if you ignore everything he says.

He's a pretentious attention whore Jew faggot who takes it up the ass from niggers

People don't come much more shit than that

Very effective troll
30% chance he's not even gay

I am a liberal and I was ready to write this guy off as another cons blowhard...but

He actually makes good arguments
especially about feminism
I disagree with him about climate science but I take his point...the 97% percent scientist agree was probably bogus...but most do agree that humans have some impact on climate change...milo views it as a purely political matter and thinks the scientists are politically motivated...but we also come to the same is irrelevant...and we should be seeking alternative energy anyway because fossil fuels = finite resource

As a liberal I have nothing but respect for the man even though we disagree on some issues

Thanks to milo and his feminist friend Christina Hoff Sommers I now disregard most feminist hysteria as delusion

Amusing Troll, does a good job at what he does.

I like him i guess, you cant go too deep into his shit and take him that serious.

If you want a Conservative Political Commentator that is serious, Ben Shapiro is better.

He is human garbage. However, he himself says that the best way to deal with him is to ignore him and go about your day. All the outrage over him only fuels him.

There was this little thing called the Crusades and the Inquisition. Get your head out of your ass and pay attention before you go full autist.

T. Tumblr

Found the faggot.

Trump got elected and to look at the youth movement following the type of thinking Milo is preaching and say that it had nothing to do with the election outcome true, you are really lost.

This is progression past the liberal delusions. No one scares or intimidates them, or even puts real effort into fighting it, you just say mean shit and laugh at racism and they scream and cry until they tire themselves out.

Same fag is stronk. Plebbit is bad as masking this shit.

Timing of posts and punctuation.

If you are going to same fag, then do it properly. Fucken faggot.

t. someone who doesn't understand 30 second post cooldowns

To look at Trump's victory as some colossal shift in youth culture is almost as ridiculous as taking anything Milo says seriously.

He won the election with less votes than Romney lost with.

When people don't turn out to vote, it helps Republicans. And no one was enthusiastic about voting.


This thread has some CTR faggot same fagging it up, wtb IDs.

My statement for the other 3 still stands.

I'm id: heaven

Yeah but that shit was about a thousand years ago, dune coons are blowing up shit and commiting mass rape and shit like right now bruh.

Watch this.

Sup Forums has different interfaces?


>Someone doesn't like my stupid faggot :((((((((

now this.


>30 sec

Where is it?

I thought he was a funny performance artist until he did a jerk move and outed a trans university student in one of his talks. Now I think he's just an asshole.

but it's like, he cries about getting censored, but then he's trying to censor the SJWs.

like the Berkley protests, y'know they should be allowed to protest and he should be allowed to spread trollish propaganda (for entertainment ofc). let's not talk about what actually happened

Love his talks, hate his articles.
Feminism is cancer, but so is the religious bullshit he buys into. There's nothing wrong with birth control, and abortion is often irresponsible, but it's nobody's business.

> He triggers all the fat ugly feminists and swjs

He's a very persuasive speaker, and all the libtards hate the facts he spouts.

Its Clover (orignial Sup Forums app that got taken down from store)

Bruh, that's Clover.

Still on F-Droid.


Most conservatives will accept what he says without any question because it validates their world view. Thus "facts" to you are anything that you agree with.

I've lived long enough to see so many tag nuggets come and go that he really doesn't make me feel anything.

He is just another traveling salesman hitching his wagon to popular political and ethics trends for profit.

I'm sure he is probabaly decent enough as a person, but I just can't help but feel "meh whatever" about his talks or his articles

No hes not dude, he has never been in a real debate. Put him up against a liberal commentator like Stewart or Maher and he would BTFO. All he does is make dumb arguments while reminding people he is gay in every other sentence.

he's a faggot

Can confirm. Gets updates. Keeps me dick hard

I never really thought about it like that. cause I agree on what milo says most of the time, but in reality libtards are gonna keep doing their thing and they're getting even more violent cause this fag wants to make some cake

He is against cucks but sucks more black cocks in a week than the average swedish nu-male in a day.

that is what I like about milo and feminism
he does use facts.
Christina Hoff Sommers is a feminist that has compiled a lot of research on mainstream feminist talking points and has exposed that the in fact the issues are more nuanced than they are portrayed to be

for example the wage gape is something of a myth in western countries and can be accounted for not as a descripency in pay but as a difference of decisions between genders
women make different life choices than men and free to do so, this accounts for why, on average and not on a one to one comparison, women make less than men.

Sommers also pokes holes in other feminist talking points as well
she herself was a feminist in her youth but she began investigating the claims of modern feminism and was disapointed that the facts are twisted to serve an agenda rather than inform people

I respect milo because he uses good arguments supported with evidence
I advise more liberals to check his sources and see for themselves

if you don't consider the best arguments of your opposition you are not actually informed and you are not equipped to think critically about your own views

I think he's a fucking scumbag, and a drama queen. He should stop making his self-loathing over the fact that he's gay into the rest of our problem.

i mean rioting and stealing is not protesting and is not allowed.

oh forgot to mention that I am liberal so...yeah

I respect milo and learned from him

imagine that....learning something from a political view that is not in line with your own

Hello Milo, back on Sup Forums again making Milo.threads about Milo. Now we do appreciate your work, but seriously these Milo threads about Milo have to end. Love you bye. X

trips of triggered

I don't see why everyone makes such a big deal over what he's saying. I really don't get it. His ideas aren't evil. They're not even that extreme. Most of what he says is true.

Coolest faggot I know of

Sargon and Milo make a porno hahahahaha

Since when does thinking someone is an insufferable faggot and cunt = triggered?

Conflates no one wanting him at colleges with the government trying to censor him. Has no idea what free speech actually is and just wants to make liberals look bad for his shitty website.

As an English person myself I can tell you that most of what Milo says is his dry sense of humour, which you may refer to as trolling. I'm not sure it really translates so well to Americans, who tend to take everything too literally. I can also tell you that part of our sense of humour is to deliberately trigger people with the odd sly comment within an arguement just for the keks. I suppose the natural English sense of humour is that of a troll.

He makes money by being an attention whore. He is basically the low grade, British, gay, male version of Ann Coulter.

He wasn't preventing them though. Him speaking doesn't stop them from being able to protest. They got a whole campus that they can march around if they want. But busting down the doors of his building and beating up people who came to listen to him is preventing his freedom of expression.

The point being its all about the lulz.

Sassy little shit that would gain more legitimacy if he was more disciplined and didn't saw truly mean spirited shit for the sake of trolling.

Ben Shapiro would wipe the floor with him on Trump, anyway.

He's an idiot. We might elect him President someday.

Nigga shit hasn't been about lulz in almost a decade. You think Milo doesn't have a narrative to pander to? The age of lulz is long gone.

He's just some fag who copies shit from Sup Forums to get money.

king of edge.
has decent ideas but comes off as a faggot hungry for controversy.

thats the definition of being triggered my nigger

Any one who causes so much liberal butthurt is ok with me. I really love when they call him a white supremacists and a racist homophob

Spoken like a true American. You dumb fuck he's doing it for kash n' keks. He's trolling all of you left and right.

That's the trouble with you damn Millennials. You lack any sense of nuance.

You need to get laid more if you draw happiness from that shit.



Vulgar specifically to cause riots because that is how he gets his name out.
If riots/protests didn't happen, he wouldn't have the fame or money he has today.
That being said, while intentional, those riots/protests expose the left for what they really are. Vile, hateful, divisive idiots, which makes Milo a necessary evil.

hes a sensationalist, polarizing dick for a living and hes trying to make himself into a martyr for the alt right cause by paying rioters to trash the colleges he speaks at.

meanwhile hes jerking off backstage to all the attention like the faggot he is.

not a millennial b, 36

milo isn't really all that great I just think he's fun to watch cause of all the libtards getting triggered & he's got some funny jokes

>someone is saying what most people are thinking about
Hes vocalizing the radical ideas of a minority group of Americans. That's not "most people". That's "hes an unoriginal asshole pandering to a small group of other unoriginal assholes".

ahh, the go to of every alt right boomer. if you dont like it? "ITS THEM DAMN KIDS AGAIN!"

i can't believe all the white knight faggots on this thread

milo only you can trigger Sup Forums, that's fucking impressive.

go back to your safe spaces you fucking liberal scum motherfuckers. enstilling violence when you don't get your way. i recommend getting a costco card so you can buy your pacifers in bulk you fucking delusional cognitive dissonance retards

>white knight faggots

i'm not a white knight faggot I'm just calling out the con artist like I see em. 40% chance he isn't gay, and he probably didn't write his own book or articles

Has valid opinions with a sufficient train of thought. But seems to really walk the edge of edginess because he can and is getting attention due to it.

All in all; Troll with plenty of good reasons to Troll and no matter the light people want to put him in, they are his opinions and a critical conversation with him and Martin Skrelli would do more good than these pathetic riots.


i fuck these kind of girls but hate them mentally

so i get off to seeing milo trigger them, they have no idea how much i love him. then i go back to their house and plow their pussy till kingdom cum

>ITT a boomer still thinks his age gives him street cred
Where we're at right now is all your generations fault. So your credibility is totally shot at this point. You're the reason we're in the mess we're in right now and you voted for the fuckers who made it happen. And you just voted another one of them into office.

I'd rather be a millennial at this point. Your generation clearly has no fucking idea what it's doing.

how much money has me made?

also the white male college scholarship thing was pretty funny

>i recommend getting a costco card
This is good advice, they got cheap quality stuff in bulk. You can get stuff that you always use in bulk like eggs or milk form there.

As I said earlier in this thread this is a Milo thread about Milo made by Milo. Check it out, he's trolling you all again!!!

they also got a really cheap food court & kirkland liqour