I started a youtube channel with some friends and am looking for some ideas on how to market this shit...

I started a youtube channel with some friends and am looking for some ideas on how to market this shit. It's gaming which is oversaturated as fuck but half the shit I watch sucks so I'm looking to get in on this and take a cut for myself.

Looking for suggestions on where to post vids, how to generate views and all that stuff.

Pic is unrelated but feel free to post more, may as well fap and chat.

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Best way to boost your channel is to kill yourself on livestream

True but then how would I reap the rewards of said boost? Let me know if you have any ideas on that

post link pls

youtube.com/user /LevelGrindProduction

Have at it, constructive criticism is appreciated, hate will be met with whatever


Gotta make money somehow, may as well be shit I already like doing

Same as NB3 and Sky Williams did it, play with some guy that has a funny voice, anklespankin and dunkey being a good example. make sure to scream a lot as loud as you can, hemorrhoids=views

My voice ain't that funny but I know some people. Would it help or hinder if they were a visible minority?

You gotta remember little kids make up all of your views so make it short and sweet. Only leave in parts that are funny, change your images, change your intro, nothing is entertaining. People want to be entertained

So what would you suggest as a more entertaining intro? Should I aim for more shorter videos?


Shorter doesnt mean better but what im saying is cut out the parts where interesting this arent happening. For an intro id use some real life footage of something that speaks to you like a skit or artsy shit or some dumb shit like drifting then go to the game. And make sure you are verrrrry emotional.

Doesn't matter. Every video length has its audiance. And yes, if said person was a minority it'll encourage all the sick fucks to post hate comments. That's pretty much how Jogi (Filthy Frank) got to where he is now.

Hmm interesting but doing live action shit doesn't seem like a direction I'd like to head in at least for the intro. You have any examples of this, I may be just thinking about it the wrong way.

Interesting, do you think that consistency is important in the sense of daily content or better content but with days in between?

renato laranja
Look up his show on youtube
Look up tommy wisuea plays games
Quality over quantity

Bro this is a job, if you want to make money you need to A, look up your competition, B make plan of action, and C script your shit

No one wants to watch two uninteresting dudes comment about a game with no substance

>ima 14 i want to be youtub channle
>job so easy i make video fee fee and make lota money
>like pwedpie
>please subscribe to me we real cool always making funnies
Op your a fgt quit now u pathetic peice of shit

Rhasaan Orange and Tommy Wiseau were both famous before youtube so both their channels aren't good references but thanks.

Damn, I wish I was 14 still, I'd have much more time to do just this and not have to worry about bills or a job. I, however, am not 14 and yeah maybe I do want to make lots of money, doesn't everyone?

Sorry op your content is shit
commentary is autistic could be more witty
your sound needs adjusting
also did i mention you sound like an autistic spastic

So what about the sound do you think needs to be adjusted? Is it the game sounds or the voice? Could you be more specific?