Giving up half of your net worth only to be told that being able to play with this occasionally is a privilege

>giving up half of your net worth only to be told that being able to play with this occasionally is a privilege.

Real men go their own way

MGTOW is a bunch of losers who can't get the good women.

Sorry you couldn't compete.

Sorry you got stuck with the trash.

Cry harder, an hero, and it will all be better.

What makes you think that we don't get women?

I said

>can't get the good women.

Anyone can dip their dick in some dumbass slut.

You're not clever or ahead of the curve. You're just second-rate.

You actually wrote it, you didn't said it.

And if you actually did you might have severe mental issues.

This dude's got it figured out.

I'm marrying the most attractive, least crazy, most loyal girl I have ever met next month. We're not going to have kids, we're just going to spend the rest of our lives blowing our money on ourselves.


Actually many MGTOW have been married or in long-term relationships w/ "good women", they simply just don't see sex as worth the emotional trauma most women inflict.
I encourage you to research a topic before arguing against it.

Get pedantic and avoid the real point of my post. Brilliant. That's basically admitting you got owned.

Thanks for the easy win. You're as lame here as you are with the women. I'm out.

Goodluck with that, that would be the dream however one of you two will probably want kids sometime in the future.

coal burning niggerlover

"I'm out."

fucking cringe

If it's her, I'm open to the idea. I don't however think I could do as good a job raising a child as my parents have and that's why I don't want kids.

Not him, but here's your (U).

Either way. You can be with the love of your life without marriage. If you spend more than 3 years you are legally married, what's the point of making it sooner?

Real men know how to handle women without getting scratched.

There is only one secret. Don't give her your commitment. Make sure she knows you're not exclusive.

No sensible man think themselves a good parent.

Only niggers and whitetrash feel the best parents in the world despite being the lowest shits to ever live.

How about that, for example?

I'm in the same boat, people don't realize how big of a fucking responsibility another human is and how you can fuck them up severely by raising them improperly.


Now the mudslimes who have 8 kids can fuck up instead. Nice job

By the way, remember to freeze some jizz and female grool so you can go artificial in case you both became sterile.

That's where it changes, the wedding, the point of no return and slow descent into mediocrity.

4th Reich is coming, why do you care?

I just don't know how I could deal with a kid now a days. Like, the internet wasn't a huge thing when I was growing up, but I don't even know how I could handle that if I had kids.

Realer men go each other's way.

>mfw true equality cine
>my ex should support my lifestyle!
>judge: ok but your taking it ass to mouth every sunday then.

If you have the time you can teach them a couple things and make thing yourselves.

I grew up in a little town with little else to do than going out and do stupid things. I didn't watched that much TV and got into internet at 16, sadly got hooked into porn too.

But the porn thing I rationalize it has more to do with the fact I was too sexually repressed from very young. Couldn't even ask what a vulva was without getting my teeth smacked off and telling me that God forbids it.

The point being, satiate their curiosity but don't go into full details on anything.

>Real men go their own way

I don't know what you have experienced in the world, but this user has carte blanche to finger, poke, pull, prod, lick, suck, and fuck pretty much any time I damn well please. And we've been together for a dozen years.

Own your choices and/or poor communication skills, user...

>to be told that being able to play with this occasionally is a privilege.
it's hard to believe for you, but some people find meaningful happy long term relationships

very silly to make a subreddit community denying the importance of something you simply can't grasp

>emotional trauma most women inflict.
i'm sorry you feel this way. A close relationship with two human beings contains conflict in nature. This is a personal and solvable issue, whether through communication or simply moving on; NOT creating some weak blameful ideology that buries its head in the sand to avoid the hardships that come with any relationship.

You will abandon this as you grow older, unless you're already some salty jaded fool

her vagina looks like fronto