Just found out this faggot fucked my sister. He's 19 she's 15. Any suggestions on where to go from here?

Just found out this faggot fucked my sister. He's 19 she's 15. Any suggestions on where to go from here?

there's these people called the COPS

Post sis?

fuck your sister so youre the dominant one

>how old are you?
>kick his ass

>can't apparently is was consenual

Fuck him back.
Swallow his cum.

Fuck him while your sister fucks you with a strap on, therefore everyone is equal

14. Dudes like twice my size though

Did he rape her? If not, why the fuck do you care? You can't attack every guy your whore of sister fucks.

call the fucking cops


Dox him

jesus shut up

doesn't matter

dont calls the cops. youd ruin someones life over a simple sister fucking.


it was consensual.

he looks like a kool guy.

just make sure he doesn't treat her like shit.

stop being a faggot ass brother. She'll never love you back, you fucking inbred hick.

This is her. I'm just pissed cause he's a fucking douche

That dudes gunna bang your sister bro.

19 to 15 isnt even a bad age difference you fag. Git banned underage scrub.

your 15 year old sister has a tattoo? you just said your 14 get b&

thats sure a lived in tattoo for a 15 yr old

I know. You can get a tattoo under 18 with parental consent. She just has to fucking have it

fuck yourself?

still bullshit. that tattoo is nowhere near new, that woman is in her 20s and got that tattoo young. its blown out in a way that comes from age and nothing else you fucking lying faggot.

Yeah but he fucking cheats on her to and it pisses me off he brags about it all the time, and then everytime she gets mad he just makes it up to her.



Maybe he isnt cheating and they are ina an open relatioship. How the fuck would you know?

eat a dick. Like you didn't come here when you were 14

>Makes it up to her
With sex. Dudes giving your sister bro. Get over it, she is a willful slut, he is an alpha male, you are a jealous beta who wishes he could fuck his own sister. Just get over it.

Mods ban the underage fag

Fuck off

Your sister has some saggy fucking tits for a 15 year old

>Any suggestions on where to go from here?
This guy came in your sister and you never will? An hero yourself.

lmao yeah guys I'm just jealous that I can't fuck my sister...

Ask your parents what to do

But make sure you say he raped her with a broom

Honestly brotha, just let them be. If anything, tell your sister you care and you hope she's making good choices. If not, she'll learn and hopefully stop making whatever bad choices she's making. It's nice you are concerned though.

have you considered a threesome?