Any snapchat wizards that can help me? Was dirty talking to a 10/10 a few hours ago on snapchat...

Any snapchat wizards that can help me? Was dirty talking to a 10/10 a few hours ago on snapchat, she sends me two nudes through the chat so i could save them. Then i sent some dumb shit later i thought would make her laugh, it didnt, she blocked me. The nudes are gone because the chat dissapears, so fucking pissed rn

You deserve it

The only way i can think of is to message her through another means and ask she unblocks me? But that feels needy as fuck and thats basically what ended up getting me blocked in the first place.

Whats her snapchat username? I could try to hack it and unblock you
I need your username too

I dont know if you're legit or not but seeing as this is Sup Forums i feel like you're trolling me or some shit

he is legit, I've seen guys do this before

Whats your kik?

Its your only option dude

I don't have

There are snapchat hackers all over Sup Forums... Why else did you come here?

Get kik quickly then? Takes one minute

Why you don't post both usernames? You can erase post here

retard spotted

You came to Sup Forums for one reason... so we can hack her Snapchat for you.

Pony up you candy faggot.

Drop the info.


What dumb shit did you say, dumb shit?

Show us what you send her OP


If i can see some hard evidence of this "hacking" i will

I just sent her a nonesense rant, usually makes girls laugh. Like a paragragh of nonesense that doesnt make sense

well show us ya autistic cunt

Show us OP

that sounds so autistic. i bet thats made 1 girl laugh ever.

Its made a ton of girls laugh. Its more to do with the fact i was getting a bit needy, she was turning me on like crazy. I fucked up okay bros. But on the brightside, i logged into to snapchat on another device, the chat was there!! Got the nudes, theyre heaven

you seem autistic as fuck

you didn't even explain what you sent

post them fag

What are u waiting to post them?

Ok, so type with your little faggot fingers what you said.

Example, if you said "i'm a faggot". You would tell us, "i said i'm a faggot to her". Then we can actually have some context and be entertained by your story rather than feel like where trying to get an autistic boy to remember not to shit in the microwave or something.

You're obviously an antisocial retard.

Dont worry, its just a paragragh of none related stuff that doesnt make sense. Like confusing to read

Ok? Well that doesn't help at all. you are in Sup Forums man just let it out

Not bad for an autist? I probably over hyped her with '10/10'

Yeah, like that's the fucking point you moron, wtf did you say word for word....

This is like a roof jumper video that cuts off right before they hit the ground, "oh you don't wanna see that anyway it's just...". Tell us what the fuck you said you faggot. Don't you dare make it less autistic either, we already think of you as a really worthless faggot so you can only go up.

Those are some good wins nigga, keep goin

Is the snapchat hacking real? Before I post the rest. But at the same time, few of you have been disrespectful maybe you dont deserve the rest of the nudes ;)

Go shove them up your ass, as if there werent many of other threads with better content. You are just an autistic moron that can't hold a conversation to save his life, enjoy those pictures, because looking at the way you act thats all you are ever gonna get bud

Fuuuuck you, we don't want it

Of course is not real you autistic faggot

Damn you guys are getting rustled easily tonight

no retard he was gonna message the girl with your username

shut up fag