Please like and rate my facebook page

please like and rate my facebook page.

im going for 10k by this year and i'm loosing followers

did she deny you on ur advances to diddle ur 2 incher?


A thinly veiled attempt to get us to raid this person

Fuck you OP try harder

so much autism...

i know what raid mean and why would you if youve no reason too.

i know Sup Forums has a lot of people and need to get more notice.

I'm not, because I have no reason to. Please English better.

found the sandnigger

fuck off amed

well then how would an attempt too get you too raid even work?

it wouldn't.
so why would it try it i wouldnt.

answered your own question.


can you like my page please

the fuck are you on about

stfu OP

that person said this post was bait too get you too raid my page.
then they said they wouldnt if they have no reason too.

why would i expect you too raid my page if you have no reason too? i wouldn't so why would i make a post? i wouldnt.

i need likes on my page, i know a lot of people use this site so i tried on here

I will like if you GTFO

please like my page

Didn't even post tits

Get the fuck out of here

Looking at the page you claim to own, the owner is at least capable of differentiating between too and to.. Nice try. English better next time you try too doo this kind of thing.

why the fuck would i post tits? who the fuck do you think you are.

if my page was sexual or nude art but otherwise fuck off

Not fooling anyone. NYPA. Fuck off.

what does nypa mean?
and no. ive as much right being here as anyone