Dude in pic should keep posting progress


Anyone else wanna text their relative some dick?

i gotta get up the courage to do this to my sister
any advice?

Pretty much just get ready to tell her that you were kind of drunk
But dont type like a drunk guy because thats fucking dumb

Just do it faggot

Just go for it. Right now, no better time than the present.

If something fails, it was just a joke.


>It was just a prank bro! It was just a prank!

Where are the pic?

someone do ittt

Sister fucking user here. Witness me.

And if someone saved the beginning please post it.

Ive done it once, sent my big sister a pick of my cock once, went on about how I love her blahblahblah didnt really go anywhere, stopped texting her for the night. Talked to her in person the next day like nothing happened and when she brought it up I said it was a huge mistake and that I was on acid that night. She believed it. Funny thing is that she knows im straight edge, never done drugs in my life.


What were the rules again?

Dubbs = "Why haven't we fucked yet?"

Trips = Dick/tit pic

What else?

Proof or gake and fay

i really want to lick my step sisters feet. anyone have any tips? help a bro out

Also, rolling.

lets go user, post results

Why havent we fucked yet? to a relative

dick pic to mom/tit pic to dad

Full body nude to any relative

Video of you begging to fuck a relative

>Satanic trips

Rape relative and film it

That would be it!

Send a text saying you want to fuck straight up, if it goes nowhere say you were drunk/drugged. Explain that you're stepfamily, not even related

Dubs bitch boy, make sure timestamp in message bar

Witness, holding.

Why haven't we fucked yet? to a relative

my sister posts nudes on twitter, shes a body positive feminist and i'm a pervert


To the user posting the sister conversation on last thread, continue please.


Whats her @

Thanks user



Is that her?
Got more?





So want to do this to my cousin

Got them dubz



user your story better be good now since new thread. Cause you're making my pussy dry



Friendly reminder that this story is going to end in the Loch Ness monster opening the door, getting on the floor then moving back to his auntie and uncle in Bel Air.

keep posting user

done, happy? now do I get to walk the dinosaur real soon? I have work in the morning.


>sister gets mad and asks if she's the first person I've done this to, what about our cousins, etc
>tell her no, obviously, that I was drawn to her because of how we grew up, and that I was nervous at first until it became natural
>getting more confident, tell her she fell into it naturally too
>"because it's my brother on the other end"
>she's getting upset again, says what hurts the most is she feels like she lost a friend
>tell her she hasn't lost a friend, that I'm still here, and once again she says I just want to fuck her
>tell her I'd still talk to her without any of the sexual stuff
>she gets upset even more talking about how she's "shlicked it" to me so many times
>pushing my luck, I tell her because she obviously liked it
>she gets defensive, says yeah, because I have a nice cock, but that she should never have known I did
>ask her what she's going to do now that she has seen it
>says "I don't know" and sighs, sits back in her seat and doesn't say anything
>like a complete fucking idiot, I unzip my pants really slowly and take it out, she watches me the whole time and doesn't stop me, but once it's out and hard and I start stroking it, she asks me in a pleading voice what I'm doing
>I ask her if she still likes it, she won't answer just says put it away, I ask again, she says the same thing, third or fourth time I ask she shouts Yes! Now put it away, so I do
>it's still bulging in my pants and see her eyes looking at it, then looks me in the eyes, then looks out the window
>says let's just go back in before they get even more suspicious
>inside they ask what's up, say she wasn't feeling well so we went down the road to get her some ginger ale
>she starts drinking again
>when she goes to the bathroom later, I check my phone and see the video I sent is "seen:"


welp I know this is fake, but I'm AOK fapping to it anyway

Any with face?

Thanks bro, This is all going somewhere, but I wouldn't do that to so many anonymous dicks.

Also, fake, gay, user sucks cocks, etc.

it's pretty late so don't expect a response, i'm gonna have to deal with it in the morning

just finish the fucking story already

Call her and let her pick up then hang up, telling her you cant talk

post moar nudes mane


Please tell me theres more

I mean, I like long stories, I've read storybro's lewd sleepover. I'm partway through the road trip story of his. But this one I literally can't fall asleep or I will never hear the end. Frustrating.

user has HUGE balls, also wake her up

she has work in a few hours I'm not going to wake her up

just a small blip


More pls



this is from a guy whose been posting that his mom sent him some nudes. I don't have the fuck-swing picture.


Gonna be a while.

>rest of the bar trip goes off without incident
>back at my mom's house we all get into pajamas, play some board games, drink egg nog, the usual holiday stuff
>sister is wearing an oversized shirt without a bra, and yoga pants apparently without underwear
>no camel toe at first, but it's making me hard, and I'm in gym shorts
>we're sitting around watching a movie and I keep looking at her, she keeps catching me looking at her too
>I get up and go to the bathroom
>she sends me a message asking if I'm "seriously jerking off"
>ask her "why" she says "just answer me"
>send her a picture of me slowly stroking my dick, then come back and sit down
>she gets up a few minutes later, watches the video, and when she comes back her camel toe is very pronounced
>she doesn't send anything back
>before bed me and my brother are playing chess, family is watching us, sister comes up behind me and massages my shoulders, feels really nice and she's good at it
>makes me feel better things are normal
>everyone goes to bed, her and her husband upstairs in the room near my mom, brother in spare bedroom, I'm on futon with netflix going
>an hour after everyone goes to bed I get a message from her
>it's a video of her from earlier, pulling her yoga pants down to her knees and rubbing her pussy, at the end of it she flips me off
>in extremely low light I show her my cock again, asks what she wants me to do about it
>hear the bedroom door upstairs open and her go into the upstairs bathroom

fuck it. gonna go to bed with a hard on and wake up in a few hours to read the rest of the story.

I'm trusting you not to jump threads again, if you finish in this thread I will see it when I wake up, if not I will be upset

>her camel toe is very pronounced
>her camel toe is very pronounced
>her camel toe is very pronounced
>her camel toe is very pronounced

If you needed any evidence that this is fiction

Keep going though

Great story user, but learn to pretype your shit


that was what did it for me , its cool though.


Could somebody dump the images from the original thread?

If he has auto-refresh on, and doesn't close the tab, the text will be there when he comes back


Dont read storybros nightmares unless you really want some feels

can someone post the previous ones from the other thread?

where do you find them

how to get storybros stuff?


Is there a full convoy of this ?

is he the guy who wrote about his grandfather in the war with his dog?

Screencaps are in this thread newfag.

user hope ya sis husband cuts ya dick off



anyone have the "this is my new sex swing" image:?

do you niggas not have family christmas? the chess thing is a tradition, the last thing we do before kicking it. w/e tho.

>sends me a video with her top off but leggings on, looking pouty in the mirror
>says her husband wants to fuck, but she's stuck thinking about me
>she told him she's still not feeling well and is hiding in the bathroom
>asks me what to do
>tell her to come downstairs, she sends me a video biting her lip
>while I'm making another video of my cock, she comes down the stairs
>I'm in my boxers and have my shirt off
>she's in yoga pants/leggings and an oversized tee, sits down next to me on the futon, pulls her knees up to her chest, watching netflix
>"So..." she says
>"So..." I say
>I run a finger down her leg and she jumps at first, then laughs and covers her face, I ask her to take them off
>she hesitates for a few seconds then hooks her thumbs into them and slides them up over he knees, then down and off
>run my fingers down the bare skin of her leg, she gets goosebumps, but she's still pulled up together
>looks at me in the dark and tells me to "take it out"
>slide my cock out of my boxers, it's standing straight up, she smiles, then sighs and buries her face in her knees

how does it take you nearly 20 minutes just to type that


Seriously, user. Pre-type that shiii.

Storybroadventures dot wordpress dot com

Step it the fuck up man, I've got to be up at 10 am