What loopholes are there to Saw traps?

What loopholes are there to Saw traps?

>pic related, why didn't they just pee in it

Almost every fucking trap had a way to get out of it.
Jigsaw probably wasn't super smart about how he made his traps, or maybe the people were just super dumb...


Which was the one with the traps that were total bullshit by design?

I only ever saw the first one and knew the ending twist when the revolver was opened at the start of the movie. Ruined the whole series for me.

There is a reason all the traps have a time limit. Most could be solved if you are not in a hurry.

If I remember correctly, in the forth film there was a trap that took hold of a woman's hair and kept pulling it until her scalp was ripped off. A man had to figure out a puzzle to get her out of the trap before the hair is pulled too far. Wasn't there a knife involved in that scene? How come he couldn't use the knife to cut her hair before it was too late?

The Saw series is not as bad if you watch it sorta all at once and pretend you're marathoning a tv show

It was dull iircc

The one where there's two dudes in opposite rooms with drill helmets on. They have to cut off pieces of themselves to weigh down a mechanism and set off the other dudes drill helmet. Just shit and pee and vomit in it and you're golden

it can still get fucking confusing when there's 2 different timelines on at the same time

She was a murderer and he was a cop; she didn't tell the dude there was a knife hidden behind the shelf. She used it to try and kill him after having half her scalp ripped off.

In the last movie I saw with the girl in the oven a dude had to hook under his skin and pull himself up. He could have stood on the hooks. Still be super painful, but not hooks under the tits painful

Didnt it require an arm to set off?

Thats a lot of shit/piss/vomit to weigh as much as an arm.

Couldn't they have used the saw handle or table leg to manually force the thing down and record a higher weight? It was just on the other side of a wire fence iirc, and there was a decent spacing between the wires.

I think the one you're thinking of is ops pick where you had to slide your arm in the hole to reach the saw blade. This one they had knives and a bucket to fill. Fat dude starts cutting huge stomach chunks. They had clothes on too. Piss on those and weigh them down

You're right but no amount of piss and shit will help you if the other bitch still decides to cut off her arm

This entire trap was pure bullshit.

>Why didn't he open his mouth before he killed the guy?
>Who is the guy with the sewed eyes and why does he deserve to get a huge disadvantage?
>What was the point of the trap anyway?
>What if the blind guy won the battle? If so, the black guy's test would've been fucked.

The thing about it was that it was a race to kill the other guy first. If you can shit and urinate quicker than the dude can cut off his arm, which I imagine would be very difficult to do to yourself, you're good. I know me personally would just accept my death in 90% and not even attempt the challenge like the nail mask. No way I'm cutting my eye out, that shit seemed relatively quick. Or the naked dude in the barbed wire. Just stay there and get poisoned.

Why didn't the dude just worry about jamming the mechanism? Cram that hammer in the chain so it can't reel it in

I've never watched any of the Saw movies, are they worth seeing?

It would be funny if jigsaw did have non painful to solutions to all his traps but pushed everyone to hurt themselves lime the absolute mad man he is.

In the first Saw movie, what did the photographer have to do to survive?

The doctor had to kill the photographer to clear his game, but the photographer didn't really have any real objectives. Presumably, he just had to survive until the doctor went over the time limit, but even then Jigsaw leaves him to die with no way to escape.
All that talk about Jigsaw "never killed anybody" and "gives everyone a chance to survive" is complete bullshit.


I used to make Saw traps in the Endorphin animation engine that had the Euphoria physics GTAIV used. I wish I'd kept them, all that's been posted online by others is wrestling videos.

I had one with a guy impaled on what I envisioned to be a sharp, sword-like beam, and made him pull himself along it to get off it,and one that featured an "explosion" of heaps of small objects all receiving a strong force at once. The ragdolls would have their limbs get pushed out of alignment and would reattach after the force physics allowed it; I went through the explosion frame by frame and severed limbs as the ragdoll's limbs disconnected in the engine.

I had heaps of fun with that, I wish I'd kept them.

> I know me personally would just accept my death in 90% and not even attempt the challenge
Same here mate, especially if surviving meant I had to kill somebody else. I'm borderline suicidal as it is — I'm only still alive because killing myself requires changing my comfortable daily routine.
Going out as a martyr is better than I could hope for under regular circumstances.

The first three are worth watching. You need to watch the rest to get explanations for the plotholes though.

What was the deal with his test anyway? He was wearing a collar device towards the end of the movie. Where did it come from and what did it do?

What is the point of these movies?

Too make money

Saw 8 when?

why didn't he try to cut through the rusty pipe the handcuffs were attached to?

Because the Saw™ was rusty as well.

In the first movie the one girl has to dig into a guy's stomach in order to get a key to save herself. She's told he's dead, but he's really alive and under sedation. What was that guy's test? Like, what could he have possibly done to save himself?

Easiest to get out of for sure

Maybe he failed a previous test. I don't know, I've never seen a Saw movie lol

>After my therapy, the patient is... reborn!

God, what retarded movies.

it snapped his spine. it was supposed to deactivate when the time was up for the guys he was overseeing. but the tests were actually supposed to be undefeatable

it's hard if not impossible to get out of handcuffs and those work similarly

Not really, but they're fun once you start looking at them as dumb soap operas where people occasionally get horribly killed.

you can likely say something to the other guy even if your mouth is shut through your nose. doesn't work if there's noise though.

Watch 1, if you feel like 1 was a little too easy on the gore then indulge in 2. Then stop and just watch the executions from other movies on Youtube.

more like cheesy cop drama with OTT violence and innovative deaths.

i very much enjoy it for what it is, though i can definitely understand the criticism

>push up until you can bend elbows and reach other hand
>use one hand to hold the razors open to free the other

it was stupid

she would have needed another person to lift her. fortunately the plot took care of that weakness

First movie was a solid horror thriller though. Probably my favorite horror film.

It went downhill afterwards. Especially after the 3rd and 4th movie.

>and knew the ending twist when the revolver was opened at the start of the movie.
Why do people bother lying on the internet? The revolver isn't opened until the very end when Cary Elwes shoots Adam.

The whole "I never killed anyone" wasn't introduced until the second movie. In the first movie his motives were somewhat vague. With that in mind, in 3 it turns out his accomplice was supposed to tie the key to end of the bathtub pipe, then at the end of the game, if the photographer was still alive Jigsaw would tell him about the key. But because his accomplice was some emo bitch she didn't bother tying the key to the pipe, so it went down the drain instead.

watch the collection and the collector instead.

Still sounds like the photographer didn't have anything but Objective: Survive for the first movie.

Only saw the sequel, heard the first is way better, but that club scene... that's some serious physical comedy.

iirc there was actually just a key to the box sitting on top of the glass box, apparently a lot of the traps were like this.

all she would've had to do is pinch the solid plane between her arms to stop the razors from cutting into her to much and work her way up, then back out.

its the easiest shit pos-

why am I posting about this, the saw movies are all retarded.