So I love the 80s vibe, the music, and the atmosphere this show creates. But I find the plot pretty meh...

So I love the 80s vibe, the music, and the atmosphere this show creates. But I find the plot pretty meh. I keep reading from people how "its fantastic" "one of the best shows ever". Am I missing something?

No, I agree with everything you said. The plot isn't anything amazing, but the individual scenes, the music and acting from some of the cast members elevates it above the average tv show.

I don't know, OP, I haven't seen it.

I agree, its all cliché shit too

Netflix Shills, fuck off.

Normies are just easily impressionable retards that overrate and overhype every single fucking thing they see, regardless of what it is.

Everything is fantastic or amazing or awesome. People are so overstimulated that being just good and well put together just doesn't cut it anymore.

its amazing and pretty fantastic, overall pretty awesome imo

It's pretty much just all classic cliche's done well at the same time. Enjoyable as fuck to me. Kinda like comfort food or something

>But I find the plot pretty meh.

Its pretty standard for early 80s paranormal fiction. However everything else is execute extremely well, you get absorbed that you forget that you pretty much know how it will end early on.

This series reminded me of how I loved the 80's.

Also made me realize Winona Ryder can't actually act.

The stereotype characters were certainly 80's enough, but I would have liked to see less of that, some jew-cringe stuff like the tatoo and her looking like a auschwitz escapee is so tired, but hey the producers/directors are jews, so they just HAVE TO.

The kids acted well, standout of course was the girl playing 'eleven' who was the best actor in the entire show, the black kid being so antagonistic felt REALLY forced, also the pacing at the latter part of the series felt off.

Overall though, best new show I've seen this year, and a hope for this genre despite the absolutely awful X-Files reboot.

Also, that soundtrack!

Nothing but the usual shitty leftie SJW propaganda
>Dude brave single mothers LMAO
>Dude fathers don't care or they're assholes LMAO
>Dude token black kid who's smarter than the rest LMAO
>Dude only girls have superpowers LMAO
>Dude big bad companies that ruin things for money LMAO
>Dude one of the kids is gay and is accepted LMAO
>Dude loner who do drugs and listen to rock music is brave and responsable

All the ppl that say it's good are either shills or massive cucks.

It's just good fun matey.

I just watched the first episode. I liked it, even though killing the fry cook character was needlessly tragic. I'm about watch the second one.

none of those things are in the series

>being this retarded

>killing based Cleary in the first episode
Biggest problem with the show.

The three kids were annoying as fuck

you forgot that the villain is Aryan superman Matthew Modine.

>Also made me realize Winona Ryder can't actually act.

She's is a bit rusty in the first episode but as it goes on she gets better. The way her character moves was great.

Not everyone likes the same things, OP. There is nothing wrong with having a different opinion. It's possible that the show isn't for you. Most people enjoyed the first episode.

Confirmed for shill
Isn't the mother that catch what is going on?
Isn't Will's father a big asshole (Yeah lets' fight the patriarchy gurls ;D)?
Isn't the black guy right on Eleven?
Isn't the girl the only one with powers?
Isn't a private company ebil and working for the gov?
Isn't Will gay and everyone around him act like it's completely normal?
Isn't the loner rock brother a hero in disguise?

Go fuck urself Netflix shill, show's a garbage with the malicious intent to promore the destruction of nuclear family, the acceptance of drugs, rock music and homosexuality as normal and good.

>Also made me realize Winona Ryder can't actually act.
well no shit this wasn't actually a revelation. she's eye candy.

>Isn't the loner rock brother a hero in disguise?
I don't know why you are hung up on this guy. He's not a "loner" and he's portrayed as a guy who takes extra shifts at work to help his family.

She's quite terrible in the first ep and damn she is really looking old these days.

>Dude brave single mothers LMAO
I think they made it clear in the show that she had mental issues.

>Dude fathers don't care or they're assholes LMAO
Totally agree, the way Mikes father was portrayed made me sick, but Hopper made up for it by saving Will.

>Dude token black kid who's smarter than the rest LMAO
According to Toothless the black kid was jealous of Mikes fondness of El, and that's why he kept wanting get rid of her by telling Mikes mother/the cops.

>Dude only girls have superpowers LMAO
Who cares? It's not like she's the only one who made a difference. Let's not forget that Chad basically beat that thing to death with a baseball bat.

>Dude big bad companies that ruin things for money LMAO
Did you even fucking watch the series? It was THE GOVERNMENT, not a corporation. Also, this had nothing to do with money, it was about getting their weapon (El) back.

>Dude one of the kids is gay and is accepted LMAO
Some bullies said that he was a fag. That hardly makes him gay.

Are you for real? She hasn't aged a day since the 80's. Terrible hair in the series though.

Ryder's overacting is too fucking much. I wonder how she must feel knowing that a group of 10 years olds are better at emoting than her.

>listening to anything Sup Forums says

Yeah, I realize that. But there's also such a thing as hyperbole.

True Detective had a legit interesting plot.

At least she isn't plastic. Keeping it real and I appreciate that.

I know this is bait but let's go.
>>Dude brave single mothers LMAO
Single mothers are brave, raising kids isn't easy and a lot of cowardly women would rather have abortions/put their kids up for adoption instead of raising them.
>>Dude fathers don't care or they're assholes LMAO
You chose to ignore the main character who was a perfect father?
>>Dude token black kid who's smarter than the rest LMAO
Lucas was actual kind of an idiot.
>>Dude only girls have superpowers LMAO
>>Dude big bad companies that ruin things for money LMAO
>>Dude one of the kids is gay and is accepted LMAO
Not true, kids just called him gay because he was smaller and nerdier than them.
>>Dude loner who do drugs and listen to rock music is brave and responsable
He was brave and responsible but in the end he still needed help from Chad, who saved the day and got the girl.

>Isn't the loner rock brother a hero in disguise?
Forgot this one.
He wanted to save his brother, that hardly makes him special.
Also, they make it clear that he's a pretentious perv.

>True Detective had a legit interesting plot.
not really. it just had interesting production values. sort of like this show.

True Detective was great in a lot of ways, but when I look back on it, the whole story was a bit anticlimactic. I found the plot in Strange Things super interesting myself.

Only thing that made me disappointed was CGI Monster. Fucking stop doing that, please. It rarely looks good.

Modine and Ryder felt really out of place. Modine is impossible take seriously in any role and Ryder cannot act. They should have hired two lesser known but talented character actors like they did with David Harbour (who was great) and used the extra money to make the CGI not look as terrible as it did.

I don't know if Ryder can or can't act, I just know that in this show, the director(s) did not do a good job of curtailing her overemotive acting, either via on set direction, script, editing, or a combination of all of the above

She has a few decent roles from the 80's and 90's but for the most part I think she's a pretty shit actor. She always overemotes.

what did they mean by this?

Ryder did phenomenal with a role that had such shit buildup. Basically all her personality was in the first episodes was "crazy distraught grieving mother" which has to be one of the hardest parts ever to actually make believable and likeable, but she powered through. I hated her in the first episodes but the character became pretty great later on.

>live in town named "Hawkins"
>mascot is a Tiger

weww lads

Modine was good, I thought.


>>Dude brave single mothers LMAO
Despite doing her best, which is commendable, she was a pretty shit mother.

>>Dude fathers don't care or they're assholes LMAO
The character who arguably cared the most was a father whose child died.

>>Dude token black kid who's smarter than the rest LMAO
Actually he was wrong about Eleven the entire time

>>Dude only girls have superpowers LMAO
Her sex is irrelevant (a point driven home by the fact that she looks androgynous), plus they pointed out that other children including males were experimented on and presumably had powers as well

>>Dude big bad companies that ruin things for money LMAO
What? The research at the laboratory was being done because of the Cold War. They were trying to spy on the Russians using astral projection.

>>Dude one of the kids is gay and is accepted LMAO
None of the kids on the show are gay. Except Barb, perhaps. But she's hardly accepted. Plus, didn't Milo make it okay for reactionaries to accept homosexuality now?

>>Dude loner who do drugs and listen to rock music is brave and responsable
I don't remember him doing any drugs. I don't remember anyone on the show doing any drugs, actually. Lots of cigarette smoking, though. But yes, William's brother was ostracized and a loner, mostly due to his family's socioeconomic status. I don't understand what his taste in music, which was pretty good by the way, has to do with anything.

Hopper looked like he was on the verge of pill abuse.

I was thinking this but then i realized whats old is new again.

As a horror/thriller buff i knew exactly where this movie was taking ideas from but it executed them in such a weird and original way that they totally nailed it and made it their own.

Season 2 better be even better!

i know its part of the culture here to hate popular stuff but this series absolutely deserves all the praise its getting.

Honestly i havent seen this much love put into anything in years.

He seemed to be on some sort of anti-anxiety pill, presumably prescribed after the death of his child to cancer.

So if upside down is a dark mirror image, how come nothing happens there? Those cars and buildings must have gotten where they are somehow, so what happens in the real world must be reflected in the dark one. Do the monsters have to worry about cars driven by invisible people?

Parallel universes don't effect each other unless there is the presence of a "rift" (portal).

Stranger Things seems to go with the notion that certain things can "resonate" transdimensionally. It seems that the electromagnetic spectrum, consciousness and heightened emotional responses are tied together by the shows logic. It's pretty old scifi stuff, the idea that in extreme circumstances, the brain can detect electromagnetic phenomena coming from another dimension.

Hysterical parent is one of the roles you can't really over act unless you try, Ryder was pretty good in this imo.

Why did all the kids have super weird faces?

I generally agree about that being bait but
>Single mothers are brave, raising kids isn't easy and a lot of cowardly women would rather have abortions/put their kids up for adoption instead of raising them.
No they are just as shitty as the guy who left them because both of them together fucked the life of their child
and no that child never being born is not necessarily worse than it growing up with a single mom

is this the best thing Netflix has now that Bloodline totally shit the bed?

It's just a high school relationship she'll find a non-douche,non-creepy guy when she goes to college.

no one cared about barb :(

The 80s vibe seems a bit too over the top and in your face

>Why did all the kids have super weird faces?

Heh, thought of that as well, particularly the main protagonist kid, he looked like an alien.

I know what you mean. 80s aesthetics have reached a fever pitch in terms of popularity, it's not even subtle anymore.

The 90s resurgence will come in a couple years. Everything will look muted and grungy and dimly lit.

The show also seems to run with the Many-worlds Theory, i.e. infinite dimensions. "The Upside Down" is just one dimension that's been connected to Hawkins, most likely through the malevolent will of the upside down creature.

I'm willing to wager that the creature is some kind of mutant from a version of our reality where the Hawkins either got nuked or wiped out by aliens. Modine and crew were able to use Eleven to contact this dimension because it likely hosted a massive, catastrophic burst of energy, making it easier to identify. By identifying it, they opened a rift to their own Hawkins, letting the mutant/alien slip through.

What's interesting is about the creature is that it exhibits transdimensional capabilities yet is still limited by basic biological functions. This leads me to believe that maybe it too is a result of an experiment gone awry in Upside Down Hawkins.

Either way, I think Season 2 will focus on other dimensions, they'll probably pluck another Eleven from one.

>No they are just as shitty as the guy who left them because both of them together fucked the life of their child
Just as shitty for sticking around? What if the father died, is the mother still shitty? Being raised by a single parent who gives a fuck is better than getting institutionalised.

Barb was a fucking stick in the mud.

>Modine was good, I thought.

I find it hard to gauge his performance, being that he was cast as the stereotype evil scientist, he had the most uninteresting role, 99% of his screentime was basically just looking emotionally detached.

was it autism?

Barb totally looked like Stef but Andy is prettier than Nancy.

It's possible you have it, yes.

I thought he was satisfyingly sinister but could have maybe done with losing his shit a little bit. He was manipulating Eleven but I think he genuinely loved her, not as a person, but as the weapon she could be; I think he believed her to be superior to everyone and was in awe of that (see the flashback where he carries her away from the dead guards).

I was really disappointed that she didn't call him a mouth breather, though.

>The creature ate everybody in its dimension
>Moves to ours to continue eating
Well, shit.

What I thought was pretty cool about the monster is that there wasn't really anything stopping it from crossing over. It just didn't know that there was another dimension there full of humans and once it notices, it starts jumping in and out as it wants.

I'm not sure just how much of the dimension-spread is due to the creature's will, though. Considering that the main rift in the lab keeps making the area more fucked, I think it's the dimension itself that's aggressive. It's not like the dark world gets a little bit brighter next to the rift. It's a one way street, with Upside-down growing into the light world like cancer. And considering the lab rift isn't mentioned again after the creature is killed, and Hop & co got out of there somehow, I'll just assume it's still there. Growing.

Leads me to believe that the rift and the creature itself are just side effects of something that happened in Upside Down Hawkins.

Just finished it. Good. Some annoyances, a lot of plot conveniences that really started to trigger me but overall very charming and well made. By far the best thing I've seen by Netflix.

A lot of great little moments. I liked when Chad didn't get caught on the bear trap. Chad overall was a breddy cool dude.

I thought it was okay. Not as great some people made it to be though.

7.5/10 - enjoyed it

I liked it. It was waaaaay better than wayward pines but similar in that I got less interested the more the mystery dissolved and the cgi monster element became more visible. Also...

>hanging a The Thing poster in the kids bedroom in tribute
>completely ignoring what made it great

All the time and effort on making a reasonably authentic 80s horror experience and they use the usual ps2 graphics for the creature. A less is more, practical approach would have been more effective.

>I liked when Chad didn't get caught on the bear trap.
Many of the characters showed a level of persistence and competence that was pretty refreshing.

She's supposed to take your dick, not be a good actress.

Why did department of energy kill the diner owner like it was nothing but kept Hopper alive?
Covering Hopper's murder with suicide would even seem more plausible than that diner owner.

Just finished binge watching the whole thing
I really enjoyed it

>tfw that scene where Jonathan goes to see his father and Jon's father in general hit me hard because I can relate extremely well from having a father who wasn't really present and then after my parents divorcing them both pitting themselves against the other in the other and my father being a real charismatic sleazeball

Also, is there an explanation as to why the creature caught people and brought them to the upside down hawkins, but seemingly lost them in there? I don't see Will or Barbara even had a chance to escape from it

I certainly felt like she nailed her character. There wasn't any moments where I felt like her acting was bad.She definitely portrayed what I would have assumed a mother who lost her child and was observant of paranomrmal activity would act like

as much as I would have wanted him to get the girl, it was quite clear it wasn't going to happen. The relationship they had was born out of the situation their in and it probably wouldn't have worked out in the end.
Steve is a pile of shit but he's a better match for Nancy than Jonathan would be

I was just annoyed with Nancy for getting her friend killed because she wanted to be a fucking normie and have sex more than Barbara actually dying

Chad was a cunt right up until the end when he told off his two shitty friends

I was totally expecting him to get caught in the bear trap from Nancy and Jonathan forgetting to mention it to him

it's quite annoying when some characters divulging just a tiny bit more information would really push the plot forward. I was happy when Nancy went to go meet Jon and Jon insisted on Nancy describing what she saw.

So Will can shadowwallk now right?

>killing the best character in the first episode


>I was happy when Nancy went to go meet Jon and Jon insisted on Nancy describing what she saw.
That was great. I usually find my self frustrated by characters decisions to withhold information or failures to observe certain things but it wasn't really a problem in this show.

Another great scene was when Hopper tore his house apart, looking for bugs, IMMEDIATELY after being doped. Any other show/movie would have had the characters come to the realisation later on, after the feds had already used the bugs to catch up with them.

Just finished, what do you guys think will happen next season?

>Eleven is back in the underworld
>Will can transfer between worlds (?)
>Evil gov stil doin shady shit

No but he is pregnant with a new creature.

what you are missing is an imagination. You are like most of the masses where everything needs to be spoon fed to you.

This is why people think its a good show because it makes you think. Is it the best written show and most original? Hell No. But it is pretty damn good if you got time to kill and down want to waste it on a shit show. This show at least got you to post here. How many other shows have you seen and not even bother to talk about them because they were so shit. Im looking at you KillJoys.

shadow walking could make sense given the set up in the first episode. but i think

is more likely. or that he's some sort of host, not actually pregnant. maybe he has eleven like powers.

It's as well written of a show as I've seen in a long time. They use reincorporation well but it's not shoved down our throats. The relationships aren't predicable and generic (I was hoping Nancy wouldn't end up falling for Jon), and the characters all generally act pretty logically.

I don't get it, why he is doing this?

R-rly? It's food for Elle... he works for the science dudes now. did you miss the eggos?

Why is he working for them though? What does he have to offer? Is it just part of the deal for letting everyone else go? But why do they want him?

No, but the monster maggots inside him can, who I guess are instinctively trying to get back to the dark world. Also, fuck knows how many he's puked out in various places.

He's capable, he's got experience in the underworld and most importantly he has a trusting relationship with Elle.

Winona Ryder, Eye candy?
Are you fucking kidding me?

Are you fucking kidding me? She's been smoking hot for 40 years.

If the effects of the upside down world can only spread in open space and can't go through materials, it can be assumed that it's safe as long as it's properly quarantined.
It would have to be assumed it's that way as the amount of corruption that seeped into the real world in two days would mean a rapid increase that would have easily seen a very large territory being overtaken by it by a month later

>What does he have to offer?
he's clearly very competent
>very intelligent and able to deduce many things
>able to get into their building past their security right up to the gate
>instantly knew what to do once he had been brought back to his home and bugged
>good under interrogation
>has big enough balls to waltz into an alternate reality with a killer monster about
>actually survived going into said alternate reality (even if he didn't encounter the monster)
Not to mention he'd be more valuable as an asset in assisting future projects with Eleven since he already knows a lot about the circumstances about how she came to be and what she can accomplish rather than putting him in a ditch or something

also like this user said, he's got a trusting relationship with Eleven, and it seemed that every time Brenner noticed El with the squad how her powers were much stronger when she felt at ease with the people she was in, so it's possible he would have planned for a friendly environment when they would have gotten El back. Getting someone she can trust (Hopper) will probably make unlocking her full potential a lot easier

clearly it's food/supplies for Eleven
She's probably either stuck in an alternate reality that has no one in it and no gate back to their reality, or remains in existence in the void, with her being able to get the supplies through concentrating on them (after somehow becoming aware of it) as she did with finding Barbara and Will

It could be interpreted in several ways.

A) He knows that Eleven is out in the woods

B) He suspects that Eleven is out in the woods

C) He has no idea where she is but leaves the food out of guilt/mourning

I didn't think about that but it's actually pretty obvious. Considering how capable he is and the fact that he lead the spooks to Eleven, like he promised, it makes sense that the DOE would bring him on as a co-conspirator as opposed to trying to eliminate him.

The scene where he gets in their car is the most telling that he works for them.

It could still be interpreted in several ways, they could be driving him away to kill him.

Uhh, okay. Except he'd be dead then?

Will is a shadowwalker. Screencap this for next season.

Oh yeah, my bad, I thought it happened right at the end.

Everybody can "Shadow Walk" to some degree. "Shadow Walking" is being able to astral project through dimensions relative to your control over electromagnetic sensitivity.

Pretty much everyone can hear past the veil, so they're all capable of it, Eleven is even more so because she was incubated as part of an MKULTRA experiment. Will's sensitivity has been heightened too, because of time spent in the veil.

cant wait to see you post on reddi- i mean Sup Forums about how much you hate those darned libcucks xD

Your father didn't teach you anything does he know dumb and hate filled you are.